Gunakan javascript for loop untuk menghasilkan opsi pilih

Sejak dirilis pada 4 Desember 1995 (enam bulan setelah Java yang dirilis pada 23 Mei 1995), JavaScript telah mengalami banyak perubahan. JavaScript dimulai sebagai bahasa pemrograman sisi klien (yang berjalan di dalam browser web melalui mesin JavaScript bawaan) untuk menambahkan konten interaktif ke halaman web. Itu menjadi lebih kuat dengan DHTML (1997) dan Ajax (1999). Dengan Node. js (dirilis pada 27 Mei 2009), JavaScript dapat digunakan untuk memprogram sisi server dan membangun aplikasi web full-stack, serta skrip utilitas mandiri. Pada 2015, ECMAScript 6 (ES6 atau ES2015) memperkenalkan pembaruan besar pada bahasa, seperti kelas dan modul, dan menjadikan JavaScript sebagai bahasa pemrograman tujuan umum yang mampu mengerjakan tugas perangkat lunak yang kompleks.



Itu dimulai sebagai Bahasa Pemrograman Sisi Klien yang dijalankan di dalam browser web melalui Mesin JavaScript Bawaan

JavaScript adalah bahasa pemrograman sisi klien yang paling banyak digunakan yang memungkinkan Anda melengkapi HTML Anda dengan interaktivitas, animasi, dan efek visual dinamis untuk Antarmuka Pengguna dan Pengalaman Pengguna (UI/UX) yang lebih baik. Dia

  • bahasa scripting yang kecil, ringan, berorientasi objek, lintas platform, bertujuan khusus dimaksudkan untuk dijalankan di bawah lingkungan host (biasanya browser web)
  • bahasa skrip sisi klien untuk memperkaya antarmuka pengguna web dan membuat halaman web dinamis (mis. g. , untuk. validasi input, dan respons langsung terhadap tindakan pengguna)
  • mesin yang mendukung AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbarui satu bagian halaman web secara asinkron), yang menghasilkan pembaruan minat pada JavaScript

JavaScript bekerja sama dengan HTML/CSS. HTML menyediakan konten; . Bersama-sama, mereka memperkaya UI/UX pengguna web

JavaScript Sekarang Di Mana Saja dengan Node. js

JavaScript telah berkembang melampaui pemrograman sisi klien. Dengan diperkenalkannya Node. js pada tahun 2009 (lingkungan run-time JavaScript lintas platform sumber terbuka), Anda dapat menjalankan JavaScript mandiri atau di dalam server (bukan browser). Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan satu bahasa tunggal untuk pemrograman sisi server dan sisi klien

Sejarah dan Versi

JavaScript, awalnya bernama LiveScript, dibuat oleh Brendan Eich di Netscape pada tahun 1995. Segera setelah itu, Microsoft meluncurkan versi JavaScript-nya sendiri yang disebut JScript. Selanjutnya, Netscape mengirimkannya ke ECMA (sebelumnya "European Computer Manufacturers Association", sekarang "Ecma International - asosiasi Eropa untuk standarisasi sistem informasi dan komunikasi") untuk standardisasi, bersama dengan JScript Microsoft.

Spesifikasi ECMA disebut "Spesifikasi Bahasa Skrip ECMA-262 ECMA" @ http. // www. ecma-internasional. org/publikasi/standar/Ecma-262. htm (juga disetujui sebagai "ISO/IEC 16262")

  • ECMA-262 versi 1 (Juni 1997). Edisi pertama
  • ECMA-262 versi 2 (Agustus 1998)
  • ECMA-262 versi 3 (Desember 1999). Menambahkan ekspresi reguler, coba/tangkap, alihkan, do-while, dll
  • ECMA-262 versi 4 - Abaikan karena perbedaan politik. Pada tahun 2007, TC-39 (komite yang bertanggung jawab untuk ECMAScript) membuat draf spesifikasi untuk ECMAScript 4, yang cakupannya sangat luas dan memperkenalkan banyak sintaks dan fitur baru. Tetapi sekelompok pengembang dari Yahoo, Google, dan Microsoft merasa itu terlalu banyak dan membuat proposal alternatif yang disebut ECMAScript 3. 1. ECMAScript 4 tidak pernah diselesaikan
  • ECMA-262 versi 5 dan 5. 1 (Juni 2011). Skrip ECMA 3. 1 akhirnya distandarisasi sebagai ECMAScript 5. Menambahkan "mode ketat", JSON, metode iterasi Array, dll
  • ECMA-262 2015. paling dikenal sebagai ECMAScript 6 atau ES6
    Versi ini menambahkan sintaks baru yang signifikan untuk menulis aplikasi yang kompleks, termasuk deklarasi kelas,
    if ( condition-1 ) {
       block-1 ;
    } else if ( condition-2 ) {
       block-2 ;
    } else if ( condition-3 ) {
       block-3 ;
    } else {
       block-n ;
    7 untuk deklarasi lokal,
    if ( condition-1 ) {
       block-1 ;
    } else if ( condition-2 ) {
       block-2 ;
    } else if ( condition-3 ) {
       block-3 ;
    } else {
       block-n ;
    8 untuk deklarasi lokal konstan, nilai parameter default, iterator, dan untuk. loop, generator gaya Python, ekspresi fungsi panah (
    if ( condition-1 ) {
       block-1 ;
    } else if ( condition-2 ) {
       block-2 ;
    } else if ( condition-3 ) {
       block-3 ;
    } else {
       block-n ;
    9), data biner, array yang diketik, koleksi baru (peta, set, dan WeakMap), janji, refleksi, proksi, literal templat untuk string, dan banyak lagi
  • Skrip ECMA 2016 (ES7). Sejak ES6, standar ECMAScript berada pada siklus rilis tahunan pada bulan Juni
    Versi ini menambahkan operator eksponensial (
      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

