How to make treated wood minecraft

How to make treated wood minecraft

Still on StoneBlock,and I have a new issue. Using Refined Storage,I want to auto craft just about anything I find myself crafting frequently. Right now,that's Garden Cloches. Problem is,I can't find a way to make the system handle Creosote Oil; I have a 4096k Fluid Storage Block for the Creosote,but every method I've tried fails to produce buckets of Creosote for crafting. I should note I'm also having this issue with Destabilized Redstone,and thus anything that requires it. In general,I'm looking for a method that I can apply to any recipe that requires both items and fluids.

Failed Methods

-Crafter + Fluid Transposer w/Bucket = Creosote Bucket Processing Pattern -Crafter + Ender IO Fluid Tank w/same Processing Pattern -Crafter w/same Processing Pattern

Solutions would be grand,because the explanation on the Refined Storage Wiki left me confused. And please,provide exact,precise explanations for your solutions. Use as unambiguous language as possible.

How to make treated wood minecraft

you should be able to make a pattern with a bucket of creosote and planks. then just be sure to always have empty buckets, enough to fulfill the crafting request, in the systems. So if you request 64 treated wood be sure to have 8 empty buckets in the system.

How to make treated wood minecraft

However,that doesn't tell the system how to fill those buckets. Which is my problem.

How to make treated wood minecraft

Alright,here's a screenshot of my system. It's 1920*1080 resolution.

How to make treated wood minecraft

Above is a line of Ender Power Conduits (Under Conduit Facades painted to be Stone) to power the assorted machines in the line. Below is a line of Importers,to collect the product and deposit it into the Refined Storage system. Behind is a line of Crafters,to determine recipes on a per-machine basis. Crafters cannot be told to discern between fluids and items,and are responsible for inserting materials into the machine. Since everything on this line produces solid items,all of my Importers are set to Item Mode. The issue that I'm having is that the system won't insert the Creosote Oil,which I have over 600 buckets of in storage,in a 4096k Fluid Storage Block (I have no idea how to migrate that into Disks,by the way.) in the other room,attached to the misshapen blob that is my RS system's core,which is set to Insert & Extract Mode. Now,according to the Refined Storage Wiki,all I need to do is stick a Processing Pattern that reads "Bucket = Creosote Bucket" in a Crafter pointing at a Fluid Transposer in order to fill buckets with Creosote Oil. This isn't working,for reasons outlined above.

I need a solution. One that I can apply to any fluid bucketing issue.

How to make treated wood minecraft

That's odd - I thought RS naturally handled issues like that! Hmm.

As a workaround: if EnderIO's tanks are still in the mod, those should allow you to insert an empty bucket and pull out a full bucket of liquid. While it's not ideal, that could be used as a processing pattern; you'd then need to set up your RS system to export fluid into said tank. You'd need a tank for each fluid you wanted to handle though, so it would be unwieldy.

How to make treated wood minecraft

Skip the step, use a sequential fabricator with a fluid tank upgrade and have the crafter insert planks, and the sequential fabricator output treated wood. 8 planks in, 8 planks out.

How to make treated wood minecraft

Precise and detailed methodology for processing the crafting of treated planks within a Refined Storage system:

  1. Ensure you have the materials within your RS network. This includes having at least 1 bucket's worth of Creosote oil in a fluid storage disk or fluid storage block or in an external tank with an external storage bus set to 'fluids' mode (it is important in this instance to ensure that it is looking at fluids as the default is items), and having the wood planks in your RS network.
  2. Furthermore, you will need at least one empty bucket in your RS network.You should only need a single bucket, no matter how many iterations you are requesting.
  3. Go to your Pattern Grid, use JEI integration to pull up treated planks recipe in JEI via the icon on the right, and press the plus icon to import the recipe into the Pattern Grid. You should now see a recipe in your Pattern Grid with eight wood and a creosote bucket to make eight treated wood.
  4. *Click the 'Oredict' button or it will only use that specific type of plank for the recipe*
  5. Click the down arrow to write this recipe to the Pattern.
  6. Remove created Pattern, install into Crafter.
  7. Go to your Crafting Grid. It should now be available, and should be able to craft without issue.

