How long does it take for a scratch on a babys face to heal?

Last post: 25/10/2017 at 7:30 pm

My 2 and a half year old was badly scratched by another child at nursery. It has left a wound about half a cm wide and has gouged out quite a lot of skin. Wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent scarring or whether it will just heal over itself?

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Hi LucyWith your lo skin being so young it probably wont scar. Mine have had plenty of scratches and cuts and have never scarred. There isn't anything you can do to prevent it from scarring apart from don't let him oick the scab as this will keep opening the wound and then it may scar.

Take care Amy xx

bio oil is something i swear by, its said to prevent scaring, i use it every day as its great on the face, about 8quid a bottle but well worth every penny, ive used it now for 3years.worth a try, although the scratch shouldnt scar anyway unless like pp says its picked at:)

thanks for the tip.  Unfortunately he has picked scab off twice now and it's left an angry red mark.  I'll try the bio oil while he's asleep and keep my fingers crossed.  I'll be gutted if he has a scar because of a vile unruly child.

it is really upsetting when other children inflict pain on your lo..i hope it doesnt scar either, i think though with you lo being young the skin will have a good chance at healing..good luck with bio

ahhh bless him!!  My Son was almost 3 when he was playing in the garden and fell over, he literally split his chin open, the wound was about an inch long and very deep. I was absolutely panic striken, the blood was horrendous, but he didnt realise what he had done with him being so young. He was "glued" back together and it healed very well. I also used  Bio oil on it every night, and I dont know if it had anything to do with it but there is no mark whatsoever on it now, and he is almost 15, and very self concious about his face as a teenager would be! I am so glad it didnt scar, but was terrified at the time as it was such a huge gash!!!As someone else has said, with his skin being so young, Im sure it will grow over and heal really well. Unlike mine, aged 36, cut my arm the other month and the scar is still there GRRRR  lol

Bless him i hope he is ok,,,, I HATE accidents when it happens to little ones, but to have this done by another "unruly" child is just awful. Makes you wanna hit em back for your child.... lol

bio oil is something i swear by, its said to prevent scaring, i use it every day as its great on the face, about 8quid a bottle but well worth every penny, ive used it now for 3years.worth a try, although the scratch shouldnt scar anyway unless like pp says its picked at:)

Miracle oil! My ds1 had an accident at nursery where he fell off a rocking horse and cut his face just under his eye. It was about an inch long and really deep. Once it healed it was really red and hard, doc said it would be there for life but I started using bio oil and now its just a thin line. Ok so he probably wont get that huge modelling contract I was hoping for to keep me going when I'm old but he could still be a rough and ready film star

I know exactly how you feel:  a terror of a child intentionally scratched my little boy's cheek whilst we were in a softplay centre in Feb 2008.  I used the silicone sheets - cut to size - for a while, then Bio Oil.  Then I found See No Scar from Mama Mio and started using it in November 2008:  it's now healing well and most people don't notice it.  I'll keep on using it as, daft as it sounds, you just want them to be perfect!

Hi, with the Bio Oil, do you apply after the wound has healed or while it its healing? Just wondered if it was better to keep the wound as dry as possible to aid the healing and scab forming?

Hi Lucy,
My 2 yr old has a deep scratch on face and she picked the scab off twice like your little one. Now, she has a red mark for one month. I can see that your post is from 2008. I just want to know what happened after 2 years. Is it that red mark gone or is it going to scar or how long it will take to heal? I hope you can answer me because I am kind of desperate with the situation. Thank you.

Hi Lucy,
My 2 yr old has a deep scratch on face and she picked the scab off twice like your little one. Now, she has a red mark for one month. I can see that your post is from 2008. I just want to know what happened after 2 years. Is it that red mark gone or is it going to scar or how long it will take to heal? I hope you can answer me because I am kind of desperate with the situation. Thank you.

Hello! As you I want to know if your baby scratch mark dissappeared?Thank you.

My 2 and a half year old was badly scratched by another child at nursery. It has left a wound about half a cm wide and has gouged out quite a lot of skin. Wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent scarring or whether it will just heal over itself?

Hi Lucy,My LO scratched himself very badly last night and I am worried it is going to scar. Just wondering what happened with your toddler. If it scared or not.Thanks


I know exactly how you feel:  a terror of a child intentionally scratched my little boy's cheek whilst we were in a softplay centre in Feb 2008.  I used the silicone sheets - cut to size - for a while, then Bio Oil.  Then I found See No Scar from Mama Mio and started using it in November 2008:  it's now healing well and most people don't notice it.  I'll keep on using it as, daft as it sounds, you just want them to be perfect!

Hi Joanne,My LO scratched his face last night badly and I would like to know if that See No Scar from Mama Mio worked with your little boy. Would you recommend it?Thanks


My son scratched his face with his fingernail by accident and we did not want that to leave a scar. we bought dermalmd scar serum right anyway with same day shipping and it works. after using it for about a week, you can barely tell there was even a scratch. it is about 95% gone. If you stare at it, you might see it a little bit. it could have been a lot worse.

Hi Lucy

I am sorry to hear your LO had a run in with another child at nursery. Unfortunately as parents we can't be there to protect our LO all the time, bump and scraps are bound to happen.I can see you have had lots of great advice from other members on here. I know lavender oil can also be very good for natural healing.

All the best Claire.

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