    _0), pelingkupan blok variabel dan fungsi,
      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

    1 dan
      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

    2 kata kunci untuk pemrograman asinkron, dll.
  • Skrip ECMA 2017 (ES8). Menambahkan padding string, fungsi async yang menggunakan generator dan promise,
      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

    4 untuk manipulasi objek yang mudah, dll.
  • Skrip ECMA 2018 (ES9). Menambahkan parameter istirahat (
      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

    5), operator sebar, iterasi asinkron, penambahan ekspresi reguler
  • Skrip ECMA 2019 (ES10). Menambahkan
      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

    7, mengubah
      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

    8 dan
      JavaScript Example: Loop

    Testing Loop

    9, pengikatan tangkapan menjadi opsional, dll.
  • Skrip ECMA 2020 (ES11). memperkenalkan tipe primitif
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    0 untuk bilangan bulat ukuran arbitrer, operator penggabungan nullish (
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    1) dan objek
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
  • Skrip ECMA 2021 (ES12). Penambahan peningkatan pada string (
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    _3), promise (
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    4), dan referensi objek. Operator penugasan logis (
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
JavaScript vs. Jawa

Java adalah bahasa pemrograman tujuan umum yang lengkap. Itu dibuat oleh James Gosling di Sun Microsystems (sekarang bagian dari Oracle) dan dirilis pada Agustus 1995

JavaScript dibuat oleh Brendan Eich di Netscape, juga pada tahun 1995. Awalnya disebut LiveScript, itu adalah bahasa tujuan khusus yang kecil dan ringan untuk menulis program sisi klien yang berjalan di dalam browser untuk membuat antarmuka pengguna yang aktif dan menghasilkan halaman web yang dinamis. Itu diganti namanya menjadi JavaScript dalam keputusan pemasaran naas untuk mencoba memanfaatkan popularitas bahasa Java, ketika Netscape merilis Navigator 2 pada tahun 1996.

Java dan JavaScript adalah bahasa yang sama sekali berbeda untuk tujuan pemrograman yang berbeda. Namun, pada awalnya, beberapa upaya dilakukan untuk mengadopsi sintaks dan konvensi Java ke dalam JavaScript, sehingga JavaScript tampaknya menjadi bagian dari Java. Pada kenyataannya, mereka memiliki sedikit kesamaan

Apa yang TIDAK DAPAT Dilakukan JavaScript Sisi Klien?

Ingatlah bahwa JavaScript adalah program sisi klien yang Anda unduh dari server, dan dijalankan di dalam browser mesin (klien) Anda. Apa yang menghentikan seseorang menulis JavaScript yang menghapus hard disk Anda, atau memicu serangan denial-of-service ke server lain?

  1. Itu tidak dapat membaca file dari mesin klien
  2. Itu hanya dapat terhubung ke server asalnya. Itu dapat membaca file dari server asalnya. Itu tidak dapat menulis file ke mesin server
  3. Itu tidak dapat terhubung ke server lain
  4. Itu tidak dapat menutup jendela yang tidak terbuka

jQuery adalah Perpustakaan JavaScript lintas-browser yang populer. jQuery adalah JavaScript (tetapi memiliki sintaks ekstensinya sendiri), karenanya, Anda perlu memahami JavaScript. Saya sarankan Anda membaca sintaks JavaScript (dan memberikan perhatian khusus pada objek), dan kemudian beralih ke jQuery untuk produksi Anda. Baca "Dasar-Dasar jQuery"

Standalone dan JavaScript sisi server dengan Node. js Mesin JavaScript


Editor dan IDE Kode Sumber JavaScript

Anda memerlukan editor teks untuk menulis JavaScript Anda. Anda dapat menggunakan editor teks biasa seperti NotePad Windows atau TextEdit macOS (sangat TIDAK disarankan karena tidak dapat melakukan penyorotan sintaks). Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas Anda, editor kode sumber yang baik (yang menyediakan penyorotan sintaks, pelengkapan kode otomatis, cuplikan, dokumentasi, navigasi simbol, pemfaktoran ulang, dll. ) sangat penting. Tersedia banyak freeware/shareware, seperti Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, Komodo Edit, Emacs, Vim, BBEdit, TextMate, NotePad++ (Windows), dll. Anda juga dapat menggunakan IDE skala penuh seperti Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA. Ada juga banyak editor dan kompiler "online" yang tersedia (mis. g. , Programiz, JSFiddle, Playcode), tetapi menurut saya Anda harus menginstalnya sendiri

JavaScript Sisi Klien berdasarkan Contoh

Saya akan berasumsi bahwa Anda mengetahui HTML dan CSS (baca artikel HTML/CSS saya jika tidak). Saya juga akan berasumsi bahwa Anda memahami beberapa dasar pemrograman (pemikiran komputasional) seperti variabel, konstruksi if-else dan for-loop

JavaScripts sisi klien berjalan di dalam browser melalui mesin JavaScript bawaan. Ada standar pada JavaScript. Tetapi Big-5 (Chrome, Firefox, IE/Edge, Safari dan Opera), khususnya IE, tidak mematuhi semua standar secara ketat. Selain itu, mereka membuat ekstensi mereka sendiri. Oleh karena itu, perilaku JavaScript dapat berbeda di browser yang berbeda. Anda mungkin perlu menguji JavaScript di lebih dari satu browser

JavaScript juga berjalan mandiri (dan di server). Untuk menjalankan JavaScript mandiri, Anda perlu menginstal Node. js, yang merupakan mesin JavaScript. Saya akan menyajikan contoh-contohnya di bagian selanjutnya

Sisi klien JS EG 1. Fungsi
for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
   body ;
8 dan
for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
   body ;

Mari kita menulis JavaScript sisi klien pertama kita untuk mencetak pesan "Halo, dunia"

Mulailah dengan file baru dan masukkan kode berikut. Jangan memasukkan nomor baris, yang digunakan untuk membantu penjelasan. Perhatikan itu

