How do I create an album on Facebook 2022?

These days everyone uses many social media apps for their entrainment purposes. According to the survey, Facebook app is one of the most popular and widely used social media apps. Recently there has been news about How To Share A Photo Album On Facebook 2022. Here we have come up with the steps on How To Share A Photo Album On Facebook 2022. So take a look.

Many people doubt how How To Share a Photo Album On Facebook? Don't worry. From the start, creating and sharing an album is usual. So when you log in on Facebook, you can see your shared album and tap the current privacy. After adding contributors to a shared album, they can add more photos or videos, tag photos, edit the album, and add other contributors. Then contributors can only edit the uploaded photos. 

  • First, create the album on your computer and share a photo album on Facebook.

  • Open your Facebook account, and click on the Photos shown in the left-hand column. 

  • Then you have to click on the Albums and again click on Create album option. 

  • In windows, type in a name for your updated album and click on the Create option.

  • So once you are created the album, you can find the photos.

  • After that, you can add and drag those photos into the album. 

1. Log in to your  Facebook App. 

2. Tap in the top right corner of the Facebook app, then tap your official name. 

3. Then click on Photos. 

4. Then click on Albums 

5. Then click on your created Album.  

6. You have to click on the right-hand corner and then click Edit. 

7. Click on add contributors, then click on choose friends, and you can share your albums. 

8. After next, you can select your friends as contributors and click Done. 


Facebook's social media app was launched on January 4, 2004. 20 billion users are using Facebook all over the world. New features, new reels, new entrainment shorts, photography hacks, and travels post are gaining popularity and benefit the influencer. Founder Mark Zuckerberg announced that upcoming year people are making more money through Facebook because of affiliate marketing, video sharing, and many more digital marketing. Many celebrities already earn more through post sharing. They gained engagement through Facebook. 

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How To Share A Photo Album On Facebook 2022 - FAQs

1. When Facebook was found?

Facebook was founded on January 4, 2004.

2. Who is the founder of Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook. 

3. What is its subsidiary's name?

His subsidiaries' name is Novi Financial. 

4. How many employees work on Facebook?

83,553 employees are working on Facebook.

5. What is the total Net income of Facebook?

The total Net income of Facebook is US$39.370 billion.

One of the most common questions that I get via direct message, comments, or tweets is related to a post a published a while back about moving and organizing Facebook photos into different albums.  The steps detailed in that post, though, are specifically focused on individual accounts and the photos posted to your personal timeline.

In that previous post, I showed users that you can move a photo to another album by editing the album and then clicking the menu item for the individual photo that they want to move, as seen in the image below

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While a lot of folks found those steps to be very valuable, a LOT more surfaced the question asking how to do the exact same thing for a Facebook group.

In fact, just this morning, I received a tweet from @complexrainbo asking about this very specific issue:

@SocMedSean Sean, I have a specific FB Photo and album qu after reading your blog. Ppl have uploaded photos to closed family group page – so they are just in PHOTOS tab area (not an album). I want to move them to albums. How do I do this? SOS.

— Rosie Rainbow (@complexrainbo)

As you’ll see, in the Twitter conversation, though, there is no solution to this one at this time.

Other folks have sent me questions in comments or via my contact form with questions about how to:

  • download an entire Facebook photo album from a group
  • share a Facebook group photo album
  • keep Facebook from changing the order of photo albums for a group
  • move a photo to another album without losing the comments, likes, and engagements
  • stop group members from organizing Facebook photos
  • create a new album in a Facebook group that allows me to then organize my group photos
  • order the photos in a Facebook group album so they show in chronological order

So…let’s try to answer these questions as best as we can. Spoiler alert, though, some of the answers are “you can’t”. Sorry.

Table Of Contents - Click To Expand Or Hide -->

  • How Do I Move A Photo That Has Already Been Uploaded To A Facebook Group Into An Album?
  • Is There A Way To Download An Entire Facebook Group Photo Album?
  • What About Controlling the Order Of How Facebook Display Photos In An Album?
  • Can I Force Facebook To Display My Group Photos In An Album In Chronological Order?
  • What If I Can’t Even Find The Option To Add A New Photo Album To My Facebook Group?
  • OK…But Is There A Way To Organize The Photos In My Facebook Group Albums Without Losing All The Likes, Comments, And Engagements?
    • Share This Post With A Pin!

How Do I Move A Photo That Has Already Been Uploaded To A Facebook Group Into An Album?

Unfortunately, Facebook just hasn’t extended a lot of features to Groups at this time. Personal accounts and Facebook Pages are able to move photos between albums, they just haven’t extended that feature over to groups.

So…the answer to the question of “how do I move a photo from one album to another in a Facebook group” is….you don’t. The only real way to do it is to:

Step 1 – Download the photo to your local desktop by clicking into the album where the photo currently resides and clicking the “Download” from the hover menu, as shown below.

Download your photo to your desktop and then you re-upload it to the Facebook group album of your choice.

Step 2 – Once you have the photo downloaded locally, you can re-upload the photo to a new album by entering the destination album and choosing “Add Photos/Videos” link at the top of the album.

After you download the photo from your Facebook group, you can re-upload it to the album of your choosing.

Before you say it…I know. THIS SUCKS!