Reactions: GamerwithnoGame

How to make treated wood minecraft

Precise and detailed methodology for processing the crafting of treated planks within a Refined Storage system:

  1. Ensure you have the materials within your RS network. This includes having at least 1 bucket's worth of Creosote oil in a fluid storage disk or fluid storage block or in an external tank with an external storage bus set to 'fluids' mode (it is important in this instance to ensure that it is looking at fluids as the default is items), and having the wood planks in your RS network.
  2. Furthermore, you will need at least one empty bucket in your RS network.You should only need a single bucket, no matter how many iterations you are requesting.
  3. Go to your Pattern Grid, use JEI integration to pull up treated planks recipe in JEI via the icon on the right, and press the plus icon to import the recipe into the Pattern Grid. You should now see a recipe in your Pattern Grid with eight wood and a creosote bucket to make eight treated wood.
  4. *Click the 'Oredict' button or it will only use that specific type of plank for the recipe*
  5. Click the down arrow to write this recipe to the Pattern.
  6. Remove created Pattern, install into Crafter.
  7. Go to your Crafting Grid. It should now be available, and should be able to craft without issue.

So, if I'm understanding this correctly, the mistake made was setting it as a Processing Pattern, and that just having it set as a crafting pattern should work as the system does the filling of buckets for you?

How to make treated wood minecraft

So, if I'm understanding this correctly, the mistake made was setting it as a Processing Pattern, and that just having it set as a crafting pattern should work as the system does the filling of buckets for you?

Pretty much. It just needs to be a crafting pattern, as long as you have an empty bucket in your RS network to facilitate things.

Reactions: GamerwithnoGame

How to make treated wood minecraft

So, this all went down in the ask a simple question thread, but it doesn't quite work that way, at least not to 1.12 version. I made this work last night and watched it actually craft, but there's an extra step. The RS system will not put the liquid into the bucket automatically and using a processing pattern with the creosote oil on the treated wood recipe won't work. It will sit there saying it doesn't detect the machine it's expecting to fill the bucket. I could have sworn I've done it the was Shneeky said in the past and it worked but it did not work on 1.12. In this version you need an external machine to fill the bucket. So, what I did, and this 100% DOES work: Create a new processing pattern with an empty bucket on the item tab, the creosote on the liquid tab, outputting the filled bucket of creosote. Create a regular crafting pattern for the treated wood withthe creosote bucket like normal.

Now, you will have to put the bucket pattern in a crafter facing a machine that fills buckets, such as the Thermal Expansion Fluid Transposer. Aim the crafter at the input and something to send the output back to the RS machine. This will fill a bucket for each crafting attempt. It's a bit slower than I remember in the past, but waaay faster than doing it manually.

Reactions: GamerwithnoGame

How to make treated wood minecraft

So, this all went down in the ask a simple question thread, but it doesn't quite work that way, at least not to 1.12 version. I made this work last night and watched it actually craft, but there's an extra step. The RS system will not put the liquid into the bucket automatically and using a processing pattern with the creosote oil on the treated wood recipe won't work. It will sit there saying it doesn't detect the machine it's expecting to fill the bucket. I could have sworn I've done it the was Shneeky said in the past and it worked but it did not work on 1.12. In this version you need an external machine to fill the bucket. So, what I did, and this 100% DOES work: Create a new processing pattern with an empty bucket on the item tab, the creosote on the liquid tab, outputting the filled bucket of creosote. Create a regular crafting pattern for the treated wood withthe creosote bucket like normal.

Now, you will have to put the bucket pattern in a crafter facing a machine that fills buckets, such as the Thermal Expansion Fluid Transposer. Aim the crafter at the input and something to send the output back to the RS machine. This will fill a bucket for each crafting attempt. It's a bit slower than I remember in the past, but waaay faster than doing it manually.

I think there may be a version difference. I stopped iterating at 1.5.34 because I didn't want the new chip crafting mechanic.

How to make treated wood minecraft

I think there may be a version difference. I stopped iterating at 1.5.34 because I didn't want the new chip crafting mechanic.

I think you're right. Both because I totally remember it the way you put it (it's also on one of their own wiki pages, as is the new method), but also because I just happened to notice more people asking this very question lately when I was doing my search. Probably all the people who remembered the old way or read the wring wiki page like me.