  • JavaScript peka huruf besar-kecil.
      JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

    Example on event and user-defined function

    0 BUKAN
      JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

    Example on event and user-defined function

    1 dan BUKAN
      JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

    Example on event and user-defined function

  • Spasi putih "Ekstra" (kosong, tab, dan baris baru) diabaikan. Artinya, beberapa spasi putih diperlakukan sebagai satu karakter kosong. Anda dapat menggunakannya secara bebas untuk membuat program Anda lebih mudah dibaca

Simpan file sebagai "

  JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler


Example on event and user-defined function

3" (atau nama file apa pun yang Anda inginkan, dengan ekstensi file "

  JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler


Example on event and user-defined function

4" atau "

  JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler


Example on event and user-defined function

5"). Jalankan skrip dengan memuat file HTML ke browser yang mendukung JavaScript (mis. g. , Salah satu dari LIMA BESAR - Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer/Edge, Safari atau Opera)

  JavaScript Example: Functions alert() and document.write()

  My first JavaScript says:

Bagaimana itu bekerja?
  1. JavaScripts adalah kode pemrograman yang disematkan di dalam dokumen HTML. Kode-kode tersebut terdapat di antara sepasang tag
      JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

    Example on event and user-defined function

    6, sebagai berikut. CATATAN. Dalam HTML4/XHTML, Anda perlu menyertakan atribut
      JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

    Example on event and user-defined function

    7 ke elemen
      JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

    Example on event and user-defined function

    6. Baris 7-9 dan Baris 13-17 adalah dua buah JavaScripts, masing-masing ditempatkan di bagian
      JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

    Example on event and user-defined function

    9 dan
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

  2. Pernyataan JavaScript diakhiri dengan titik koma
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    1 (seperti Java/C/C++/C#)
  3. Fungsi
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    _2 (Baris 8) memunculkan kotak dialog yang menampilkan
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    3 dan tombol OK. String diapit oleh sepasang tanda kutip ganda atau tanda kutip tunggal, mis. g. ,
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    4 atau
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

  4. Halaman web saat ini diwakili oleh apa yang disebut objek
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    6 di JavaScript. Properti
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    _7 (Baris 16) menyimpan tanggal modifikasi terakhir dari dokumen saat ini. Fungsi
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    _8 (Baris 14 sampai 16) dapat digunakan untuk menulis
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    3 yang ditentukan ke dokumen saat ini, sebagai bagian dari dokumen HTML saat ini
  5. Operator
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _00 (Baris 16) dapat digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua string (seperti Java)
  6. Sebagai akibat dari
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    _9, bagian
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    0 dari dokumen ini berisi.
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    2 dan
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    8 adalah beberapa fungsi bawaan yang umum digunakan yang disediakan dalam JavaScript

MENCOBA. Cetak judul dokumen dan lokasi URL. (Petunjuk. gunakan

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

_05 dan
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

06 properti. )

Jangan Tertangkap oleh Cache - Lakukan Control-Refresh (atau Control-F5)

Jika Anda memodifikasi kode dan memuat ulang halaman web, kode baru mungkin tidak dapat dijalankan karena browser meng-cache versi yang dimuat sebelumnya. Anda dapat menggunakan Control-F5 (Control-Refresh) untuk meminta browser membuang cache, dan mengambil halaman baru

Jangan Gunakan
for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
   body ;

Karena tidak ada yang menyukainya

"Penggunaan lansiran biasanya tidak dianjurkan demi metode lain yang tidak menghalangi pengguna berinteraksi dengan laman - untuk menciptakan pengalaman pengguna yang lebih baik. Namun demikian, ini dapat berguna untuk debugging. "

for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
   body ;
8 secara teknis adalah properti objek
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

09, dan harus dirujuk sebagai
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

10. Tapi karena
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

09 adalah objek global, semua variabelnya adalah variabel global, dan dapat dirujuk tanpa nama objek

Alat Pengembangan Web F12 dan Debugger Browser

Sebelum kita melanjutkan ke contoh berikutnya, Anda harus mencoba Alat Pengembangan Web, yang tersedia di sebagian besar browser untuk men-debug HTML/CSS/JavaScript/webapps

  1. Luncurkan browser Anda dan tekan F12 untuk mengaktifkan Alat Pengembangan Web (Saya telah mencoba di Firefox, Chrome, Edge)
  2. Pilih panel "Konsol". Anda dapat memasukkan pernyataan JavaScript di konsol. Misalnya, masukkan pernyataan JavaScript berikut satu per satu dan amati hasilnya.
    alert('hello, world')
    document.write('hello world, again')
    console.log('hello world, again and again')


My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

_12 menulis pesan ke konsol, yang sering digunakan untuk debugging (seperti
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

13 di Jawa, atau
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

14 di C)

Di mana pesan kesalahannya?

Jika Anda membuat kesalahan sintaks pada contoh sebelumnya, Anda tidak akan melihat pesan kesalahan apa pun muncul di browser, tetapi skrip tidak berjalan. Tidak mungkin untuk men-debug program tanpa pesan kesalahan. Untungnya, Anda benar-benar dapat menemukan pesan kesalahan di konsol. Buat beberapa kesalahan dan segarkan browser

Sisi Klien JS EG 2. Variabel dan Fungsi
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


Skrip ini menanyakan nama pengguna, mengonfirmasi nama, dan mencetak pesan salam

Ada tiga jenis kotak dialog pop-up untuk berinteraksi dengan pengguna

  1. Fungsi
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    _2 menempatkan
      JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

    "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

    Point your mouse pointer here!!!

