Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa correta

Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa correta

Karli8zaferalapaule @Karli8zaferalapaule

December 2019 1 62 Report

Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa correta:“paul, robert and i gave flowers to helen”. a) they – its b) we – them c) we – its d) they – them e) nda

Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa correta

c) my d) mine e) his 4. Which of these books is yours? _____ is that thick one. a) your b) me c) my d) mine e) his 5. My house is new. _____ windows are red. a) their b) it c) you d) They e) its 5. My house is new. _____ windows are red. a) their b) it c) you d) They e) its 6. You like my car, but I prefer _________. a) mine b) your c) yours d) Its e) n.d.a 6. You like my car, but I prefer _________. a) mine b) your c) yours d) Its e) n.d.a 7. The apartment belongs to that man and his wife. It is ________ apartment. a) his b) them c) her d) their e) n.d.a 7. The apartment belongs to that man and his wife. It is ________ apartment. a) his b) them c) her d) their e) n.d.a 8. “What is the name of that man?” “________ name is Tim Baker.” a) her b) his c) your d) hers e) n.d.a 8. “What is the name of that man?” “________ name is Tim Baker.” a) her b) his c) your d) hers e) n.d.a 9. Assinale a alternativa que preenche adequadamente as lacunas: I) She is Fernanda Montenegro, but ____ real name is ArleteTorres. II)You are Grande Otelo, but ______ real name is Sebastão Prata. III) He is Ringo Star, but ______ real name is Richard Stakney. IV)You are Gal, but _____ real name is Maria da Graça. V)We are Pelé and Zico, but ____ real names are Edson and Artur. a) your – your – his – your – their b) her – your – his – your – their c) her – his – his – your – their d) her – your – his – your – our e) her – your – his – our – your 9. Assinale a alternativa que preenche adequadamente as lacunas: I) She is Fernanda Montenegro, but ____ real name is ArleteTorres. II)You are Grande Otelo, but ______ real name is Sebastão Prata. III) He is Ringo Star, but ______ real name is Richard Stakney. IV)You are Gal, but _____ real name is Maria da Graça. V)We are Pelé and Zico, but ____ real names are Edson and Artur. a) your – your – his – your – their b) her – your – his – your – their c) her – his – his – your – their d) her – your – his – your – our e) her – your – his – our – your 10. Substituindo os nomes grifados por pronomes, teremos: Paul loves Carol and Carol loves Paul a) him / she / he / she b) he / her / she / he c) him / her / she / he d) he / she /she /him e) he / her / she / him 10. Substituindo os nomes grifados por pronomes, teremos: Paul loves Carol and Carol loves Paul a) him / she / he / she b) he / her / she / he c) him / her / she / he d) he / she /she /him e) he / her / she / him 11. Substituindo o nome grifado por pronome, teremos: The baby is crying. a) it. b) him c) they d) we e) its 11. Substituindo o nome grifado por pronome, teremos: The baby is crying. a) it. b) him c) they d) we e) its 12. Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa CORRETA: “Paul, Robert and I gave flowers to Helen”. a) They / they / its b) We / them / she c) We / its / her d) They / them / her e) We / them / her. 12. Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa CORRETA: “Paul, Robert and I gave flowers to Helen”. a) They / they / its b) We / them / she c) We / its / her d) They / them / her e) We / them / her. 13. Analise as frases abaixo e veja quantas empregaram corretamente os Possessivos. I – She loves her husband. II – Peter brought his dog and I brought mine. III –We are reading ours newspaper. IV –This umbrella is my. a) Apenas uma b) Apenas duas c) Apenas três d)Todas e) Nenhuma 13. Analise as frases abaixo e veja quantas empregaram corretamente os Possessivos. I – She loves her husband. II – Peter brought his dog and I brought mine. III –We are reading ours newspaper. IV –This umbrella is my. a) Apenas uma b) Apenas duas c) Apenas três d)Todas e) Nenhuma 14. Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente os possessivos em inglês: a) Those shoes are his b) This sweater is her c) I don’t like theirs friends d) You can sell yours car e) n.d.a 14. Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente os possessivos em inglês: a) Those shoes are his b) This sweater is her c) I don’t like theirs friends d) You can sell yours car e) n.d.a 15. Na frase “These are _____ pens, not ______” qual a alternativa que contém os possessivos para completá-la corretamente? a) my – your b) my – yours c) mine – yours d) mine – your e) n.d.a 15. Na frase “These are _____ pens, not ______” qual a alternativa que contém os possessivos para completá-la corretamente? a) my – your b) my – yours c) mine – yours d) mine – your e) n.d.a

Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa correta
Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa correta
Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa correta

Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa correta

completa CORRETAMENTE as sentenças abaixo: “Hello, ______________________ we all here today? No, someone_________________ missing. a) are / am b) is / am c) are / is d) are / are 4. “Is Henry tired? “” – Yes, ________________ is tired”. a) he b) she c) him d) they 5. Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa CORRETA: “Paul, Robert and I gave flowers to Helen”. a) they – its b) we – her c) we – its d) they – them Respostas 1. 1) are = The buses = os ônibus = sujeito = eles = they 2) are = People = pessoas = sujeito = elas = they 3) is = Their friend = o/a amigo(a) dele(a) = sujeito = ele(a) = he/she 4) am 5) are 6) is 7) The men = os homens = eles = they = are. 8) The man = o homen = ele = he = is. 9) People = as pessoas = elas = they = are. 10) Was 2. (C) / 3. (C) / 4. (A) / 5. (B) Verbal Tenses Na língua Inglesa, assim como em outras, existem os tempos verbais que são as variações do verbo usadas para indicar em qual momento a ação expressada está acontecendo. São ao todo, doze tempos verbais, que estudaremos a seguir. Presente Simples (Simple Present) O Simple Present Tense expressa: Ações habituais e Verdades eternas. Usamos o verbos no infinitivo, sem a partícula “to”. Formação: Em frases afirmativas, usamos o verbo sem nenhuma modificação, exceto para as terceiras pessoas do singular (he, she, it). Para esses, seguem as regras a seguir: 1) De modo geral, a maioria dos verbos recebe um -s ao final: read » reads sing » sings run » runs write » writes sit » sits sleep » sleeps open » opens 2) Mas, se o verbo terminar com as letras -o, -s, -sh, - ch, -x ou -z você terá de acrescentar -es: go » goes do » does miss » misses wash » washes watch » watches fix » fixes buzz » buzzes 3) Caso o verbo termina em uma sequência de consoante e ‘y’ – exemplos são try, reply, hurry, cry e outros – você deverá jogar o pobre do ‘y’ na lata do lixo e colocar ‘-ies‘. Veja, Apostila Digital Licenciada para PAULO CESAR COSTA NEVES - (Proibida a Revenda) - APOSTILAS OPÇÃO Língua Inglesa 16 try » tries reply » replies hurry » hurries cry » cries Preste atenção ao fato de isso se aplicar apenas a verbos terminados em uma sequência de consoante e ‘y’. Verbos que terminam com vogal e ‘y’ prevalece a regra geral, ou seja, acrescente apenas o ‘s‘. stay » stays play » plays pray » prays 4) Como não poderia deixar de ser, há uma exceção a tudo isto. Tem um verbo que tem forma própria para as terceiras pessoas do singular (he, she e it). Trata-se do verbo have, que com estes pronomes vira ‘has‘: have » has Não se esqueça que essas regras são apenas para as frases afirmativas! Short Answers São respostas curtas, que são dadas, sempre que a pergunta começa com DO ou DOES: Do you play tennis? Yes, I Do. No, I don't. Does Jannie speak French? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. Passado Simples (Simple Past) Verbos Regulares O passado simples dos verbos regulares é formado acrescentando-se ED ao infinitivo. A mesma forma é usada para todas as pessoas. A forma negativa dos verbos regulares (e irregulares) é formada com DID NOT e o infinitivo do verbo (sem TO). A forma interrogativa dos verbos regulares (e irregulares) é formada com DID mais o sujeito e o infinitivo (sem TO). Usos do Simple Past Ação terminada no passado, com expressões como: yesterday, the day before yesterday; qualquer expressão formada com last e ago. Examples: I studied English yesterday. He bought a car the day before yesterday. We travelled last month. She made a cake two days ago. Short Answer: Did you work yesterday? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Did not = didn’t. Verbos Irregulares Os Verbos irregulares variam consideravelmente na sua forma no passado. Mas eles também são iguais para todas as pessoas. Assim como os verbos regulares, os irregulares também são usados somente nas frases afirmativas. Nas formas negativas e interrogativas, o verbo volta para sua forma presente, pois o auxiliar já está no passado (DID – Passado de DO). Segue a lista dos principais verbos irregulares: Forma Base Passado Simples Particípio Passado Tradução Português arise arose arisen surgir, erguer-se awake awoke awoken despertar be was, were been ser, estar bear bore borne suportar beat beat beaten bater become became become tornar-se begin began begun começar bend bent bent curvar bet bet bet apostar bid bid bid oferecer bite bit bitten morder bleed bled bled sangrar blow blew blown assoprar, explodir break broke broken quebrar bring brought brought trazer build built built construir buy bought bought comprar catch caught caught pegar, capturar choose chose chosen escolher come came come vir cost cost cost custar cut cut cut cortar deal dealt dealt negociar, tratar dig dug dug cavocar do did done fazer draw drew drawn desenhar drink drank drunk beber drive drove driven dirigir, ir de carro eat ate eaten comer fall fell fallen cair feed fed fed alimentar feel felt felt sentir, sentir-se fight fought fought lutar Apostila Digital Licenciada para PAULO CESAR COSTA NEVES - (Proibida a Revenda) - APOSTILAS OPÇÃO Língua Inglesa 17 find found found achar, encontrar fly flew flown voar, pilotar forbid forbade forbidden proibir forget forgot forgot, forgotten esquecer forgive forgave forgiven perdoar freeze froze frozen congelar, paralisar get got gotten, got Obter, pegar, chegar give gave given dar go went gone ir grow grew grown crescer, cultivar have had had ter, beber, comer hear heard heard ouvir hide hid hidden, hid esconder hit hit hit bater hold held held segurar hurt hurt hurt machucar keep kept kept guardar, manter know knew known saber, conhecer leave left left deixar, partir lend lent lent dar emprestado let let let deixar, alugar lie lay lain deitar lose lost lost perder, extraviar make made made fazer, fabricar mean meant meant significar meet met met encontrar, conhecer overcome overcame overcome superar pay paid paid pagar put put put colocar quit quit quit abandonar read read read ler ride rode ridden andar ring rang rung tocar rise rose risen subir, erguer-se run ran run correr saw sawed sawn serrar say said said dizer see saw seen ver sell sold sold vender send sent sent mandar shine shone shone brilhar, reluzir shoot shot shot atirar, alvejar show showed shown mostrar, exibir shut shut shut fechar, cerrar sing sang sung cantar sink sank sunk afundar, submergir sit sat sat sentar sleep slept slept dormir speak spoke spoken falar spend spent spent gastar spread spread spread espalhar spring sprang sprung fazer saltar stand stood stood ficar de pé steal stole stolen roubar strike struck struck golpear, atacar sweep swept swept varrer swim swam swum nadar take took taken Tomar, pegar teach taught taught ensinar, dar aula tell told told contar think thought thought pensar throw threw thrown atirar, arremessar understand understood understood entender wear wore worn vestir, usar, gastar win won won vencer, ganhar write wrote written escrever, redigir Futuro Simples (Simple Future) Usos do Simple Future - Expressar ações no futuro com expressões de tempo, porém de maneira incerta. They will arrive soon. - Expressar pedidos. Will you be quiet? O Simple Future diferencia-se do Near Future exatamente nesse aspecto. O Near Future indica um futuro certo, pois é planejado. I will travel next holidays. (Simple Future) I am going to travel this afternoon. (Near Future)