How to add review button on Facebook page

Your Facebook Business Page most likely has the Reviews tab enabled already, but it may be buried under other tabs, so that even you cannot find it. If you can't find it, how will a happy customer when they want to leave a review on your Facebook Business Page?

Facebook tinkers all of the time with its layout, and doesn't always tell you when a change went into effect. Here is how to un-bury your customer and client Reviews, which can often tip a customer over the edge of the fence towards buying your product or service.

  1. The Review Tab: It's on the left side of the screen. The display for it will be in the center of the news feed of your Business Facebook Page. Often times, the Review tab will default to being at the very bottom of the list in the left navigation, and therefore the very bottom of your news feed, which people will never see.

  2. To move the Review Tab click on Settings at the top right of your Facebook page.

  3. Edit Page: Back to the left side of the screen, click Edit Page with the gear icon on it.

  4. Drag and Drop Reviews: In the center of the screen, scroll down until you see something about Tabs. Under that will be a list. Look for Reviews at the bottom of that list. In fact, take a look at the list as a whole. Are there old or irrelevant tabs that you don't use anymore that you could delete or turn off? Take this time to clean this up. Reviews are very important to your customer buying process, so move the Reviews to the top of the page. My recommendation is in 3rd place, after Posts and Photos. If you are very active with videos, then consider having Videos come 3rd, but evaluate this according to your branding.

You now have your Reviews displayed prominently on your Facebook Business Page, and happy clients and customers can easily find it to leave a good review.

Your Reviews at your Facebook Business Page will look like this in different situations:

Recent Activity:
Facebook is really plugging Reviews, and shows them in your Recent Activity. If someone liked one that you left, and if some people recently left a review where you just did.

Reviews Displayed On Your Facebook Business Page

Let us know on Tin Shingle's Facebook page if you found this article helpful! Heck, give us a good review for it and other articles we provide! :)

By adding Facebook reviews to your Facebook Page, not only can your customers see what others have to say about your business.

You can also use this as an opportunity to collect feedback using the testimonials that they leave on your Facebook Page to help improve your business.
Previously, if you wanted to add the star ratings and reviews to your Facebook Page, you needed to have a physical address.
While this worked for a physical brick-and-mortar business, if you had an online business, you had to use your personal address, which a lot of business owners didn't feel comfortable doing.
Fortunately, Facebook has made the process to set up star ratings and reviews on your Facebook Page even easier!

You also don't need to have a physical location to add reviews to your Page.

On this episode of Social Snacks, you will learn how to add Facebook reviews to a Facebook Page.

This way your business can begin collecting reviews and star ratings from customers.

Let's take a look at how you add reviews to your Facebook Page.

How to Add Facebook Reviews to A Facebook Page


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1. Go to your Facebook Page


2. Click on Settings > General

In your Facebook Page settings, look for the "reviews" section.

3. Turn Reviews On

Click the "edit" button next to reviews.

Here you can choose to allow visitors to review your Facebook Page.

This is also where you can disable Facebook reviews on your page.

At this point, you should be able to see that you have added Facebook reviews to your Facebook Page.

Customizing the Facebook Reviews Tab

After you add Facebook reviews to a Facebook Page, you will also want to adjust the reviews section in the "tabs" area.

This way your Facebook Page reviews are easy for customers to get to.

If you don't see "reviews" listed on your Facebook Page, click on "manage tabs."

You can also get to the reviews area under Settings > Edit Page > Reviews.

If you want to turn off the Facebook reviews tab or change its location, here are instructions on how to do that.

1. Edit Your Page Settings

Look under Settings > Edit Page > Reviews

2. Move the Facebook Reviews Tab

To move the Facebook reviews higher, click and drag on the icon next to "reviews."

3. Turning the Facebook Reviews Tab Off

If you want to hide the reviews tab on your Facebook Page, click on the "Settings" button.

Next, make sure the button is set to off.

This will also hide Facebook reviews from your timeline as well.

How to Share Your Facebook Reviews Tab

Once you add Facebook star ratings and reviews to a Facebook Page that you manage, here are some things you can do to share your Facebook reviews.

1. Get your Facebook reviews link

Under Settings > Edit Page > Reviews, you have a direct link you can share with customers to gather reviews.

You can also get this link by right-clicking on the star ratings on the front of your Facebook Page.

Once you have added Facebook Reviews to a Facebook Page, this is what the reviews page will look like.

Here you can see which reviews were most helpful, recent reviews and view them based on their star rating.

2. Embed Facebook Reviews

As you have more and more customers leave a review about your business, another thing you can do with your reviews is to display them on your blog or website to add "social proof" for potential customers.

To embed Facebook reviews on your Facebook Page, go to your Facebook Page reviews link.

For example, the link to our Facebook Page reviews is //

Click on the dropdown arrow for a Facebook review and click the "embed" option.

Here is how to get the embed code for your Facebook reviews from your Facebook Page.

From there, copy and paste the code into your blog or website.

Over time, you can build a customer testimonials page with the Facebook reviews that you added to your Facebook Page.

Over to You

As you can see, Facebook has made it even easier for businesses to add Facebook reviews to their Facebook Page.

In under five minutes, you can now begin gathering feedback from customers on your Facebook Page that you can use to help improve and grow your business.

What other questions can we answer about adding Facebook star ratings and reviews to your Facebook Page?

Please let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.


About The Author

Christian Karasiewicz Founder, Social Chefs Founder and CEO of Social Chefs, a digital marketing agency. I host two shows, #SocialChatter, the industries longest running social media marketing talk show and Social Snacks, 5 minute or less social media marketing tutorials.

How can I add review button on Facebook 2022?

How to Enable Reviews Tab on a Facebook Page?.
Log in to your Facebook account and go to your business Facebook page..
Navigate to the 'Settings' section..
Click 'Templates and Tabs'.
Find the reviews tab named 'Reviews' in the list of tabs and activate it..

Why can't I add a review tab on Facebook?

You've not enabled Facebook Reviews Tab: If you've not enabled the Review tab, then it won't appear on your Facebook page.

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