How to see who you just played with on fortnite

We want to provide a safe and fun environment for players in Fortnite. To help maintain this, you can report bad player behavior in-game. 

  1. In-game, click the menu icon. If you’re already in a match, you can:
    • On PC/Mac, press Esc.
    • On PlayStation, press the Options button.
    • On Xbox, press the Menu button.
    • On Switch, press the + button.
  3. On the Feedback Type tab, select REPORT PLAYER.
  4. Select the reason you want to report the player. 
  5. Select the player's name you wish to report.
    Note: You can only select the name of a player you recently played with.
  6. On the SUBMIT tab, select ACCEPT to send the report.
  7. Select SEND REPORT.

We’ll review your submission and apply the appropriate action based on our Terms of Service and Code of Conduct.

You can play Fortnite with friends on any platform! Follow these steps to add friends.

Important: If you are playing on any other platform other than PC or Mac, you'll need to enable cross-play to play with friends on other platforms. This option is located under Settings --> Account --> Gameplay Privacy.

  1. Open Fortnite.
  2. From the lobby, click on the main menu on the top left.
    How to see who you just played with on fortnite

  3. Click on Add Friends icon.
    How to see who you just played with on fortnite
  4. Enter the Epic display name of your friend.
    How to see who you just played with on fortnite

  5. Click on the Add Friend button.
    How to see who you just played with on fortnite
  6. You will receive a notification that the friend request has successfully been sent.
    How to see who you just played with on fortnite
  7. Once your friend request has been accepted you will see them in your friend list whether they're offline or online.
    How to see who you just played with on fortnite

Heya Folks,  We’re excited to finally be able share the replay system we’ve been working on for Fortnite Battle Royale with you!  You can now save your matches and watch them again from any angle, and share those hype plays with the entire squad. Adjust all sorts of cameras and settings to capture awesome cinematic moments on the battlefield. You can also use the replay system to analyze the match, learn where you can improve, develop strategies and take that Victory!  Level those skills up! We actually use this same system internally to shoot all of the Weapon, Outfit, and Limited Time Mode trailers we release. And we’re psyched to finally get these tools into your hands!

Fortnite Replay System Features:


Camera Modes

  • Third Person
    • Follows and orbits around the selected player.
    • 3 different follow modes: Off, Auto, Lazy.
  • Drone Follow
    • Drone style camera that always keeps the selected player in frame.
  • Drone Attach
    • Drone style camera that is loosely attached to the selected player.
  • Drone Free
    • Drone style camera that is free to fly around the island.
  • Gameplay
    • This camera shows what the selected player saw during gameplay.

Cinematic Settings

  • Auto Exposure
  • Aperture
  • Focal Length
  • Auto Focus


  • Name Plates
  • Player Outlines
  • Replay Region
  • Damage Effects

Fortnite Replay FAQs


Which platforms are Fortnite Replays available on?

 Right now replays are available on PC, PS4, and XB1.

Where can I find my Fortnite Replays?

 Replays can be found under the Career tab in the lobby.

Where can I find the Fortnite Replay controls?

Camera Controls are displayed on the bottom of the screen when you switch cameras. They toggle off with the UI visibility toggle. 

Are there any PC specific Fortnite Replay controls?

 On PC you can can store camera shortcuts to quickly cut between cameras and jump to points in your replay. There are two ways to store a camera cut. You can store just the camera properties or the camera properties and the current time on the timeline.    Ctrl+Numpad# - Stores current camera type/position, and selected player Ctrl+Alt+Numpad# - Stores current camera type/position, selected player AND position on the timeline   Numpad# - Recalls stored camera type/position (and time if stored) 

How does the Fortnite Replay system work?

 The replay system works by recording all of the network traffic going out to and coming in from the server during the match. Basically when you watch a replay that recorded network stream is being played back so you see exactly what you saw when you played the game.    When you play a match you are only able to see and interact with players and objects within a certain distance from you at any given time. Only the players and objects in area are recorded into the replay file. We call this area the “Replay Region”.    While watching a replay you may see players exit and enter the Replay Region. These players are located on the edge of the area that is captured in the replay file. You can see the Replay Region in the map view when watching a replay. You can also toggle the Replay Region visualization in the replay settings menu.

How are my Fortnite replays stored?

Replays are stored locally on your console or PC.  On console your last 10 matches are stored automatically* as you play, and on PC your last 100 are stored. These are stored as unsaved replays and will be overwritten as you play more games. If you want to keep a replay you can select it in the replay browser and rename it. On console you can save a total of 10 replays. On PC this number is unlimited. A replay file that lasts the entire match is about 10MB in size.  

*Replays will only playback in the version of Fortnite that they were recorded in. Whenever there is a new update to Fortnite your old replay files will no longer be valid.


What’s next for Fortnite Replay?

Like Fortnite in general we will constantly be improving the replay system including new camera modes, new visualizations, overlays, and more!

  1. To see a list of recent players on PS4, first select the “Friends” tab on the main menu, and then select “Recent Players.”
  2. This will display a list of the most recent players that you have connected with online.
  3. You can also view detailed information about each player by selecting their name from the list.
  4. This will show you their PSN ID, what game they were playing, when they were online, and how long they were online for.

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How do I see recent players on Playstation App?

To see a list of recent players on PS4, first select the “Friends” tab on the main menu, and then select “Recent Players.” This will display a list of the most recent players that you have connected with online. You can also view detailed information about each player by selecting their name from the list. This will show you their PSN ID, what game they were playing, when they were online, and how long they were online for.

How do you find recent players on GTA?

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There are a few ways to find recent players on Grand Theft Auto. One way is to look for them on social media. Many players post about their latest exploits on Twitter or Instagram. Another way to find players is to check gaming forums or websites. There, you can find discussion threads about the latest GTA game and see who is playing it. Finally, you can use online tracking tools to find out which players are currently active in the game.

How do I see recent players on fortnite?

To see recent players on Fortnite, open the game and click on the “Battle Royale” tab. Underneath the “Recent Players” section, you’ll be able to see a list of the most recent players who have joined your game.

How do you find recent players on FIFA 21?

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To find recent players on FIFA 21, you can search the web or use an app like Ultimate Team Tracker.

How do you find recent players on honor?

There are a few ways to find recent players on honor. You can go to the “Find Player” tab on the Honor website and search by name or email address. You can also view the Hall of Fame, which lists the most recent players who have been honored.

How do I see who I recently played with on warzone?

On the main menu of the game, select “Stats.” This will show you a list of all the recent games that you have played.

How do you find players on GTA Online?

In order to find players on GTA Online, you can either use the in-game Social Club feature or an external website. The Social Club feature allows you to see a list of players who are currently online and join their game. Alternatively, you can use an external website such as to search for specific players or crews and join their game.

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How do I see recent players on Apex?

There are a few ways to see recent players on Apex. You can view the “Recent Players” section on the main menu, which will show you the most recent 10 players who have played the game. If you want to see more players, you can go to the “Player List” menu and select “Recent.” This will show you all of the players who have played in the last 24 hours.

How do you view recent players on FIFA 22?

I think the recent players on FIFA 22 are really good. They’ve made some big improvements to the game, and it’s a lot of fun to play. I’m really enjoying it so far!