Edit assuming you're referring to the chip crafting going from soldering to just tossing things in the furnace. I was pretty disappointed with that just because I finally wrapped my head around them the last time, lol

Reactions: GamerwithnoGame

How to make treated wood minecraft

See I thought I'd seen this issue coming up in a few places! Thanks for the clarification - that is very useful

How to make treated wood minecraft

How to make treated wood minecraft

The change to chip crafting and more over the vast increase in expense for recipes, was enough to send me back to AE2.

How to make treated wood minecraft

I can agree with that RS being more expensive the AE2. AE2 has always been cheaper for the amount of storage you get. But some just don't like the type and channel limits.

How to make treated wood minecraft

I just like the simplicity of RS, personally.

How to make treated wood minecraft

I just like the simplicity of RS, personally.

The simplicity is decreasing I've noticed - the recipes are getting more expensive and complicated (there seems to be some sort of binding component needed now, if Dire's Stoneblock series is anything to go by). Still, it could be worse Reborn Storage's multiblock crafter is a nice addon to have.

How to make treated wood minecraft

Oh, I'm not seeing any of that yet. Mine is a little bit out of date though because I'm running an older forge version.

Hmmm, going by the latest version of RS I thought it was getting easier tbh.

How to make treated wood minecraft

The simplicity is decreasing I've noticed - the recipes are getting more expensive and complicated (there seems to be some sort of binding component needed now, if Dire's Stoneblock series is anything to go by). Still, it could be worse Reborn Storage's multiblock crafter is a nice addon to have.

The binding component, at least in StoneBlock is a Slime-ball in the center with a piece of String on each side to get 8 binders. It may differ in the mod's original form.

Page 2

How to make treated wood minecraft

Wanna talk about a mod that got more complicated, though, you should check out the new EnderIO (especially if you looove binding components, haha) I like it, though, it's more balanced. I used to make a couple of sag mills and an alloy smelter and i'm good to go for the life of the world. I just barely made the non simple sag mills and alloy smelters like yesterday (after 6 obsessive sleep-deprived weeks).

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How to make treated wood minecraft

I mean... range upgrades for the wireless system went from 1 ender pearl, to 4 ender pearls. And while I realize for people with massive thousand enderman a minute farms that's not much, for me, who never does mob farms, it's a LOT of ender pearls. Even with Cloche's and Ender Lillies, it's a lot.

I mean... range upgrades for the wireless system went from 1 ender pearl, to 4 ender pearls. And while I realize for people with massive thousand enderman a minute farms that's not much, for me, who never does mob farms, it's a LOT of ender pearls. Even with Cloche's and Ender Lillies, it's a lot.

Looks like it be time for you too make one? Honestly man, the enderIO mob farms are pretty good. Slight pain to setup but once done, it's all smooth sailing.

How to make treated wood minecraft

I mean... range upgrades for the wireless system went from 1 ender pearl, to 4 ender pearls. And while I realize for people with massive thousand enderman a minute farms that's not much, for me, who never does mob farms, it's a LOT of ender pearls. Even with Cloche's and Ender Lillies, it's a lot.

Honestly, make a cursed earth mob grinder and you'll be SWIMMING in ender pearls. The new EnderIO also has what looks like a powder that summons "endermen and other mobs" made out of the new infinity thingies (grind 'em up). I haven't tested it out yet, but I imagine it's possible to make a little enderman farm on-demand. An interesting one, too, because you make those infinity thingies (I can't remember what they are right now) by lighting bedrock on fire. Imagine little glassed in chamber with placers on bedrock. Surrounding that bedrock is more bedrock, but with lava between the cracks, regularly lighting the bedrock on fire, with some vacuum hoppers collecting the infinity stuff, sending it to a SAG mill, then to the placers, spawning endermen in the chamber, with spikes and something to collect the loot.

Edit: Ok, now I have to make this.

Reactions: GamerwithnoGame

How to make treated wood minecraft

...I've finally found my issue,and it's thanks to some unintuitive UX. When setting a crafting recipe to use fluids,the crafting grid you used for solid items disappears. To me,that meant that the solid items grid was cleared and discarded. The reality is the opposite; What you have in the solid items grid is stored and saved. The mod doesn't communicate this to you at all. It's a small thing,but it had me spinning my wheels for a long time.

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