    3 pada kotak pop-up dengan tombol OK. Pengguna perlu mengklik tombol OK untuk melanjutkan
  2. Fungsi
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _19 menampilkan kotak pop-up input dengan
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    20 dengan tombol OK dan Batal. It returns the input entered by the user as a string; or a special value called
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    21 if the user hits the Cancel button. The optional parameter
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    22 specifies the initial string to be shown. In this article, I shall indicate optional function parameters with a trailing
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    23 for compactness
  3. The
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    24 function puts
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    25 on a pop-up box with OK and Cancel buttons. It returns
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    26 if user hits the OK button; or
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    27 otherwise

  JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()


Welcome to JavaScript!

Bagaimana itu bekerja?
  1. Line 8 declares a global variable called
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    28, via the keyword
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    29. A variable is a named storage location that holds a value. Once the variable is declared, you can assign (and re-assign) a value to that variable, via the assignment operator
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    30 (Line 9)
  2. Line 9 invokes the
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    19 function to pop out a dialog box, and reads in the string entered by the user. The string read is assigned to the variable
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    28. The function
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    15 is similar to the
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    8, but it accepts a user's input
  3. Di Baris 10, fungsi
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _24 menampilkan pesan dan mengembalikan
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    26 atau
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    27, tergantung apakah pengguna menekan tombol OK atau Batal
  4. Jika hasilnya adalah
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _26, Baris 11 mencetak
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    39. Jika tidak, Baris 13 mencetak ________44______40

MENCOBA. Alih-alih mencetak pesan ucapan menggunakan

for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
   body ;
_9, lakukan melalui
for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
   body ;

Sisi Klien JS EG 3. Objek
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


Skrip berikut membuat objek

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

43 yang mewakili tanggal-waktu saat ini, dan mencetak waktu saat ini

  JavaScript Example: The Date object

Bagaimana itu bekerja?
  • Baris 8 mendeklarasikan variabel yang disebut
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    45. Itu juga membuat objek
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    43 (melalui operator
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    47), yang berisi stempel tanggal-waktu saat ini, dan menetapkannya ke
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

  • "
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _49" memulai komentar akhir baris (Baris 8 dan 9). Komentar diabaikan oleh mesin JavaScript tetapi penting untuk menjelaskan kode Anda kepada orang lain (dan kepada Anda sendiri tiga hari kemudian)
  • Baris 9 mendeklarasikan variabel yang disebut
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    50. Itu juga memanggil fungsi
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _51 pada objek
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    45, dalam bentuk
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    53, untuk mengambil bagian jam dari objek
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    45, dan menugaskannya ke variabel
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    50. Baris 9 dan 10, juga menangani menit dan detik
  • Baris 12 sampai 14 gunakan
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _56 untuk menulis ke dokumen saat ini.
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _57 (baris tulis) menulis baris baru (
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    58) setelah string yang diberikan. Perhatikan bahwa browser mengabaikan spasi ekstra (baris baru, kosong, tab) dalam dokumen HTML;
  • Baris 16-20 berisi pernyataan kondisional if-then-else. Bergantung pada nilai
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    50, salah satu pesan akan ditampilkan
  1. Ubah skrip di atas untuk mencetak tanggal, bulan, tahun, dan hari saat ini dalam seminggu. (Petunjuk. Use functions
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    64 and
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    65 of a
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    43 object.
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    62 returns 1-31.
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    63 returns 0 to 11 for January to December.
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    64 returns a 4-digit year.
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    65 returns 0 to 6 for Sunday to Saturday)
  2. Use a conditional statement to print the day of the week in word (i. e. , 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday and etc. ). (Hints. Use the
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    71 construct as follow. )
    if ( condition-1 ) {
       block-1 ;
    } else if ( condition-2 ) {
       block-2 ;
    } else if ( condition-3 ) {
       block-3 ;
    } else {
       block-n ;

Client-Side JS EG 4. Loops

The following script prompts the user for a multiplier, and prints the multiples of 1 to 100 using a for-loop

  JavaScript Example: Loop


Testing Loop

Bagaimana itu bekerja?
  • Line 11 prompts the user for a number, and assigns it to the variable
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

  • Lines 12-14 contain a for-loop. A for-loop takes the following syntax.
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    Gunakan javascript for loop untuk menghasilkan opsi pilih

    There are four parts in a for-loop. Three of them, initialization, test and post-processing, are enclosed in brackets

    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    73 and separated by 2 semicolons. The body contains the repetitive task to be performed. The initialization statement is first executed. The test is then evaluated. If the test returns true, the body is executed; followed by the post-processing statement. The test is evaluated again and the process repeats until the test returns false. When the test is false, the for-loop completes and program execution continues to the next statement after the for-loop. The following flow chart illustrates the for-loop process.

    In this example, the variable

    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    74 is initialized to 1. If
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    74 is less than or equal to 100, the body of the loop executes, followed by the post-processing statement, which increment the value of
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    74 by 1. The loop repeats until the value of
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    74 is NOT less than or equal to 100 (i. e. , more than 100)

  1. Modify the above script to prompt the user for the multiplier as well as the number of multiples to be printed (in two
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    15 statements)
  2. Modify the above script to print only multiples that are odd number. (Hint. The modulo operator "
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    79" can be used to compute the remainder, e. g. ,
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    80 computes the remainder of
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    81 divides by 2, which results in either 0 or 1. )

Client-Side JS EG 5. User-defined Functions and
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

82 Event Handler

Besides the JavaScript built-in functions such as

for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
   body ;
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

85, and
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

57, you can define your own functions. A function has a name and a body consisting of a set of JavaScript statements that collectively performs a certain task. It may take zero or more argument(s) from the caller and return zero or one value back to the caller

  JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler


Example on event and user-defined function

Bagaimana itu bekerja?
  • Lines 8-10 define a function called
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    87, via the keyword
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    88. The function invokes the built-in function
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    89, which opens a new browser window (or tab) and loads the page "
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

  • Lines 15-16 create an HTML button. Clicking the button triggers the
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    82 event handler, i. e. ,
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _87 didefinisikan sebelumnya

MENCOBA. Sertakan tombol lain, yang membuka "

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


Sisi Klien JS EG 6. Lebih Banyak Penangan Acara.
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

95 dan
My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


JavaScript dapat digunakan untuk menangani berbagai jenis peristiwa, sebagai respons terhadap tindakan pengguna atau tindakan browser. Sebagai contoh,

  • My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _94. menyala setelah browser memuat halaman
  • My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    _95 dan
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    96. menyala ketika pengguna mengarahkan pointer mouse ke/menjauh dari elemen HTML

  JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout


"Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

Point your mouse pointer here!!!

