Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home

Today I am bringing you some fun little tidbit if you have yet to play or have a child in the S4 Get to work (GTW).

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Once installed the S4 GTW brings a bunch of new features that are a lot of fun. A new one and one that I am going to talk about on it’s own is that you can now have your baby at the hospital. Once you’ve gone into labor and have chosen to have your baby at the hospital you get a prompt asking if you’d like to join them or not. I had completely forgot about this feature until it popped up and was so excited to join.

You get brought to the hospital and you can choose to take people with you. Naturally since it was their first and only child I invited the dad to come along.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
You arrive and are at the entrance of the hospital. If you work there, or have ever had a sim work there you are familiar with the layout. The sim will change into a hospital gown and follow the doctor into the room with the birthing tables (What are they called?). Your sim will get onto it and have the baby while the machine does it’s business. It’s fun to watch and also a little silly. I love the fact that after they are born they are placed into a little hospital clear blue bassinet. I wish that we could purchase those for them to use because I like the way they look, call me crazy.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
One of my favorite parts about this whole birthing process is that you now get a birth certificate! You will get a little notification saying the doctor has authenticated the child’s birth or something along those lines and it will show up in you inventory. I hung it up on the wall with their family pictures right after the birth. I do not know if babies born at home get these or not. I will report back with that answer when I find out. 
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home

I hope you guys enjoyed this posting and encourages you to go try out the S4 Get to Work or you just liked reading this and watching my hospital birthing experience.

Is there any benefit of picking one option over another? If not I don't see the point of giving birth at the hospital unless you felt like it.

Zaishi 13 years ago#4

Going to the hospital can be faster in some situations. What happens is the water breaks and you get a message saying the baby is on it's way and to go to the hospital or home. If you go home she'll be in labor for like an hour or something before giving birth. If you go to the hospital right away the baby comes out faster I think.

It's not fun at all, it's a waste of time.

"it will show you what traits it has taken from the parents."

That doesn't happen. If you kept her mood high during the pregnancy (which is easy) you get to pick two traits. If her mood was low you get random traits depending on how low (the worse her mood the worse the traits).

mokeymokey 13 years ago#5

Oh yeah, I forgot that with the Sims 3 you aren't confined to your house. So I guess I will be going to the hospital. What do most of the NPC's do?

A while ago, we wrote a walkthrough and review of the Sims 4 Realistic Childbirth mod by Pandasama. Since then, the mod has undergone numerous updates, adding new features along the way. The latest update is one of the largest updates so far, which adds home births as an option to deliver your baby in The Sims 4!

Sims 4 Realistic Childbirth – Home Birth Update

We loved our last playthrough of this mod and we can’t wait to explore this update, so let’s get right to it!

Preparing for a Home Birth

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home

There is now a new option in the Sims 4 Realistic Childbirth mod for delivering your baby when you call the obstetrician. Pregnant Sims can call their obstetrician in their 2nd trimester and opt for a home birth!

Once you’ve selected the home birth option, you’ll want to get the house set up for the delivery. If you’d like to give birth in a bed, purchase the birthing pillows from Build/Buy and place them on any double bed. If you’d rather have a water birth, purchase the birthing pool. Both the bed and the pool need to have space around them for the bassinet to spawn after delivery. If there isn’t space, the baby may spawn in an unreachable spot.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 Home Birth Objects

Pre-birth activities previously only available at the hospital are now available for home births in The Sims 4, so you may want to purchase the exercise ball, too.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home

Don’t forget to ask another Sim to be your birth companion before labour starts! A birth companion is required for a bed birth. Sims can ask both friends and romantic partners to be their companion but Pandasama recommends a romantic partner due to the intimacy of the animations.

It’s Time! Realistic Childbirth Style!

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home

When labour starts, click your Sim and select Start Home Birth. This is a very important part of The Sims 4 Realistic Childbirth mod. The birth will not happen properly unless you do this. Do not select Have Baby. This is the EA home birth that has your Sim give birth standing up in front of a bassinet.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Assessing baby’s health
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Checking dilation

Once you have started the home birth process, you can call a midwife to come and assist with the birth. A midwife is optional for a bed birth but required for a water birth. A midwife can assess the baby’s health and check your Sim’s dilation. If a Sim in the household is in the Doctor career, they can also do these things. You can call a midwife at any point during labour but they charge $120/hr so if you’re low on funds, you may want to wait until your Sim is nearly ready to give birth.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home

Just like natural births at the hospital, your Sim will be in early labour a long time with The Sims 4 Realistic Childbirth mod. You can help speed things along by doing pre-birth activities at home: cuddle with your partner in the birth pool, take hot baths, walk around, use the exercise ball, do breathing exercises, or sway and get massages from your partner in order to trigger active labour sooner.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Some examples of moodlets your Sim might get during labour

When your Sim is 10cm dilated, they are ready to start pushing. Make sure you have a birth companion if you want a bed birth and click the birthing pillows to begin delivering the baby. If you want a water birth, make sure there is a midwife present and click the birthing pool to begin the delivery.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Giving birth in a bed
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Giving birth in water

Your Sim will push with the assistance of the midwife or companion for a short period of time. When the baby is born, there will be some very heartwarming animations while both parents bond with the newborn.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home
Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home

When the delivery is 100% complete and the baby is in a bassinet next to the bed or birth pool, move the bassinet away from the bed/pool before deleting the birth pillow or pool! If you don’t, you will delete your baby, too!

Our Thoughts

I’d been waiting anxiously for this update to the Realistic Childbirth mod for a long time because I knew it would be perfect in my medieval save. It was even better than I’d hoped it would be. I actually found myself tearing up while Bob and Eliza bonded with their new baby. It was just so precious and heartwarming in a very authentic way. The animations really tug at your heartstrings and make every moment feel so special, and the wide variety of moodlets allowed me to really get inside Eliza’s mind and feel all the emotions she was feeling.

This mod has been a must-have for realism lovers and family gameplay enthusiasts since day one but this latest update really elevates it to an even higher quality. I’m beyond impressed with absolutely everything.

Sims 4 have baby at hospital or home

This version of the Realistic Childbirth Mod is currently in early access but will go public on October 26th, 2022! Click the button below to be taken right to the download page on Pandasama‘s Patreon!

Can you give birth at home in Sims 4?

Pregnant Sims can call their obstetrician in their 2nd trimester and opt for a home birth! Once you've selected the home birth option, you'll want to get the house set up for the delivery. If you'd like to give birth in a bed, purchase the birthing pillows from Build/Buy and place them on any double bed.

Can Sims have miscarriages?

Miscarriage per se does not occur in The Sims 2, but if a pregnant Sim dies, the baby will effectively be lost, as in the case of Olivia Monty's unborn baby. Family members will not get a memory of losing the baby, only the Sim who died.

How to have a baby Sims 4?

To have your Sims try for a baby, click on a place where the Sims can normally WooHoo, select Try For Baby With..., and select the name of the other Sim.

How long does it take for a Sim to give birth?

Sims take around 3 in-game days to give birth, but you can speed that up with these 4 cheats: Make Sim pregnant in first trimester: sims. add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester1.