How do I add follow button to Facebook group?

Enabling the Follow button is optional. You can enjoy a profile and share with only friends and family; you don’t have to turn on the Follow button.

But a profile’s Follow system offers these benefits:
  • After someone follows you, that person sees your Public updates in their News Feed. People may also discover your profile through the People to Follow box on the right side of their News Feed or through their friends’ News Feed stories.

  • Followers can share your Public posts, which broadcasts your post and profile to a larger audience.

  • You can have an unlimited number of followers (no more 5,000-friend limit).

  • You're still able to block potential followers by adjusting your Privacy Settings Block List.

  • You can connect with people on Facebook who prefer subscribing to a business page to liking it.

  • When your Follow button is open, anyone who requests to be your friend automatically becomes a follower unless you block them. You know they’re getting your public updates; you don’t have to friend them unless you want to also get their updates.

  • When you unfriend someone, they remain a follower unless you block them.

  • You can unfollow a friend. You are still friends, but you do not receive their updates in your News Feed.

  • Personal profiles get more exposure in the News Feed due to Facebook’s News Feed algorithm. You have a better chance of being seen if you’re also using your personal profile to post about your business.

    You have the option of adding a Follow button to your own Facebook Timeline to enable non-friends to receive your public updates in their News Feeds. Just follow these easy steps:

    1. Open the Account menu by clicking the small down-pointing arrow in the big blue bar on top.

    2. Select Settings from the menu that appears.

      The Settings page appears. Items on the left side of this page allow you to edit different types of settings.

    3. Select Followers on the left side of the page.

      The Followers section of the Settings page appears.

    4. Select the check box to Turn On Follow.

      A series of other settings related to being followed appear:

      • Follower Comments: Here you can control which people can comment on your posts.

      • Follower Notifications: Choose which people interacting with your posts generate notifications.

      • Username: Set up a username so people can quickly type a URL into their browsers and go straight to your Timeline.

      • Twitter: If you already use Twitter to post short updates, you can automatically import them into Facebook here.

    If you had previously turned off the capability for your Facebook Timeline to be found via search engines like Google or Bing, you’ll see an additional setting here called Follower Search. Checking this box turns back on your capability to be found in searches people do outside of Facebook.

    Howdy Influencers ! In this article, I am going to tell you How To Add Follow Button To Your Facebook Profile so that people can follow you and see your public posts. 

    If you’re trying to activate the follow feature on Facebook, obviously you’re trying to build an audience. And I’m guessing there’s a high chance that you might either be close to hitting the 5000 friends limit on Facebook, or you’ve already hit that limit. Let me know if that’s true. Just type a comment below and let me know if I’m right or wrong, either way, let’s jump right into it.

    I’m going to tell you the quick steps. It’s literally just takes a couple seconds for you to activate that follow button.

    1) First thing you’re going to need to do is you have to come up to the top right corner of your Facebook. You have to click on this little menu icon, and that’s going to give you a dropdown menu.

    How do I add follow button to Facebook group?

    Now, one thing I do want to mention is Facebook is updating their user experience all the time. So the option menu might not necessarily be in the top right corner when you’re reading this article. But usually they keep the experience pretty consistent. So chances are, it’s still going to be in the same area and it’s going to look relatively the same.

    2) But once you click on that, you just go down to settings and privacy and click on that.

    How do I add follow button to Facebook group?

    3) And then you want to open up your settings. So that’s going to open up the settings page.

    How do I add follow button to Facebook group?

    4) Once you’re on the settings page, you’re just going to go down the sidebar menu and click on public posts.

    How do I add follow button to Facebook group?

    5) And then you’re just going to come to the section that says, who can follow me. And you’re going to make sure that it’s set to public.

    How do I add follow button to Facebook group?

    And then that will allow Facebook to activate the follow button. And then from there you can gain followers. and that wraps it up. Boom!

    Now people can follow you on Facebook and you are good to go. So if you found this article helpful, please tell us in comment section. And you can also share this article with someone who is new in this social media industry so that it can help them solve their follow button problems. If you want to know more about Facebook follow button then you can read this article provided by Facebook.

    If you want to learn more about how to grow your social media profiles like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram related stuff make sure to subscribe to our newsletter right now so you don’t miss anything. And if you are preparing for advertising on Facebook then we have a must read article for you which will tell you 3 Smart Steps To Do Before Advertising On Facebook. That’s it for today guys. I will see you next time.

    How do I enable the Follow button on Facebook?

    Log in to Facebook from a computer..
    At the top, click , then click Switch Profile..
    Click See all Profiles, then select the Page you want to switch into..
    Click your Page in the left menu..
    From your Page, click , then click Add Page Button..
    Select a button, then click Next..
    Follow the instructions on the screen..

    Why doesn't my Facebook page have a follow button?

    Start by clicking the gear button in the Facebook toolbar and selecting Account Settings. When the next page appears, click the Followers tab in the left sidebar. This displays the Follower Settings page. Check the Turn On Follow option, and the page expands to display some additional options.