Python timezone Pacific time

Timezone is a hard problem. DST is even a harder problem. I found myself walking into problems and problems when I started using datetime in Python properly. So I decide to write a blog to share my experience.

“Naive” and “Aware”

The first thing to know is that in Python there are : offset-naive and offset-aware. Offset naive means that the datetime has no timezone information. It could be very error prone if you are new to Python. If you mix a naive datetime and aware datetime, you will get an error. And Python does not have built-in timezone support, you need to use pytz, a module for timezone information.

import pytz
from datetime import datetime
tznaive_datetime = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0)
tzaware_datetime = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
# this will raise an error
tznaive_datetime == tzaware_datetime

To avoid this kind of problem, you will have to make sure that your datetime objects are always offset-naive or always offset-aware. But we can’t avoid dealing with timezone, so my best practice is to always work with offset-aware datetime.

Python default is naive datetime. now() returns naive datetime in your local timezone, and utcnow() also returns a naive datetime, even the function already indicates the UTC timezone! You will need the pytz module and also

import datetime
import pytz
import tzlocal
def utcnow():
return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
def now():
return tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(
0 module to get things right. Below is how I get time with the right timezone.

import datetime
import pytz
import tzlocal
def utcnow():
return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
def now():
return tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(

Parsing datetime with timezone

Update: This is only is an issue in Python 2

Another surprise is python

import datetime
import pytz
import tzlocal
def utcnow():
return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
def now():
return tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(
1 parser does not work with timezone. The below code will just fail.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.strptime('2017-11-15T12:00:00-0700', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
ValueError: 'z' is a bad directive in format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%m:%S%z'

To parse datetime with timezone, you will need another module

import datetime
import pytz
import tzlocal
def utcnow():
return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
def now():
return tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(
2 . This module provides a parser that will work with timezone. Now you can parse datetime with timezone!

>>> from dateutil import parser
>>> parser.parse('2017-11-15T12:00:00-07')
datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 15, 12, 0, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, -25200))

Timedelta and DST

The last thing you need to be careful when manipulating offset-aware datetime. pytz will help you to tell if an date is under DST influence by checking

import datetime
import pytz
import tzlocal
def utcnow():
return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
def now():
return tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(
4 method.

>>> import pytz
>>> pst = pytz.timezone("US/Pacific")
>>> pst.localize(datetime(2017, 10, 1)).dst()
datetime.timedelta(0, 3600)
>>> pst.localize(datetime(2017, 12, 1)).dst()

Note: DST for 2017 ended at Nov 5th. So any date after Nov 5th will have

import datetime
import pytz
import tzlocal
def utcnow():
return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
def now():
return tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(

But the

import datetime
import pytz
import tzlocal
def utcnow():
return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
def now():
return tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(
4 information is not updated when you manipulate the datetime

>>> (pst.localize(datetime(2017, 10, 1)) + timedelta(days=60)).dst()
datetime.timedelta(0, 3600)

What you can really do is to convert back to naive-offset datetime, then apply the delta…

pst.localize(yourdate.replace(tzinfo=None) + td).dst()


Working with Datetime in Python is error prone. It’s because Python does not support well datetime and timezone. You will have to use a lot of additional modules. However, there is actually a silver bullet, you can just use arrow. This module provides a replacement for python datetime module, and it is always offset-aware, and it also solves all problems that I mention above. The only thing I may be worry is the integration with other external applications like Spark.

How do I get the current PST time in Python?

Ways to get Current Date And Time in Python.
The now() method from the datetime class returns the current local date and time. ... .
Nextly, we use the strftime() method to convert the dt (datetime object) into a formattable string..
Finally, we print the current date and time in our desired manner..

How do I change time zone in Python?

Converting Between Timezones Use the datetime. astimezone() method to convert the datetime from one timezone to another. This method uses an instance of the datetime object and returns a new datetime of a given timezone.

What is UTC to PST?

UTC is 8 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (e.g., 0000 UTC is 1600 PST the previous day, while 1200 UTC is 0400 PST the same day), and 7 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time (e.g., 0000 UTC is 1700 PDT the previous day, while 1200 UTC is 0500 PDT the same day).

How to convert timezone to UTC Python?

Use the pytz module, which comes with a full list of time zones + UTC. Figure out what the local timezone is, construct a timezone object from it, and manipulate and attach it to the naive datetime. Finally, use datetime. astimezone() method to convert the datetime to UTC.