Make two Venn diagrams about external and internal criticism and primary and secondary resources

Primary sources are firsthand, contemporary accounts of events created by individuals during that period of time or several years later (such as correspondence, diaries, memoirs and personal histories). These original records can be found in several media such as print, artwork, and audio and visual recording. Examples of primary sources include manuscripts, newspapers, speeches, cartoons, photographs, video, and artifacts. Primary sources can be described as those sources that are closest to the origin of the information. They contain raw information and thus, must be interpreted by researchers.

Secondary sources are closely related to primary sources and often interpret them. These sources are documents that relate to information that originated elsewhere. Secondary sources often use generalizations, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of primary sources. Examples of secondary sources include textbooks, articles, and reference books.

Historical research answers the question, “How did things use to be?” When examining documents, historical researchers are faced with two key issues: primary versus secondary sources and external versus internal criticism.

A primary source was prepared by someone who was a participant or direct witness to an event. A secondary source was prepared by someone who obtained his or her information about an event from someone else.

External criticism refers to the authenticity of the document. Once a document has been determined to be genuine (external criticism), researchers need to determine if the content is accurate (internal criticism).

We conduct historical research for a number of reasons:

  • – to avoid the mistakes of the past
  • – to apply lessons from the past to current problems
  • – to use the past to make predictions about the present
  • – to understand present practices and policies in light of the past
  • – to examine trends across time

 Del Siegle, Ph.D. University of Connecticut

Primary sources were either created during the time period being studied or were created at a later date by a participant in the events being studied (as in the case of memoirs).  They reflect the individual viewpoint of a participant or observer.  Primary sources enable the researcher to get as close as possible to what actually happened during an historical event or time period

A secondary source is a work that interprets or analyzes an historical event or phenomenon.  It is generally at least one step removed from the event is often based on primary sources.  Examples include:  scholarly or popular books and articles, reference books, and textbooks.

What is a Primary Source?

Primary sources are the historical documents used by historians as evidence. Examples of primary sources include diaries, personal journals, government records, court records, property records, newspaper articles, military reports, military rosters, and many other things.

In contrast, a secondary source is the typical history book which may discuss a person, event or other historical topic. A good secondary source uses primary sources as evidence.

The key to determining whether an item may be considered to be a primary source is to ask how soon after the event was the information recorded. This can be a problem with an autobiography, memoir, reminiscence, etc. if the author is working several years with only the memory of what happened. Your history professor will disallow most or all of these as primary sources.

Using Primary Sources on the Web This guide provides an overview of what primary sources are with examples. Information about finding, using, evaluating and citing them is also included. Site developed by the American Library Association.  

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ASSIGNMENT 1Make two Venn diagrams about external and internal criticism and primary andsecondary resources. See your course guide for deadline, instructions, and rubric forscoring. Below is the format of a venn diagram.Self- conductedConducted by othersProvidesOften necessary toanswer specific researchquestionsinfo thatspecificallyanswersresearchNecessary to understandwhat research has alreadybeen conducted

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