How to change septum piercing for the first time

Got my septum pierced in March of 2019, so I'm coming up on a year. I ordered a segment ring online, it's supposed to come in on Monday. I'm a little bit anxious about trying to change it myself. How quickly do septum piercings close if I can't get it back in right away? I'm worried I won't be able to find the little hole too. Any tips on it? I'd appreciate it!

Septum piercings are one of the unique types of piercings that can really change up your appearance. These piercings have been in the mix for a while, and their popularity has been growing more and more. The septum piercing is the skin that appears between your nostril, and this is where your piercing jewelry is adjusted. The area is also known as the “sweet spot”.

One of the reasons why many people avoid getting septum piercings is because of the pain that it comes with. But the truth is that every piercing comes with pain, and it’s just a moment of few seconds.

The main thing you should worry about is how you will take care of it. If you’re unsatisfied with your septum piercing you can still remove it but only once it’s healed. Is the removal process painful? Well, let’s find out by reading further down. Here is everything you will find out about changing a septum piercing, and when is the best time to do so.

How Long After A Septum Piercing Can I Change It?

One of the fun aspects to a septum piercing is all the different designs available for rings. The most common question I hear, is “When can I change my piercing”.  It takes around six to eight months for a septum piercing to heal; however the healing time is different or everyone. Some may get done before six months while for some it make take more than a year for the septum piercing to heal. The success and length of the healing process depends on various factors like how well you invest in its after care, and how your body accepts the piercing.

Normally the initial healing is over in 1-3 weeks, and it’s fully healed in the eight month. You can change your septum piercing 6 to 8 weeks after your piercing. The longer you allow your original piercing to heal, the fewer complications you are likely to experience. Make sure to get your septum piercing checked by your professional piercer before you do anything to it.

Does Changing Your Septum Piercing Hurt?

Changing a septum piercing doesn’t hurt if you’re doing it after the piercing has properly healed. You will experience a lot of pain and discomfort if you remove the piercing while it’s still going through its healing process.

Removing your piercing too soon can also put yourself at risk of damaging your nostrils; which is why it is important to wait. Once your piercing is fully healed you don’t have to worry about anything when it comes to changing it, and especially don’t have to worry about pain.

As long as you follow the right way to remove a septum piecing you’re good to go. The best time to remove your septum piercing is after the 8th week of getting it as this way there is no chance of experiencing any pain.

When changing your septum piercing you first has to make sure you properly clean your hands and only then touch your piercing. Not washing your hands before could cause an infection in your piercing and that will delay the healing process.

Once you’ve washed and dried your hands clean the area of your septum piercing with a disinfection solution. Dry the piercing area with cotton and get on with removing the piercing. Holding both sides through the center of the piercing twist the end sideways in a very gentle way, but make sure you don’t pull the sides away too much.

While doing this make sure to keep your body relaxed, especially your hands. Any kind of stress or body stiffness can damage your piercing. When removing the piercing you may have a hard time searching for the hole, which is a very common for people struggle with. The best way to find it is by lifting the side area of your nose or you could also pinch the bottom side of your septum and smoothly pull it down and you will gradually be able to see the hole and carry on with the piercing removal process.

The first couple times you change your septum may be challenging. After that, it becomes much easier and almost second nature. If your septum has fully healed, you should feel little to no pain during the changing process.

What Happens If I Change My Septum Piercing Too Early?

Septum piercings are one of the most complicated piercing as you’re getting a piercing done in a spot that is very delicate; hence you have to be all the more careful if you plan on removing the jewelry.

There are several complications that you may could arise if you remove your septum piercing before it’s properly healed. Complications such as an infection, puss drainage, redness, swelling, and pain are the few common things you will have to deal with. But, the side-effects are different for everyone.

Below are some of the most common issues you can expect to experience should you attempt to change your piercing too soon:

  • Increased Pain – As we established earlier, the septum is a tender part of your body. Changing your piercing before it’s had time to heal will certainly be more painful and cause your eyes to be very watery during the process.
  • Hard to find the hole – Since the hole will be irritated and swollen, it will be more difficult for you to insert the new ring into the hole. This will obviously, cause increased pain.
  • Increase risk of infection – Once you remove the old piercing, you are likely going to open up some of the scabbing and healing that has taken place. Inserting a new ring could cause the hole to become infected if the new ring is not properly sterilized and clean.

Can You Stretch a Septum Piercing Once It Has Healed?

