How do I search within a page on Facebook?

According to statistic  Facebook is still the number social media platform in the world with 2.98 billion active monthly users in the second quarter of 2021. Current world population released by United nations on the World Population Day in July 2021 estimates it to be at 7.7 billion. Which means almost 40 percent of this population are active users of Facebook. With this sheer number of people, amount of content data uploaded onto the platform is so huge. This content range from text, images, multimedia and advertisement content uploaded by Facebook Page owners, advertisers, group members, individual account posts and etc.

How Facebook Make Its Money.

In a nutshell, Facebook allows users or subscribers (user)  to sign up for free, then allows them to connect with their friends, colleagues, family members and their relatives. They could be living within their communities, local town, city or in other parts of the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic period, a lot of people are using  Facebook and other social media platforms to stay connected with their loved ones and friends. The users on the platform is a lucrative market potential for business and Facebook allows businesses, organizations and individuals to advertise their products and services. The advertisers pay Facebook to display advertisements on the user’s profile walls. Anything that the user sees on his/her wall which was not posted by his/her friends and themselves is paid content advertisement served by Facebook.

Facebook Groups

It is common that every individual have their own unique values, preferences, hobbies and etc. So, Facebook gives the users to create their own user community groups and join other groups that share similar preferences, hobbies and values. This means that users are free to create their own groups, join existing groups and share content. Membership of these groups can be local and restricted to one country or community or can also be international groups with membership from several other countries.

Facebook Pages

Facebook also allows individual users and organizations to have  their own space within the platform to advertise their own products and services. Think of Facebook page as mini website or a market stall in a large open market square. On the facebook page, organizations can post their latest products and services offering, events, list their contact details, display their opening hours, street location and everything that is crucial for their business and customers. Many individual and small businesses, Facebook page is a great way to connect with the vast majority of users on the platform which in turn can be their potential customers. Facebook advertisement services is served to Facebook page owners. They create their advertisement content like video, posters, and etc and post or upload on to their Facebook page.Then they can pay Facebook to serve the advertisement to a wider audiences on the platform.

Related post: How to Create A Facebook Page for Business or an Organization.

Examples of Popular Facebook Groups in Papua New Guinea.

Hon James Marape for Prime Minister.

The facebook page has a membership of 40 thousand plus. Members share discuss political subjects, policy opinions and etc.

PNG Local Market

This facebook group has a membership of 103.5 thousand users and mainly allows members to sell their products and services. Like a flea market where individuals and organizations can come together to display their products and services. Business owners or even individuals who want to sell one off items like property, car or etc

PNG Job Reports & Career Resources

This facebook page reposts  job openings and other career resources (human resource, training, employment etc) . Lots of local newspaper advertisements doesn’t serve a lot of potential job seekers so this page kind of expands the audience by reporting so that members who did not have access to those job openings can access them through the page. It has almost 20 thousand membership.

These are just examples but there are so many page groups existing on facebook for Papua New Guineans to join and become part of them and participate.

Examples of Big  Companies Facebook Pages in Papua New Guinea.

Examples of big companies in PNG that has face book include the following

Bank of South Pacific

Banks of South Pacific is the largest bank in PNG and has branch and ATM presences in almost all 21 provinces in the country. It contributes to social projects like providing funding assistance to local community groups, schools , NGOs and etc. Their staff even participate in these projects as well. It’s facebook page as a following of over 95, OOO people.

TotalEnergies PNG

TotalEnergies, is   the French giant Oil company that is currently the operator of the PNG Papua LNG project in the Gulf Province. It is operates a network of retail fuel stations around the country.  The page has a over 94,000 followers currently.

Brian Group of Companies

Brian Bell group of companies is the country’s oldest  (established in 1958) and major distributor of household goods, electrical and chemical products in the country. It has network of retail stores in almost all the major centers in PNG and distributes a wider variety of global brand products. The page has a following of 130,000 people.

These are examples of big company’s Facebook presence. Most companies and organizations have facebook pages.

Why Facebook Search Is Better than a Telephone Directory Book.

In today’s digitally connected world, organizations and businesses are aware more and more people are searching for things online. People are using the internet to search for things before they make a call or visit the physical location or store. That’s why organizations are spending resources to maintain the Facebook pages and websites. Also, organizations are aware than through social media platforms like Facebook, their followings can share their pages with their friends and their group members. This way their brand publicity gets a ripple effect.

Therefore, Facebook has a  powerful search engine built into it. The facebook search allows users to search for groups, users  and facebook pages within the platform. The search engine is very similar other internet search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and etc but the only difference is, Facebook Search is restricted to content within itself. For example, it will display photos, and videos and etc which are posted content. With the search keywords, any user can easily find a specific Facebook Group, User, Facebook page or content that relates to the keyword.  For example, if someone in PNG is looking for contact details on a company, then he/she can simply do a search using the company name as keyword. This will land him/her  the Facebook page of that company, and from there, he/she can get the contact detail like email, phone, website and location map. This is much faster than flipping through a huge Telephone Directory book in the past. Also, through their mobile devices and PCs.

How to Access General Facebook Search

There are three (3) main types of Facebook Searches Facebook offers. General search, Group Search and Page search.

General Facebook Search.

1: Login onto facebook.  Once logged in , the Facebook Search text book is located right on the left of the Facebook window.

2: Start type in the key word or phrase. Facebook will automatically display related options to choose. Click the desired one from the options.

The results of the search will be displayed in the main screen in the center. The on the left side, it allows the user to filter the search. Filter options is powerful because it helps narrow the search to specific.

  • Posts
  • People
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Market Place
  • Pages
  • Places
  • Groups

For example, if search is filtered by post, it also gives sub filters like, Recent Post. Post From and etc which can really narrow down search further to specifics. General search is a great way to search for Friends, Pages, and etc.

Facebook Search within a Facebook Group Or Page.

Facebook group consists of members. As discussed earlier, group members can be up to thousands and they all contribute to post. So, content post is constantly happening. By the time a user logs out of Facebook, and login again, depending on the time in between a lot of posts happened. So the user tries to scroll down to a certain scrolls and stops because he/she cannot go on scrolling long. Also, scrolling up and down displays posts in order of posting. Some posts may be important to the user and others may not. So, instead of scrolling search for what matters most to the user. For example, if user joins Job Search related group, like PNG Jobs Reposts and Career Resources, and he/she is interested in accounting job, then he/she can do a search within the group to post that are recent and relates to key word “Accountant, Accounts, etc).

1: Go the Group or Page.

2: Click the search box. This will give the search this group dialog box. There type in the key search words and press Enter.

3: Narrow your searches using the Sub filters like Recent Posts .

4: Then scroll down find the related posts in the group.


Facebook users will continue to increase in PNG and using the different search options available within Facebook is a good way to use the platform productively and waste precious time scrolling up and down posts in groups and page book pages. It can also assist in reducing social media addiction habits which really are related to time spend on social media.

Can you search within someones Facebook page?

This helps us sort answers on the page. To search a friend's Facebook page, go to their profile page, if you are on a mobile app click on the (…) and click on Search Profile.

How do you search within a Facebook post?

Tap in the top right. Enter names or keywords that appear in either the post or the comments of the post you're searching for, then tap . Filter search results by Posts You've Seen, Most Recent, Posted By, Tagged Location and Date Posted.

Why can't I search in a Facebook group?

Facebook allows you to create groups, which allow you to connect Facebook users together. If a group's privacy setting is Closed or Secret, this group won't be searchable from the Facebook page. This means that people who aren't invited to the group won't be able to find it.

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