How do I turn on Enter to send on Facebook

Hello iPaders! I own an ipad pro 2020 12.9. Today a problem appeared, with pressing the pressing of enter button on Magic Keyboard in Facebooks messenger app. It doesn’t send the message anymore. It shifts one line. I don’t understand or know how to fix it. Anyone knows a trick on how to change it back to the way it was? I need to touch the screen send button in order for me to send the message. Does anyone else has the same trouble? Thank you all in advance!

Update on situation 5/12/21: It seems that it’s fixed through app updates. I just pushed it and it works!

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  1. 115

    Is there any way to get the enter key to send the message besides switching keyboards? Even tried fb msger lite and no go - I think they removed the enter to send option a while back.... anyone got a solution? Switching keyboards to swiftkey is the only way I've found so far

    01-14-19 10:59 PM

  2. 457

    It was never there. The software keyboards show send button instead of the real enter.
    In some other messengers it works. This is a design choice that the developers make.

    01-14-19 11:56 PM

  3. 115

    The fb msg app did have an "enter to send" option in the past but no longer. I am fine switching keyboards (alt + enter) to get the feature while I'm using fb msg.

    01-16-19 11:02 AM

  4. 234

    It was an option for the KEYone, Alt + Enter would work. On my KEY2 the option has been omittted. Definitely a developer concern and an oversight. Super annoying that it's not an option.

    01-16-19 10:23 PM

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  • Facebook messenger enter key to send

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When I am replying to a message in Facebook and I press the Enter key it sends the message instead of moving to the next line.

How do I add extra lines in my comments before I actually post the message?

asked May 16, 2011 at 19:17

If you have the enter arrow box unchecked as shown in the figure below you will be able to go to next line by pressing Enter. Otherwise it will send your message!

answered May 17, 2011 at 14:06

Chethan S.Chethan S.

8704 silver badges14 bronze badges

I don't know why Facebook is behaving this way, but you could try pressing Shift+Enter. This should also enter a new line without shifting focus.

answered May 16, 2011 at 20:16


8,87916 gold badges53 silver badges85 bronze badges

Where is the enter button on Facebook to post?

It can be tricky, but it can be executed. To use the enter function without posting, you have to hold down the “Shift” key and hit the “Enter” key after typing your message in the conversation box.

How do you start a new paragraph in messenger?

You can start a new paragraph in Facebook Messenger by simultaneously hitting the Shift and Enter keys on your laptop. If you're using Messenger on your phone, you can start a new paragraph by touching the enter button on your keyboard.

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