Membedah Program
  • Baris 8 mendefinisikan variabel
    alert('hello, world')
    document.write('hello world, again')
    console.log('hello world, again and again')
    _00, yang menyimpan string untuk ditampilkan di event handler
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

  • Pada tag pembuka (Baris 12), kita mendefinisikan event handler
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    94 untuk event
    alert('hello, world')
    document.write('hello world, again')
    console.log('hello world, again and again')
    03. Itu memanggil
    for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
       body ;
    _8 dengan pesan yang ditentukan sebelumnya
  • Baris 13 dan 14 mendefinisikan event handler
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    95 dan
    My First JavaScript says

    Hello world, again!

    This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    96 untuk elemen HTML

    Warna teks akan berubah menjadi merah saat pengguna mengarahkan penunjuk tetikus ke elemen (dengan menyetel properti gaya CSS

    alert('hello, world')
    document.write('hello world, again')
    console.log('hello world, again and again')
    07 menjadi merah), dan kembali ke warna aslinya saat penunjuk tetikus dipindahkan (dengan menyetel ulang gaya CSS . Kata kunci khusus
    alert('hello, world')
    document.write('hello world, again')
    console.log('hello world, again and again')
    _09 mengacu pada objek ini

Sisi Klien JS EG 7. Memisahkan HTML, CSS dan JavaScript

Contoh sebelumnya berfungsi dengan baik. Anda akan menemukan banyak contoh seperti itu di buku teks, terutama buku teks lama. Namun, itu memiliki masalah besar. Semua konten HTML, gaya presentasi CSS, dan kode pemrograman JavaScript ditempatkan dalam satu file. Untuk program mainan kecil, masalahnya tidak serius. Tetapi ketika program Anda berkembang dan jika HTML, CSS, dan JavaScript ditulis oleh orang yang berbeda, Anda akan memiliki tantangan nyata dalam memelihara program tersebut. Ingatlah bahwa HTML untuk konten, CSS untuk presentasi, dan JavaScript untuk perilaku

Mari tulis ulang contoh untuk menempatkan HTML, CSS, dan JavaScript dalam tiga file berbeda

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

My First JavaScript says

Hello world, again!

This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

Bagaimana itu bekerja?
  1. Menempatkan kode skrip di dalam halaman HTML bukanlah praktik rekayasa perangkat lunak yang baik. Alih-alih, pendekatan yang sekarang lebih disukai adalah menempatkan skrip, serta gaya CSS, di file eksternal, yang kemudian dapat diterapkan secara seragam ke semua halaman di situs web Anda
  2. Mari kita mulai dengan file HTML. Sekarang, file HTML hanya menyimpan konten, tidak ada gaya presentasi dan tidak ada logika pemrograman

    1. Lembar gaya CSS disimpan dalam file eksternal, direferensikan melalui tag
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      6 di atas
      Catatan. Dalam HTML4/XHTML1. 0 Anda harus menyertakan atribut
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      _11 di tag pembuka
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function


    2. Juga, kode pemrograman JavaScript disimpan dalam file eksternal, direferensikan melalui
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      6 di atas diperlukan, meskipun tidak ada konten
      Catatan. Dalam HTML4/XHTML1. 0, Anda harus menyertakan atribut
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      _7 di
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      Bagaimana itu bekerja?
      1. Dokumen HTML ini berisi elemen dengan
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        16 unik, dua

        elemen, tiga

        elemen dengan

        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        17, dan tiga
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        6 dengan unik
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')

      2. Dalam fungsi yang ditentukan pengguna
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _20, kami menggunakan
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        21 untuk memilih elemen, lalu memodifikasi properti
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
      3. Dalam fungsi
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _23, kami menggunakan
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        24 untuk memilih semua

        elemen dalam array alert('hello, world') document.write('hello world, again') console.log('hello world, again and again')_25. Kami kemudian menggunakan for-loop untuk mengulangi semua elemen dalam array. Properti alert('hello, world') document.write('hello world, again') console.log('hello world, again and again')_26 menyimpan panjang array

      4. Dalam fungsi
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _27, kami menggunakan
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        28 untuk memilih semua

        elemen. Kami menggunakan loop

        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _29 JavaScript untuk mengulangi semua elemen. Kami menggunakan variabel
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        8 yang paling aman, karena
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        29 loop membuat variabel cakupan blok baru untuk setiap iterasi;

      5. Halaman ini berisi tiga tombol untuk memicu fungsi yang ditentukan
      6. untuk memanipulasi elemen di DOM menggunakan JavaScript, kode JavaScript harus dijalankan setelah elemen yang relevan dibuat di dokumen. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan meletakkan JavaScript tepat sebelum tag penutup
      7. Skrip berisi fungsi
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        33, yang ditetapkan sebagai
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        94 handler melalui
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        35. Artinya,
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _33 akan dipicu setelah halaman dimuat. Fungsi
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _33 menetapkan
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        82 event handler ke tombol, dipilih melalui
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        39 menggunakan
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        19 tombol unik
      8. Alih-alih properti
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        22, JavaScript versi lama menggunakan
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        42 (yang mencakup teks dan markup) untuk mengubah konten elemen yang dipilih. Menurut MDN. "
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _22 harus digunakan sebagai gantinya. Karena teks tidak diuraikan sebagai HTML, kemungkinan besar kinerjanya lebih baik. Selain itu, ini menghindari vektor serangan XSS (Cross-Site Scripting). "