Yes, you can stretch your septum piercing and there are different ways to do that. If you plan to stretch your piercing to a much bigger hole, you have to make sure you’re gentle while at it as the cartilage could migrate up to the nose.

You can also try the method in which you have to massage you septum with oil and get an insertion pin that’s at least one or two pins above your original jewelry. Push the pin though the septum and then align your new plug to the end of your pin that’s bigger while pushing the pin and jewelry out, and hence replacing it.

The stretching process may sound a bit complicated, but after you go thru it once, you’ll see that it isn’t as difficult as you imagined. It is recommended to get help from your professional piercer as this way you can avoid the risk of damaging your piercing jewelry or causing an injury to yourself. If septum piercing jewelry is greater that 14g then there is no need to stretch it.

If you plan to stretch your septum piercing, make sure you do it only once the piercing has healed, and make sure to thoroughly clean your hands before doing so.

The Bottom-Line

Now that you are aware of the fact that piercings aren’t very difficult to change you can easily carry out the removal process. Make sure to follow the remaining instructions which include not removing your piercing unless it’s healed. Follow the septum piercing removal technique, and guidelines from you piercer and you’re good to go.

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Then, does it hurt to change your septum ring for the first time?

Does changing your septum piercing hurt? No, it is not painful at all until and unless you notice that your piercing has been completely healed. If it is not healed and still you are making an effort to change it, then definitely it can be a lot painful and damaging for your nostrils.

Beside this, can I flip my septum on the first day?

Although it’s okay to flip the jewelry up or down occasionally, you should avoid doing this as much as possible. It’s the same as twisting and will irritate your new septum piercing. If you have to flip, leave it flipped up for a while before moving it again.

Can you sleep with your septum flipped up?

Can I flip it up while healing? Yes! That’s one of the best things about this piercing- it can be flipped up while healing. … Remember to always wash your hands and piercing well before and after flipping it up, and don’t sleep with it flipped (unless you are wearing a retainer).

Can I change my septum after 3 days?

3 days is nowhere near enough time to be changing out your jewelry. Now, if you’re talking about a septum ring, those take considerably less time to heal, but still 3 days is not enough time to be swapping out jewelry. There’s a reason your piercer chooses the jewelry he or she does for the initial piercing.

Can I change my septum after 2 weeks?

To be safe six to eight weeks after the piercing was done is the earliest you should consider changing jewelry, but as another answer said, you would know that if you had paid attention to your piercer, who should have told you as much.

How do I know my septum is healed?

It depends on who you ask, but the general rule of thumb is to wait until:

  1. it’s no longer tender.
  2. the minimum healing time has passed, usually at least 2 to 3 months.
  3. it’s no longer weepy or crusty.

Is it hard to change septum jewelry?

A well healed septum nose piercing will loosen-up enough that it will be easy to switch jewelry. Obviously it’s very individual, and changes from one person to another, but septum piercing healing time would normally take 6-8 weeks, and up to 6 months for a full healing.

Do septum piercings get infected easily?

Septum piercings have the same risks as most piercings, but some are more serious than others. Septums are not as likely to get infected as most piercings as there is plenty of mucous membranes (yuck) to fight off infections in your nose. Really the only risk is if putting in low-quality jewellery.

Can you flip septum piercing up straight away?

If you get pierced with a traditional circular barbell (aka horseshoe) you can flip it up the same day and it shouldn’t be visible. It’s typically okay to flip a fresh septum piercing up and down 2–3 times a day even from day one, so you don’t have to keep it up 24/7 for any period of time.

What nose shape is best for a septum piercing?

Septum Piercing

This piercing type goes through the narrow strip of skin on the septum just before the cartilage starts. It works best on noses with wider septums, as more narrow septums may not provide much of a surface area for the piercing.

Can you put Vaseline on a septum piercing?

Yes, vaseline and petroleum jelly products are meant to protect the skin. No, you should not use it on your piercing.

What size is a septum first pierced with?

The most common gauge for septum piercings is 16 gauge (approx. 1.2mm thick), however, your piercer may decide to use a different gauge depending on your individual anatomy. While 16G is the typical starter gauge, some people choose to size down to 18 gauge (approx. 1.0mm thick) or size up to 14 gauge (approx.

Is it bad to move your septum while its healing?

Healing. A septum piercing is going to take between two to three months to heal. Right after it is pierced there might be a few days of swelling, where it will feel uncomfortable. After a few days this piercing shouldn’t hurt unless accidentally moved or bumped.