Sql server export query result as insert statements

Sometimes you want to generate an INSERT script from existing data, perhaps with one or two values tweaked. It’s a pain to hand-crank the INSERT when you can see exactly what you want using a SELECT statement. It’s also a bit long-winded to use SQL import/export wizards or other tools. Sometimes, you just want to convert a SQL SELECT into an INSERT script. Here’s how.

Change the three user variables at the top to say

  • Whether the primary key field should be included or not
  • Which table you want to operate against
  • What filter you want to apply to the data, for example WHERE Id = 1
     @includePK BIT = 1,
     @table VARCHAR(MAX) = 'LogEntry',
     @dataFilter VARCHAR(MAX) = 'WHERE date = ''2020-03-10'' '

     @columnNames VARCHAR(MAX) = '',
     @getDataColumnScript VARCHAR(MAX),
     @queryToGenerateScript VARCHAR(MAX)

-- Get a list of all colmuns
SELECT @columnNames = STUFF
     SELECT ',['+ NAME +']' FROM sys.all_columns 
     AND (is_identity != 1 OR @includePK = 1)
     FOR XML PATH('')

-- Create a the column part of the select using the column names
SELECT @getDataColumnScript = STUFF
     SELECT ' ISNULL(QUOTENAME(' + NAME + ',' + QUOTENAME('''','''''') + '),' + '''NULL''' + ')+'',''' + '+' FROM sys.all_columns 
     AND (is_identity != 1 OR @includePK = 1)
     FOR XML PATH('')

SELECT @queryToGenerateScript = 'SELECT ''' +
     'INSERT INTO ' + @table + '(' + @columnNames + ')' + 
     'VALUES(''' + '+' + SUBSTRING(@getDataColumnScript, 1, LEN(@getDataColumnScript) -5) + '+' + ''')''' + ' OutputScript ' +
     'FROM ' + @table + ' ' + @dataFilter

EXECUTE (@queryToGenerateScript)

Result (it doesn’t come out looking “pretty”, but I made it readable here by adding whitespace).

    '2020-03-10 00:00:00.0000000',
    '1900-01-01 09:40:09.0000000',

There are some limitations. This script isn’t going to check your column types, so everything is gonna be a string. SQL usually does alright with this, but you might find some loss of precision in datetime fields. It also doesn’t append the additional code to set identity insert on. I might add this later.

Sql server export query result as insert statements

Written by Steve Fenton
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Steve Fenton is an Octonaut at Octopus Deploy and five-time Microsoft MVP for developer technologies. He’s a Software Punk and writer.

How do I save SQL Server results as insert statement?

Right click on the database > Tasks > Generate Scripts..
Select "Select specific database objects" and check the table you want scripted, Next..
Click Advanced > in the list of options, scroll down to the bottom and look for the "Types of data to script" and change it to "Data Only" > OK..

How do I export query results in SQL Server?

To export the query results from the SQL Manager:.
In the SQL Manager tool, complete your query..
At the top-center of the results table, next to Export, click the format for the file: xls – Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file. ... .
In the File Download window, click Save and select the location to save the file to..

How do you insert the result of a SQL query into a table?

To create an Insert Results query.
Create a new query and add the table from which you want to copy rows (the source table). ... .
From the Query Designer menu, point to Change Type, and then click Insert Results..

How do I export SQL query result to text file in SQL Server?

However, if you prefer to export SQL query results to a text file via a Wizard, we have your back..
To begin with, right-click the database in SQL Server Management Studio or SSMS..
Then, select the Import or Export data option and head to Export Data under Tasks..
Next, open the SQL Server Import and Export wizard..