For those of us that have been managing Facebook groups for a long time, it just isn’t reasonable to spend hours and hours downloading and re-uploading, not to mention the fact that every time you re-upload a photo to your timeline, it will reset the data to the new upload date, essentially destroying your ability to review the activities of your group in chronological order.

So there you have it.

I’m sorry that this answer isn’t an actual solution.

It’s just asked a LOT, so I thought I would provide a quick post giving the details for those who are searching Google for an actual answer, but can’t find one.

In case you’re curious as to whether Facebook knows this is a feature request…they are. You can see the posts and related posts here:


but Facebook never really answers and they close the posts for comments pretty frequently.

Is There A Way To Download An Entire Facebook Group Photo Album?

Another situation where Facebook has made it really easy for us to download entire Facebook photo albums. All you have to do for your individual account is click on the album, choose the little hear in the upper-right corner, and then choose “Download Album” from the dropdown menu. Cool…right?

Facebook allows individual accounts to easily download an entire photo album with just a click.

Unfortunately, this is another area where Facebook hasn’t extended the same feature to Facebook groups photo albums. As you’ll notice in the image below, once you click into edit a Facebook album in a group, you don’t see the same option to be able to download the entire group photo album. 

Facebook doesn’t give group admins the ability to download an entire photo album.

For those of us that run Facebook groups and want to download all of our photos, it only leaves one option…download them individually. Luckily, Facebook has extended that feature to the groups photos, so you can click on any photo and then click the pencil icon and choose “Download…” from the menu.

Facebook does allow group admins to download their photos on an individual basis.

What About Controlling the Order Of How Facebook Display Photos In An Album?

Facebook does give group admins the ability to re-order the photos in your album by simply dragging and dropping them.

Facebook group admins can rearrange their photos within an album by dragging and dropping them.

Heads up, though, that this feature can get a little wonky and some group admins have noticed that even though they spend a lot of time re-ordering their photos within a group album, they have come back later to find that their re-ordering efforts went out the window and the photos were not in order anymore. 

I know, I know…don’t blame me. I’m just the messenger.

Can I Force Facebook To Display My Group Photos In An Album In Chronological Order?

There is some good news on this front…kind of.

Facebook has added the ability for group admins to adjust the order in which their photos are displayed within an album. You can either display them by date taken from earliest to latest or latest to earliest. 

To adjust the order in which your photos are displayed, you need to make the selection when you are uploading a new photo. I have yet to find anywhere to make this change without doing it while uploading a photo. If you know of a place to adjust this setting, leave a comment and I’ll update this section. 

Facebook does give group admins the choice about how to order the photo when you are adding them to an album.

Remember, though, when I said this was good news “kind of”? Here’s the kicker.

When you add new photos to the album, Facebook only appears to apply that ordering choice to the newly uploaded photos. All of the new photos will be put at the end of your existing album. So, if there are already photos in the album, Facebook isn’t going to include those photos in the re-ordering. 

Yeah…I know.

What If I Can’t Even Find The Option To Add A New Photo Album To My Facebook Group?

It sounds so simple, but believe it or not Facebook doesn’t really make it that easy. I have received this complaint a few times, so I figure it’s worth adding it to the post in case there are those who can’t find the feature. 

To create a new album within your Facebook group, just navigate to your group and click the “Photos” link in the left navigation.

From there, you should see a button that says “+ Create Album”. Click that button and you can batch upload photos to a Facebook group album. 

Facebook does allow group admins to batch/bulk upload photos into an album

OK…But Is There A Way To Organize The Photos In My Facebook Group Albums Without Losing All The Likes, Comments, And Engagements?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Because Facebook doesn’t allow group admins to move photos between albums without downloading them and then re-uploading them there isn’t a way to preserve those likes. When you upload the new photo, Facebook considers it  new object and it sets the likes, comments, etc…to zero.

So, as Facebook group admins, we’re stuck deciding between disorganized photos and albums, or starting over and losing all those engagements and comments.

So there you have it, some answers to the questions I hear frequently about managing photos within Facebook groups. I plan to update this post fairly frequently with new challenges and answers, so keep the feedback coming and I’ll do my best to provide updates when changes occur.

Have you discovered a way to move photos between albums in a Facebook group? Do you know of a way to re-order or structure Facebook group albums? Be sure to share your experiences (and even frustrations) in a comment.

Who knows, your tip might help alleviate others’ frustrations.



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Can you still create an album on Facebook?

Tap What's on your mind? Tap + Album at the top. Select Create Album. Enter an album name.

How do I add photos to an album on Facebook Mobile 2022?

How do I add to an existing album on Facebook?.
Tap. in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name..
Tap Photos..
At the top of your screen, scroll to the right and tap Albums, then select the album you want to add to..
Tap Add Photos/Videos..
Choose photos or videos to add, then tap Next..
Tap Post..

How do you create an album in Facebook?

To create a new album:.
Tap. in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name..
Scroll down and tap Photos..
Tap Create Album..
Enter an album title. You can also change the privacy of your album by tapping Share with..
Tap Create Album..

How do I create a new album?

Create a new album.
On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Photos app ..
Sign in to your Google Account..
Touch and hold a photo, and then select the photos you want in your new album..
At the bottom, tap Add to ..
Select Album..
Optional: Add a title to your new album..
Tap Done ..

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