How to get a distilling license in Australia

Legal Aspects of Home Distillation

Confirmed as applicable at the time of writing.  No representation is made that the following information is current beyond the time of writing.

Distilling at home is a legal process in many countries. In other less forward thinking countries, it is still illegal to make alcohol by distillation if you’re not registered to do so with the relevant authority responsible for collecting Taxes and/or Excise.

In Australia, it is legal to own a still of up to 5 L capacity for the sole purpose of manufacturing essential oils and for distilling water. Any still of over 5 L capacity is required to be registered with the ATO, even if it is to be used for the sole purpose of distilling water or essential oils.

Making of distilled alcohol in Australia is still illegal if you aren’t approved by the ATO to do so and further details can be obtained from the Australian Taxation Office from //

Selling of home distilled alcohol is an offence in most countries as well and penalties apply.

There are also overlapping Liquor Licensing Laws for each Country, State and Territory which may apply.

We recommend any person considering distilling alcohol to be aware of all relevant rules and regulations.

Make informed decisions and be aware of any possible consequences.

Do you use Google or Facebook Logins when prompted for a new website?

My husband use to make a lovely smooth drop of whiskey, and so I put an add up to sell all the stuff On Facebook then a knock on the door it was two police man they had seen the add, and they wanted to confiscate the glassware my husband had,

Just as an aside. You need the appropriate licence to make spirits in Australia, even if it is for personal use. Selling it is another matter again.
Without that licence, it is illegal if the purpose of distilling is to produce a drinkable product like whiskey.


What’s the rationale for needing a licence for personal use to brew whisky?

This reminds me of this video - Hoo Noes - Hoo Noes uploaded a video.

Australian aren’t laidback…

Do you use Google or Facebook Logins when prompted for a new website?

What’s the rationale for needing a licence for personal use to brew whisky?


Is it illegal to distill alcohol in Australia? — Distillery King Australia


Without that licence, it is illegal

I’m prepared to bet that this is not being fully observed.

All about tax and exise. The law goes all the way back to 1901.
But we are going off topic.

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Except as @cherieanne1953 found out, the moonshine police are on the job and will come and knock on your door. So keep it secret.
Don’t announce to the wide world on something like Facebook you have distilling equipment to sell.


I’m prepared to bet that this is not being fully observed

That is a certainty. There are plenty of shops that will sell you all the gear, sugars and flavours and give you advice. Selling all that is not illegal and I have not seen any prosecutions for distilling. I think there were some prosecutions for selling hooch a few years ago. Until the 1970s (IIRC) it was also illegal to brew your own beer. DIY wine is acceptable.

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the moonshine police are on the job

I meant strictly: for personal use. No need for ads anywhere.

Do you use Google or Facebook Logins when prompted for a new website?

Until the 1970s (IIRC) it was also illegal to brew your own beer.

Yes, you can blame Gough for not legalising distilling spirits for personal use (according to the link I posted above).

Sure and those selling the distilling gear will be sure to be licenced. And any responsible commercial seller should be advising that you need to get a licence to home distill spirits for consumption.

It is self evident that when you buy a motor vehicle that to drive it on the road, you need a licence, and it needs to be registered.

No so well known for distilling spirits it seems.

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And any responsible commercial seller should be advising that you need to get a licence to home distill spirits for consumption.

It’s one example of a consumer issue often raised within the community and by Choice. There are many items sold legally to the public that are in an unsafe condition or whose use is legally restricted. Bunnings will quite happily sell electrical house cable and power points to the average consumer. Bicycle come big kids toy shops will sell you an E-bike or electric scooter with a motor that is more powerful than that permitted for public use. Before Port Arthur the restrictions on the sale of firearms and munitions was equally lax.

Distilling your own spirits, if you are fair dinkum should be free of magic additives and done from scratch. It’s not legal as mentioned, and aged sherry casks for the 12yo brew not cheap or easy to maintain. The home distillation kits are at best a shortcut to home Vodka or Grappa or any other raw alcohol product. Some may be more to your liking. It’s surprising that gin which can be authentically produced in weeks is in the same price range as whiskeys that may be 5, 8, 12 years old.

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No so well known for distilling spirits it seems.

I think among the crowd who do it the requirements are very well known just not observed.


All about tax and exise.

There is also a potential health concern, as learned in Russia which has experienced a lot of methanol poisoning over the last few decades.

That said, there was a guy back in my school days who would sell his father’s home-made whisky. Tasted terrible, but worked as well as more expensive beverages.


CHOICE please note: In Australia we spell ‘licence’, the noun. ‘License’ is a verb, but in American English it is both noun and verb.

Change your default language on your computers to: AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH.



Change your default language on your computers to ….

Nothing like going to dump at the dump!

Although one may need a licence or a license to do so. If asked to produce one it’s unlikely the officer requesting will need to spell it out.

Note how flexible the English version of spell checker is. It accepts both. Perhaps if it was also a grammar checker.

As I have obviously offended the sensibilities of a poster who objects to American usage, I have edited my post to reflect English/Australian usage.


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