      Sisi Klien JS EG 9. Intercepting a Hyperlink

      This example uses a script to intercept a hyperlink to put up a warning message, then proceed to the link

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      Bagaimana itu bekerja?
      1. The HTML page has an hyperlink
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        6with an unique
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
      2. The
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        33 function assigns an
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        82 handler to the hyperlink, selected via
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
      3. When the hyperlink is clicked, the
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        82 handler
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        50 triggered. If
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        16 returns true, the new page will be loaded; otherwise, the current page remains

      More Advanced JavaScript Examples

      More "Advanced JavaScript Examples"

      Debugging JavaScripts

      Debugger grafis adalah HARUS dalam pemrograman. Programming in JavaScript, in particular, requires a good debugger. It is because JavaScripts are interpreted and does not need to be compiled. Hence, there is no compiler to show you the syntax errors. A simple and trivial syntax error (e. g. , missing bracket, mis-spelling) will render the entire script not workable. Worst still, you would not see any error message when the script did not work. Can you debug without any error message or clue?

      Without a graphic debugging, the only mean to debug JavaScript is to insert

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      8 at strategic locations to print out selected data

      After modifying a JavaScript, I recommend that you use Ctrl-F5 to refresh the page, which shall load a fresh copy instead of loading from the cache. You might need to clear the browser's cache or re-start the browser, if you modification does not take effect

      F12 Web Developer Tools

      In Chrome and Firefox, you can press F12 to activate the developer Tools (hence called F12 Developer Tools)

      Ini menyediakan fitur-fitur ini

      1. Menghibur. Lihat pesan kesalahan JavaScript. Mulai pembakar dan alihkan ke panel "Konsol".
      2. Naskah. Lihat dan debug JavaScript. Mulai pembakar. Beralih ke panel "Script". "Aktifkan" atau "Muat ulang" jika perlu. Anda dapat mengatur breakpoint dengan mengklik nomor pernyataan, satu langkah melalui pernyataan JavaScript, melihat ekspresi, dan lain-lain
      3. DOM. Lihat DOM HTML dari dokumen saat ini
      4. HTML dan CSS

      Untuk men-debug JavaScript

      1. Luncurkan Firebug ⇒ Pilih panel "Script" untuk melihat JavaScript Anda, ditunjukkan dengan nomor baris tebal hijau
      2. Segarkan (Ctrl-F5) halaman, dan periksa konsol kesalahan (Di bawah "Konsol" ⇒ "Kesalahan") untuk kesalahan sintaksis. Perbaiki semua kesalahan sintaks
      3. Untuk melacak program, atur breakpoint pada pernyataan JavaScript yang dipilih, dengan mengklik margin kanan (di sebelah kiri nomor baris). Sebuah lingkaran merah muncul menunjukkan breakpoint. Perhatikan bahwa Anda hanya dapat menyetel breakpoint pada pernyataan dengan nomor baris tebal hijau. [Jika pernyataan JavaScript Anda tidak memiliki nomor baris tebal hijau, ada kesalahan sintaks pada pernyataan ini. Anda perlu memperbaiki kesalahan sintaks dan memuat ulang halaman. ]
      4. Picu skrip (melalui mengklik tombol/tautan, atau memuat ulang halaman). Eksekusi berhenti pada breakpoint pertama. Anda kemudian dapat melangkahi pernyataan (atau melangkah ke fungsi), dan memeriksa variabel dengan memposisikan penunjuk tetikus pada variabel;
      5. Anda dapat melanjutkan eksekusi (melalui tombol lanjutkan)
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')

      Alih-alih menggunakan

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      8 dan
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      9 untuk menunjukkan hasil antara, Anda juga dapat menggunakan
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      56, yang menulis
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      57 dan nilai
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      58 ke konsol kesalahan. Itu tidak mengganggu tampilan halaman web Anda atau operasi normal Anda

      Misalnya, modifikasi JavaScript pada Contoh 8 untuk mencetak nilai innerHTML sebelum modifikasi. Anda perlu menyalakan konsol (tekan F12) untuk melihat hasilnya

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      JavaScript dan HTML

      Seperti yang terlihat dari contoh sebelumnya, JavaScript tertanam di dalam dokumen HTML, dan dijalankan oleh browser. Ada dua kesempatan di mana browser menjalankan instruksi JavaScript

      1. JavaScripts terlampir dalam
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        _6 berjalan selama pemuatan halaman
      2. Beberapa JavaScripts, yang disebut event handler, dijalankan sebagai akibat dari tindakan (atau peristiwa) pengguna atau browser. Misalnya, mengklik tombol (
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _82) atau memuat halaman (
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Oleh karena itu, ada dua tempat untuk meletakkan JavaScript Anda

      1. antara
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        6 tag kontainer;
      2. di dalam tag HTML sebagai event handler (seperti
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        94), e. g. ,
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      _6 berisi pernyataan pemrograman JavaScript. Sebagai contoh,

      Dalam HTML4/XHTML1. 0, Anda perlu menyertakan atribut

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      68 di
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      6 diperlukan meskipun tidak ada konten. ?

