How long do you live with stage 4 lung cancer with treatment?

Cancer survival by stage at diagnosis for England, 2019
Office for National Statistics

These figures are for people diagnosed in England between 2013 and 2017. 

These statistics are for net survival. Net survival estimates the number of people who survive their cancer rather than calculating the number of people diagnosed with cancer who are still alive. In other words, it is the survival of cancer patients after taking into account that some people would have died from other causes if they had not had cancer.

In 2020, lung cancer caused 1.80 million cancer deaths worldwide, the leading cause of cancer deaths that year. Sadly, most patients are diagnosed with lung cancer in the advanced stages, such as stage 4. Consequently, patients’ treatment options and survival rates can look drastically different than those diagnosed in the early stages.

After receiving a stage 4 lung cancer prognosis, many patients are unsure of what to expect. Although there is no cure, there are treatment options available to patients in later stages of lung cancer aimed to prolong life and make it more enjoyable.

How Long Can You Live with Stage 4 Lung Cancer?

Although many patients receive a poor prognosis during stage 4, there is still a life worth living. Lung cancer patients will often be given the amount of time that they have left where they can then plan both curative and palliative treatments to help them live longer. Once your prognosis is determined you will better understand your life expectancy.

Several factors help determine the survival rates of stage 4 lung cancer. Characteristics such as stage, metastasis, weight loss, performance status, sex, and lung illnesses all affect the survival rate of lung cancer patients.

Stage of Lung Cancer 2-Year Survival Rate (% Alive 2 Years Later)*
Stage IVA 23 percent
Stage IVB 10 percent
Stage of Lung Cancer 5-Year Survival Rate (% Alive 5 Years Later)*
Stage IVA 10 percent
Stage IVB 0 percent
Stage 4 Lung Cancer Survival Rate by Age

As aforementioned, age is a contributing factor to a patient’s survival rate. Typically, older age is linked with a poorer prognosis as these patients generally are in poorer health and have weaker immune systems.

Age Diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer Survival Rate
Under 50 11 percent
Ages 50-64 7 percent
65 and Older 4.7 percent

What is Stage IV Lung Cancer?

There are 4 stages of lung cancer labeled I through IV (1-4). Stage IV is the most advanced stage of lung cancer. However, most patients are diagnosed either in stage 3 or 4.

In stage IV, cancer tumors have metastasized from the original lung to the other. Additionally, cancer during this stage may exist in locations of the body such as the heart, chest, lymph nodes, pericardium, and other areas.

There are a few subcategories of metastatic stage 4 lung cancer.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Non-small lung cell cancer (NSCLC) is different from small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) as it typically grows slower. Approximately 90% of lung cancer diagnoses are NSCLC.

Stage IVA

During this stage, the cancer cells have metastasized to the second lung and into the space holding fluid around the lungs or heart. Additionally, at least one lymph node on the second lung or chest has been affected.

Stage IVB

In stage IVB, the tumors can vary in size. Typically, more than one tumor has metastasized outside of the chest and into distant organs and areas of the body.

Small Cell Lung Cancer

SCLC is considered an extended stage and is classified separately from NSCLC.

Stage IV – Extended

Lung cancer tumors have metastasized to other areas of the chest, lymph nodes, another lung, bone, brain, or bone marrow during this stage. Around two of three people diagnosed with SCLC are in the extended stage.

What Does Terminal Lung Cancer Mean

During stage 4, patients will receive a unique prognosis that will determine their next steps such as treatment options and projected survival rates.

Patients diagnosed during the fourth stage frequently experience a different prognosis than those diagnosed in earlier stages. Because the cancer is fully developed, there are fewer treatment options therefore, the stage 4 lung cancer prognosis is less favorable.

Additionally, the median survival time for those with stage 4 lung cancer is four months, meaning that 50% of patients will be alive only four months after their diagnosis. Sadly, this means that most patients experience a terminal stage 4 lung cancer prognosis.

What Does Stage 4 Lung Cancer Do to The Body?

Lung cancer can have many effects on the body both mentally and physically. There are several symptoms that a patient may encounter during their fight against stage 4 lung cancer.

Symptoms include:

  • Back and abdominal pain
  • Excessive coughing
  • Coughing up blood, Hemoptysis
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Growth in neck or collarbone
  • Breathing issues
  • Loss of breath
  • Little appetite

In addition to the physical effects of lung cancer, the disease can have detrimental effects on a patient’s mental health. Lung cancer patients may experience a wide range of intense emotions. Conditions such as anxiety and depression can take over the mind of a cancer patient.

