How to keep house from smelling like dog Reddit

Hello r/dogs! I'm going to move back in with my parents in a about a month. They have the perfect house for a dog (huge front and back yard, a Rainbow air purifier, bike trails in the back yard), but my mother refuses because she doesn't want the house to smell. My question is this: does your house smell? If not, how do you keep the smell down?

Edit: To clarify, no, I don't have a dog (though I do have a cat, and they are okay with him). It ultimately is my parents house, and if we can't find a way to make both parties happy, then no dog.

We’ve had a puppy for a month now and our house is starting to develop that classic “dog smell”. I’m a fan of cleanliness and fresh smells. I have a diffuser but I don’t really use it because it’s harmful for the dog. There seems to be so many ways. My house is primarily tile with a carpet rug in the living room being the only carpet in the house (that’s living in Mexico for you). What are your tips? To do? And not to do?

Edit: My dog is a Pitbull terrier so virtually no shedding.

I keep my house pretty clean but it still smells like dog. Are there any tricks or deep cleaning methods that help keep the dog smell away? Are there any unexpected sources of odours to look out for?

I live with my brother and I need to keep my 15 year old dog in the house at night while it's cold outside. He has a real issue with the dog smell and I don't know what else I can do to help it. I bath bubba (that's my dog) about once a week. I try not to do it more than that because it hurts him. I vacuum the carpet and wash his bed regularly. What else can I do I'm tired of hearing my brother complain all the time.

Posted byu/[deleted]3 months ago

How to keep house from smelling like dog Reddit

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Any tips on how to keep the house from smelling too much like our dog? We live in it so obviously we don’t smell it but someone came over today and said the house smelled like the dog and I was pretty embarrassed 😳

Hi guys. I’m home visiting my older parents who have three huge dogs and a large/very nice house that they frankly cannot take care of. The mess has always been a source of stress for me and I’m here for a few weeks now. The dogs stink and the puppy isn’t well potty trained and frequently goes inside. It’s obviously cleaned, but sometimes not immediately and the whole house smells like dog. I vacuum and mop and the smell is still there. What’s the most effective way to remove the smell? Open to anything. (It’s not necessarily a urine smell, more like a bad dog smell)

I am interested in adopting a Boxer in January. Something I am concerned about is the cleanliness of my apartment. I am absolutely aware that there's probably always going to be SOME sort of scent, but what are some ways that I can ensure that my home smells as nice as possible when I do have a furry friend?

Things that come to mind are regular grooming, proper nutrition, and potentially using an air purifier. What are your thoughts?

I just got a new puppy and because I’m a clean freak I’ve become paranoid my house is going to start smelling like dog. I know vacuuming, washing blankets and his bed frequently are a good start but is there anything else I’m missing? Thanks in advance!