How to stop cat nail bleeding

Often, we will see pets come in with a broken or torn nail. These are usually very bloody messes and will scare owners. Do not fear; yes, there is a lot of blood but with some help, we can stop or minimize the bleeding until you can see the Veterinarian. We encourage owners to learn how to trim their pets’ nails or bring them in regularly to help avoid them getting too long, but sometimes accidents happens and they can get caught in the oddest of places. Trimming the nails at home is a great idea, but again sometimes accidents happen, and you might end up trimming a little bit more than intended.

Anatomy of the Nail
Most mammals have a hard-outer nail surface that is made of keratin and meant to protect the inside parts of the nail. The outside layers will continue to grow long if not worn down or trimmed regularly. The inside of the nail is made up of sensitive tissues with a very good blood supply will also grow longer if it is left undamaged. The inside sensitive layer is known as the ‘quick’ of the nail and will bleed

if it is cut too short or the nail breaks closer to the nail bed. At the base of the nail is bone, much the same as humans. In most cats, they will have white nails so you can visually see the quick, which makes trimming nails easier. In dogs, it can be much more difficult as they may also have black nails which makes the quick very hard to see. When trimming nails at home, it is always safer to take less off the tip of the nail and do this in stages to be sure not to cut too close. If you want your pets’ nails to become shorter, than trimming nails can be done every couple weeks as needed, this will damage the keratin layer and cause the quick to retract closer to the nail bed allowing you to take more off each time and eventually getting the nails to an appropriate length.

Torn Nail? Here Is What You Can Do:

  • Identify which toe is bleeding and asses if the nail is completely off or just broken (you may not spot the place of the break) be careful, your pet will be in pain and might not appreciate it touched.
  • Grab something small and absorbent and apply pressure to the bleeding area. If the nail is still attached then try not to move it.
  • If the nail has completely torn off, you can wait until the bleeding subsides and soak the foot in warm water and Epsom salts baths twice daily.
  • If the nail is still attached, you will need to book an appointment to have it assessed.
  • If the nail is not attached, then it can be monitored for any infection. If an acquired smell or discharge presents, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your Veterinarian.
  • Stop your pet from licking the torn nail- this will lead to infection and antibiotics may be needed.
  • You may need to asses the pets pain level to make sure any pain medication is not required. If they are limping or sore then an appointment should be made.

Trimmed a Nail Too Short? Here Is What You Can Do:

  • Immediately apply pressure to the end of the nail with a towel or something absorbent.
  • Wait till the bleeding lessens and use something to help the quick clot but pressing the nail tip into the powder.
  • Flast Klot- can be bought at any pet store and is a powder used to help stop the bleeding by firmly pressing the nail tip into a pile of powder.
  • Corn starch- can also be used to stop the bleeding by pressing the tip firming into a pile of corn starch.
  • If after using either of these options or you don’t have these items at home you can call your veterinary clinic and advised them you need help.

How to stop cat nail bleeding

Written By: Carly Jeffery, RVT

Trimming cat nails may not sound like a job for the faint of heart, especially with the pressure of avoiding the quick. If you cut the quick when trimming cat nails, it can be painful for your feline and can lead to bleeding.

So, what is the quick exactly, and how do you avoid hitting the quick when trimming cat nails?

What Is the Quick?

The quick contains the blood vessels, nerves and other tissues that support a cat’s nail. In cat nails that are light-colored, it’s usually quite easy to see the triangular pink quick at the base of the nail. The clear portion of the nail in front of the quick (toward the top) does not contain any nerves or blood vessels, which is why cutting this area is not painful.

If the nail is dark, you’ll have to err on the side of caution to avoid hitting the quick. For dark cat nails, start with a cut near the tip. You can always trim off more.

Cutting into the quick does hurt and can cause some bleeding, but it’s not the end of the world. It’s very much like breaking your fingernail back so far that it bleeds; not something you look forward to but also not a disaster. Don’t let fear of hitting the quick stop you from learning how to trim cat nails. Simply have the right tools on hand and know how to use them.

How to Avoid the Quick

The first step is to get your cat accustomed to having her feet handled. Every negative experience your cat has will make this process longer, so focus on being relaxed and positive. As your cat warms up to gentle foot handling, practice holding and moving their toes and nails. Offer praise and treats and stay calm regardless of the reaction you receive.

Next, assemble your tools. The last thing you want is to be halfway through the trim and realize you’re missing something crucial. Here’s a list of what you might need:

  • Small flashlight – A bright source of light can help you identify exactly where the quick ends.
  • Nail trimmer/clipper – While a sharp blade may seem intimidating, it’s necessary for a comfortable, clean cut. Choose a trimmer you’re confident using. Options like the ConairPRO cat nail clippers come with a safety guard so you don’t end up cutting nails too short.
  • Nail file – Once you make your cut, you may need to smooth out the nail with a file. Hertzko professional dog and cat nail clipper and nail file comes with both the trimmer and the file for convenience.
  • Styptic powder – In the event that you do cut too far, you’ll want something on hand to stop the bleeding. Cornstarch can work in an emergency, but styptic powder is more efficient. Miracle Care Kwik-Stop styptic powder for dogs, cats and birds includes benzocaine, which helps relieve the sting of styptic powder and the pain associated with a minor wound.

Some products, like the JW Pet styptic powder, come with an applicator cap to easily dispense styptic powder onto the nail. This can be easier than trying to wrangle your cat’s foot into an awkward position.

  • Nail grinder – If you’re apprehensive about using trimmers, a nail grinder may be your salvation. You can also use a grinder to file and polish down an already cut nail. If the cut is not as clean as desired (particularly if your trimmers are dull), the cat may catch or tear the nail.

The FURminator nail grinder for dogs and cats comes with an automatic LED light for maximum control.

Another feature to look for in a grinder is a wireless design. The Dremel 7300-PT dog and cat nail grinder kit is wireless, allowing you to get into whatever position works best for you and your cat.

  • Treats – If your cat is food motivated, have some cat treats nearby to both soothe and use as a reward. Treats can also entice your cat to willingly return for a future trim.

Once you’re equipped with all the necessary tools, consider asking a second person to help you. Having someone else there to gently restrain and comfort your cat can make all the difference. Lightly grasp your cat’s paw and press on the top of a toe to extend the nail, maintaining light pressure on the pad. Cut the nail a few millimeters past where the quick ends. If the quick is not visible, remember to err on the side of caution and cut near the tip.

Importance of Trimming Cat Nails

If you adopt your cat at a young age, it’s relatively easy to make nail trimming an accepted part of her routine, but rest assured that even older felines can eventually get on board.

All grooming, including nail trimming, is an important part of a cat’s health care program. It’s not purely an aesthetic concern, either. Cats with excessively long nails have difficulty functioning around the home. Cat nails that have grown too long are prone to getting stuck, tearing or being pulled off. In extreme cases, they can even puncture a cat’s paws.

You can help protect your cat, your furniture and your own skin by keeping your kitty’s claws short.

If cutting your cat’s nails at home proves to be an unpleasant experience for you and your cat, don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian or groomer for assistance. Whatever makes you and your cat the most comfortable is the best option.

Image via Sandalov