      Dalam HTML4/XHTML1. 0, Anda harus memasukkan

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      _68 di
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      6 tag, dan menjalankannya di bawah browser web, Anda harus mengaktifkan debugger (Alat Pengembang Web) untuk melihat hasilnya. Lihat bagian di atas pada contoh sisi klien

    3. Standalone JS Misalnya 2. [MELAKUKAN]

      [TODO] Periksa Keterbatasan seperti File IO, Jaringan, dll. Bandingkan dengan Skrip Shell dan skrip Python untuk otomatisasi

      JavaScript Sisi Server berdasarkan Contoh

      Anda juga dapat menggunakan JavaScript untuk memprogram webapp sisi server, seperti Java Servlet/JSP, Microsoft ASP, PHP, Python, dll. Daya tariknya adalah Anda dapat menggunakan satu bahasa untuk memprogram sisi klien dan sisi server dalam aplikasi web

      Lihat Node. artikel js

      Sintaks Dasar JavaScript


      Komentar diabaikan oleh runtime JavaScript tetapi sangat berguna dalam menjelaskan kode Anda kepada orang lain (dan juga kepada Anda sendiri tiga hari kemudian). Anda harus menggunakan komentar secara bebas untuk menjelaskan atau mendokumentasikan kode Anda

      Komentar akhir baris dimulai dengan

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      49 dan berlangsung hingga akhir baris saat ini. Komentar multi-baris dimulai dengan
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      _73 dan berlangsung hingga
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')

      Perhatikan itu

      • Komentar HTML terlampir di dalamnya
      • CSS mendukung komentar multibaris
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _75, tetapi BUKAN komentar akhir baris
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      • JavaScript mendukung
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        75 dan ________44______49, seperti Java/C/C++/C#

      Spasi putih (kosong, tab, baris baru)

      Seperti C/C++/Java, JavaScript mengabaikan spasi tambahan (kosong, tab, dan baris baru). Saya sangat menyarankan Anda menggunakan spasi tambahan untuk memformat program Anda agar kode Anda lebih mudah dibaca dan dipahami


      Ekspresi adalah kombinasi dari variabel, literal, operator, dan sub-ekspresi yang dapat dievaluasi untuk menghasilkan nilai tunggal

      Pernyataan, Titik Koma, dan Blok

      Pernyataan adalah instruksi pemrograman tunggal. Tidak seperti C/C++/Java, di mana Anda harus mengakhiri pernyataan dengan titik koma (

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      79), dalam JavaScript titik koma bersifat opsional. Namun, jika titik koma tidak ada, Anda harus mengakhiri pernyataan dengan baris baru (dan mesin JavaScript akan menyisipkan titik koma untuk Anda)

      Titik koma dalam JavaScript membagi komunitas. Beberapa lebih suka menggunakannya selalu, apa pun yang terjadi. Yang lain suka menghindarinya untuk singkatnya. Saya akan menyerahkannya kepada Anda

      Sebuah blok terdiri dari nol atau lebih pernyataan diapit oleh sepasang kurung kurawal

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      80. Tidak diperlukan titik koma setelah kurung kurawal penutup

      Variabel, Literal dan Jenis

      Deklarasi variabel (
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      8) dan Operator Penugasan (
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')

      Variabel adalah lokasi penyimpanan bernama yang menyimpan nilai. Sebelum ES6, Anda hanya dapat menggunakan

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      29 untuk mendeklarasikan variabel global. ES6 memperkenalkan dua kata kunci baru.
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      7 untuk mendeklarasikan variabel cakupan blok lokal, dan
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      8 untuk mendeklarasikan konstanta cakupan blok lokal

      Anda harus mencoba

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      8 (paling aman), diikuti oleh
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      7, dan menghindari
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Anda dapat menetapkan (dan menetapkan kembali) nilai ke variabel menggunakan operator penugasan (

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      84). Sebagai contoh,


      Pengidentifikasi adalah nama yang diberikan untuk mengidentifikasi entitas (seperti variabel dan fungsi). Aturan untuk pengidentifikasi yang valid adalah

      • Pengidentifikasi dapat berisi huruf (
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _93), angka (
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        94), garis bawah (
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        95) dan tanda dolar (
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        96). Tapi itu tidak bisa dimulai dengan angka (
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
      • Pengidentifikasi peka terhadap huruf besar-kecil.
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        0 BUKAN
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        2, dan BUKAN
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

      • Pengidentifikasi tidak boleh berupa kata kunci
      • Perhatikan bahwa tanda hubung (
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _01) dan spasi TIDAK diperbolehkan. Oleh karena itu,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        03, BUKAN pengidentifikasi yang valid. Anda harus menggunakan garis bawah (
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        _95) bukan tanda hubung (
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!


      Literal adalah nilai tetap, e. g. ,

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      21, yang dapat ditugaskan ke variabel, atau merupakan bagian dari ekspresi


      JavaScript berorientasi objek. Tapi, Ini mendukung tipe dan objek primitif

      Primitif bukanlah objek dan tidak memiliki properti dan metode. JavaScript supports these primitive types

      1. rangkaian. urutan karakter. Literal string diapit oleh sepasang tanda kutip tunggal atau kutip ganda (mis. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      2. nomor. mengambil keduanya bilangan bulat (mis. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        06) atau floating-point (mis. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      3. boolean. mengambil literal boolean baik
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 atau
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        27 (dalam huruf kecil)
      4. belum diartikan. takes a special literal value called
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        18. Perhatikan bahwa
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        18 adalah tipe dan nilai literal
      5. simbol (ES6). Tipe data yang instansnya unik dan tidak dapat diubah
      6. besar (ES2020/ES11). bilangan bulat dengan presisi sewenang-wenang

      JavaScript juga mendukung jenis dan nilai objek ini (kami akan membahas objek nanti)

      1. obyek. untuk objek umum
      2. fungsi. untuk objek fungsi. Tidak seperti Java, fungsi adalah objek kelas satu dalam JavaScript, mis. g. , Anda dapat menetapkan fungsi ke variabel
      3. batal. Nilai literal khusus untuk unallocated (unconstructed)
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        20. Perhatikan bahwa
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _21 BUKAN
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _23 adalah
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _21 dimaksudkan untuk mewakili tidak adanya objek yang dibangun.
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _21 sebenarnya dianggap primitif karena tidak memiliki properti dan metode

