The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

 Let the consecutive odd numbers be x and (x+2).x+(x+2)=68⇒2x+2=68⇒2x=68−2⇒x=663321⇒x=33∴The required numbers are 33 and (33+2), i.e., 35.

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

Let one of the smallest odd no be x therefore another consecutive odd no would be x+2 .given sum of no is 68 iex+(x+2)=682x+2=682x=66x=33

therefore two no are 33 and 35

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

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The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

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The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number
The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number

The sum of two consecutive odd number is 68 find the number