Therefore, a patient should surround themselves with a strong support system. Whether reaching out to family and friends or seeking support groups, it is essential to feel supported, worthy and loved.

Is There Any Treatment for Stage 4?

Lung cancer treatment can come in several forms depending on how a patient and the medical professional choose to fight cancer.

Treatments for lung cancer often include:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Surgery
  • Targeted therapies

However, during stage 4 of lung cancer, the options are often beyond curative methods. Instead, a health professional may recommend palliative treatment to ensure a patient’s comfort.

Palliative treatments help patients manage symptoms, pain, and side effects. Palliative treatments can include:

  • Cough suppressants
  • Counseling and emotional support
  • Massage therapy
  • Pain management medication
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Mindfulness practices

How Many Chemo Treatments for Stage 4 Lung Cancer?

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment used to treat lung cancer by injecting medicine into the blood. For advanced cancer stages, like stage 4, chemotherapy treatments are given differently than in earlier stages.

Medical professionals give chemotherapy in cycles, with each treatment followed by a rest period. Chemotherapy can have detrimental effects on the body, so the rest period is essential to maintain a patient’s physical and mental health. These chemo cycles are typically 3 or 4 weeks long, depending on the drug administered. Each chemotherapy medicine schedule will look different.

Typically, for advanced lung cancer, initial chemotherapy treatment lasts for 4 to 6 cycles. Additionally, some medical professionals may recommend an additional treatment such as a targeted drug if the patient responded well to initial treatment. This additional treatment is often referred to as maintenance therapy to help people live longer.

Stage 4 Lung Cancer Treatment Near Me

Choosing a team of health professionals and where to receive treatment is an important decision for a lung cancer patient. However, it can be difficult to find the right doctors in an area near you.

Picking the right cancer doctor can be difficult as there are many options. However, it is an important decision that should be made with care and time. A cancer patient should feel comfortable and confident with their medical professional. Choosing a cancer center or hospital located in your area can relieve stress and worry when thinking about if your diagnosis is curable. Reach out today to help us ease the burden.

How long do you live with stage 4 lung cancer with treatment?

Stage 4 lung cancer usually has a poor prognosis. Life expectancy for lung cancer is given as five-year survival rates, or how many people will be alive five years after diagnosis. Five-year survival rates for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer are 6%, while five-year survival rates for metastatic small cell lung cancer are 3%.

Stage 4 lung cancer (also called metastatic lung cancer) is lung cancer that has spread (metastasized) to other parts of the body outside the lungs, such as the brain, bones, and liver. 

Life expectancy for lung cancer is often expressed in 5-year survival rates, that is, how many people will be alive 5 years after diagnosis. Stage 4 lung cancer usually has a poor prognosis. 

One study found that depending on the stage of the metastases (spread) the average survival time following diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer ranged from 6.3 months to 11.4 months. 

There are a number of factors that can impact life expectancy with stage 4 lung cancer. Factors associated with a less favorable outcome include:

  • Smoking
    • Some studies have shown that some smokers with metastatic lung cancer who quit prior to starting chemotherapy increased life expectancy by as much as 6 months 
  • Older age
  • How aggressive the cancer is 
  • Location of the cancer
  • Being male
  • Other underlying health conditions
  • Congestive heart failure and cerebrovascular diseases (such as stroke,
  • aneurysm, or vascular malformation) have a significant impact on survival time

Early in the disease, people with lung cancer may not have symptoms. When the symptoms occur, they may include:

  • Persistent or worsening cough
  • Coughing up blood or rust-colored sputum
  • Chest pain that may be worse with deep breathing, coughing, or laughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Breathing problems
  • Wheezing
  • Hoarseness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue/tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that don’t go away or recur

Symptoms of stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to other parts of the body may include:

  • Swollen lymph nodes such as those in the neck or above the collarbone
  • Nervous system effects from lung cancer that has metastasized to the brain 
  • Bone pain, such as in the back or hips
  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice) from cancer spread to the liver

Stage 4 lung cancers are widespread and very hard to treat and cure. Any of the treatments listed below may help patients live longer, but they are unlikely to cure the disease at this late stage. 

Treatment for lung cancer depends on the stage, and treatments for stage 4 lung cancer may include:

  • Surgery
    • Lobectomy or sleeve resection or removal of the entire lung (pneumonectomy) 
  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
  • Laser therapy
  • Adjuvant chemotherapy 
  • Radiation therapy
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) 
  • Lymph node removal
  • Chemotherapy 
  • Immunotherapy 
  • Participation in clinical trials

How long do you live with stage 4 lung cancer with treatment?
Lung Cancer: Early Signs, Symptoms, Stages See Slideshow