How to get rid of ants after rain

With so much rain around in the past few weeks, many people start to see black ant activity inside the home. On first appearance, these little critters appear to be easy to get rid of, with a quick quirt of the fly spray they die, only to find that there are even more in their place in the following days.

There are two common catalysts for black ant activity: heat and rain. It is common to see an increase in ants in the spring and summer months as they forage for food and water to sustain their colony. It is also common to see ants comes inside during heavy rains - like humans, ants want a safe, dry place to live. Ants will get out of the rain any way possible, which invariable means finding shelter in your home. Through cracks in windows, gaps between bricks, spaces in floorboards in the house are just a few ways to gain access.

Often, when we see ant activity, we see only 10% of an ant colony; these are the ones scouting for food. The other 90% are often in another part of your home, building their nest and enjoying their new, dry home. While many DIY remedies will, on the surface, help control a black ant problem. Over time if there are hidden ant nests in the house, the situation may only worsen and eventually the most effective solution is to hire a pest control specialist. With the correct products and expertise of trained pest control technicians, we can ensure your home does not become permanently overrun by ants.

People Rave About Our Ant Pest Control

Once upon a time, ants were tough to control, but thanks to advances in chemical technology, we can reliably and safely control ants around your home. We offer our Termidor Ant Treatment, which uses the latest in chemical technology to prevent black ants from invading your home.

During a Termidor ant treatment, our trained and certified pest control expert will take the time to inspect and evaluate what type of ant is infesting your home and where the problem originates. They then can devise a treatment plan according to your home's specific needs.

For more information about our Termidor Ant Treatment, call Results Home Services now on 3823 2500 and speak to one of our friendly staff about how we can make your home ant-free again. We service all of Brisbane and the surrounding suburbs.

Have you ever noticed how ant mounds seem to appear around your home after it rains? It feels like overnight a whole colony of ants moves in, and, suddenly, you have a pest problem on your hands. It may surprise you, but those ants—the ones that seem to materialize out of thin air—were there all along. Not to worry though, Tactical Pest Services and even you can take steps to ensure your lawn or backyard remains immaculate and safe.

Where Are the Ants Coming From?

First, not all ant mounds are visible. Ant mounds can extend up to a foot underground or even deeper. Therefore, ants do not magically appear after it rains rather, they were hidden in plain sight. Ant mounds simply become more visible because of the ants’ responses to weather or environmental changes. During rainstorms, water seeps into their underground tunnels, flooding and ultimately destroying them. To get away from the progressively wet ground, ants will build their homes upward, thus making them more apparent above ground. Exposed ant mounds can be dangerous for those with allergies or vulnerable children and pets who may accidentally step on them. The flooding caused by rain may even collapse the ant mounds, forcing the entire colony to relocate. As a result, ants may invade your home, driven by their desire to remain dry. An indoor ant infestation has the same dangers as an outdoor one. In fact, they are even more dangerous as ants can inflict damage to the foundation or structure of your home. Furthermore, if they manage to get into your food, ants can transmit food-borne diseases including but not limited to salmonella, strep, and E. coli, putting the young and vulnerable at risk. So, what can you do to get rid of ants during the rainy season?

How to Get Rid of the Ants

There is a plethora of ways you can get rid of ants after heavy rainfall. Be it outdoors or indoors, utilizing a bait treatment is an effective strategy in combating an ant infestation. After it rains, ants will be actively searching for food. Consider scattering bait around their home. Note, bait should not be applied directly on top of the mound as it can be perceived as an attack and the ants will not eat the bait. Moreover, ants do not usually leave their homes from the top but rather utilize underground tunnels. While bait is a common and effective strategy that you can implement yourself, there is no guarantee it will get rid of the ants for good. A multi-pronged approach is the most effective way of fighting and preventing an ant infestation. By regularly treating your property, you can get rid of ants before they become a problem. Specifically, properly sealing cracks and gaps, safely storing food, and regularly cleaning surfaces are some easy steps you can take to prevent ants from entering your home. If you find yourself dealing with a heavy ant problem or would like to know more about how to keep your home free from ants, contact Tactical Pest Services. Our experienced professionals will inspect your home and expertly craft a treatment plan that suits your needs!

Got an ant problem? Join the club.

If having ants in your house is really bugging you, we've got some tips on how to keep them at bay.

Richard Goodfellow runs a pest control business in Hobart and said summer was boomtime for ants.

He said numbers had been particularly bad this year.


"I think mainly because of the dry weather, it's extra hot," he told Helen Shield on ABC Radio Hobart.

"With a little bit of rain they'll flare up and start coming inside."

Ants are looking for two things in your home: food and water.

"Toilets, bathrooms are often areas where you'll get a lot of ants," Mr Goodfellow said.

"A bit of water in your kitchen or syrups, they'll soon track inside to it."

Even the cleanest of houses can have ant issues.

"I go to houses where there's cupboards that are spotless and there's ants for some reason going in there," Mr Goodfellow said.

Of course there are plenty of ant baits and sprays on the market, but there are also natural products you can use to at least reduce the number of ants walking across your benchtops.

Remove ant-tempting foods

Ants are drawn to sugary and fatty foods.

Keep your syrups, sugars and anything that attracts ants in airtight containers or put them in the fridge.

Create a moat of water around pet food bowls so the ants cannot cross the water to get to the food.

Put outside food bowls away from the house and only feed your pet what it can eat in one go.


Deploy acid and gap filler

Ants do not like acidic things, so using lemon or vinegar to clean your benches can put them off.

The insects leave a chemical trail behind when they find a food or water source to tell others where to go.

Wipe away an ant trail with something like lemon juice to break the chain.

Filling any holes you find that are letting ants get into your home will ease your problems also.

Chalk up a barrier and lay baits

Ants tend not to like chalky substances, such as actual chalk, baby powder or baking powder.

A line of powder can stop them from entering your home.

But killing off a nest is the only way to get rid of them entirely.

You can make your own ant bait with borax mixed with sugar or syrup.(Supplied: Hailey Renault)

If you do not want to use commercial baits and chemicals, mixing borax with sugar or syrups can do the job.

The ants will carry off the sugary treat back to the nest where the borax will kill the ants.

If you find a nest in your yard, pouring boiling water on it can also kill a lot of ants, but beware the nests can be very deep and the water might not get through it all.

The nests can hold tens of thousands of ants and there can be multiple nests.

"Some houses, if they're nested in a wall cavity ... it could be a couple of years [to get rid of ants]," Mr Goodfellow said.

"A lot of people will persist with baits then eventually they'll call the pest control guy or girl."

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