      Tidak seperti kebanyakan bahasa pemrograman umum (seperti Java/C/C++/C#) yang bertipe kuat, JavaScript bertipe longgar (mirip dengan sebagian besar bahasa skrip seperti UNIX Shell Script, Perl, Python). Anda tidak perlu secara eksplisit mendeklarasikan jenis variabel (seperti

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      27 dan
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      28) selama deklarasi. Jenis diputuskan ketika nilai ditugaskan ke variabel itu. Jika angka ditetapkan, variabel mengambil tipe
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 dan dapat melakukan operasi numerik seperti penjumlahan dan pengurangan. Jika string ditugaskan, variabel mengambil tipe
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 dan dapat melakukan operasi string seperti penggabungan string. Dengan kata lain, tipe diasosiasikan dengan nilai, bukan variabel

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      Anda dapat menggunakan operator

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      _31 untuk memeriksa jenis nilai saat ini yang ditetapkan ke variabel.
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      31 mengembalikan sebuah string

      Sebagai contoh,

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      _18 dan ________74______18 Nilai Literal

      Variabel yang tidak dideklarasikan (melalui

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      29 kata kunci) menggunakan tipe khusus yang disebut
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18. Anda tidak dapat merujuk pada nilainya

      Ketika sebuah variabel dideklarasikan (melalui

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      29 kata kunci) tanpa menetapkan nilai awal, ia mengambil tipe
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18 dan memegang nilai khusus yang disebut
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18 (
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      41 mungkin lebih tepat?. ), Segera setelah nilai ditetapkan, variabel mengambil tipe dari nilai tersebut. Tindakan menempatkan nilai ke dalam variabel menetapkan jenisnya. Anda dapat mengubah tipe variabel dengan menetapkan kembali nilai tipe lain. Dengan kata lain, tipe diasosiasikan dengan nilai, bukan variabel. Jenis dikonversi secara otomatis sesuai kebutuhan selama eksekusi (dikenal sebagai diketik secara dinamis)

      Sebagai contoh,

      (ES6) Konstanta
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      Anda dapat membuat read-only, bernama konstanta dengan kata kunci

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      8 (di tempat
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      29). Sebagai contoh,

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      _74 Jenis, Literal & Operasi

      Sebuah variabel bertipe

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 menampung sebuah angka, baik bilangan bulat atau bilangan titik-mengambang

      Literal bilangan bulat dapat dinyatakan dalam

      • Desimal. dimulai dengan angka
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        47 sampai
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        48 (bukan
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        49), e. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        50 atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • Oktal. diawali dengan angka
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _49, e. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _53 atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • Heksadesimal. dimulai dengan
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _55 (atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        56), e. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        57 atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • Biner. dimulai dengan
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _59 (atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        60), e. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _61 atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        62. [Biner mungkin tidak didukung di beberapa browser. ]

      Literal floating-point dapat diekspresikan dalam bentuk biasa (mis. g. ,

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      _63) atau notasi ilmiah, e. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      JavaScript juga menyediakan beberapa

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      _74 literal khusus

      • ketakterbatasan. e. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • -ketakterbatasan. e. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • NaN (Bukan Angka). e. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _69, atau mengonversi string
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        70 menjadi angka
      Operasi Aritmatika

      Operasi aritmatika, seperti tabel di bawah ini, dapat diterapkan pada bilangan. Hasil berikut diperoleh dengan asumsi bahwa

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      72 sebelum operasi

      OperatorDescriptionExampleResult (
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      72)+Penjumlahanz = x + y;z adalah Pengurangan 7 (atau Negasi Uner)z = x - y;z adalah 3*Perkalianz = x * y;z adalah 10/Pembagianz = x / y;z . 5%Modulus (Sisa Pembagian)z = x % y;z adalah 1++Unary Pre- or Post-Incrementy = x++;
      Sama dengan. y = x;
      Sama dengan. x = x-1;

      Dalam JavaScript, operasi aritmatika selalu dilakukan dalam floating-point presisi ganda (BUKAN bilangan bulat). Yaitu,

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      75 memberikan ________74______76 (bukan 0 di Java/C/C++). Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi bawaan ________74______77 untuk memotong nilai titik-mengambang menjadi bilangan bulat, misalnya. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      78 dan
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      79 memberikan
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      80. Anda juga dapat menggunakan fungsi matematika bawaan seperti
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      83 untuk mengonversi bilangan titik-mengambang menjadi bilangan bulat

      Operator Eksponen (
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop


      ECMAScript 2016 (ES7) memperkenalkan operator eksponen (

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      0), Anda dapat menulis
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      86, e. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      Sebelum ES7, Anda harus menggunakan fungsi bawaan ________74______88

      Aritmatika cum Operator Penugasan

      Ini adalah operator tangan pendek untuk menggabungkan dua operasi

      OperatorDescriptionExampleResult+=Penambahan cum Assignmentx += y;Sama seperti. x = x + y;-=Pengurangan cum Tugasx -= y;Sama seperti. x = x - y;*=Perkalian dengan Tugasx *= y;Sama dengan. x = x * y;/=Pembagian cum Tugasx /= y;Sama dengan. x = x / y;%=Modulus cum Assignmentx %= y;Sama seperti. x = x % y;
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      _89 Fungsi bawaan yang sering digunakan
      • parseInt(str), parseFloat(str). Parsing
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        3 hingga non-digit pertama, dan kembalikan nomornya;
      • Matematika. bulat (bil), Matematika. lantai (angka), Matematika. ceil(bil)
      • Matematika. acak(). Hasilkan angka acak antara 0 (inklusif) dan 1 (eksklusif)
      • isNaN(str). kembalikan true jika
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        3 bukan angka. Misalnya, Menarik untuk dicatat bahwa JavaScript tidak memiliki fungsi pendamping seperti
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • Nomor(str). Kembalikan nomor yang diwakili oleh
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _25, atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        91. Anggap nama fungsi ini dimulai dengan huruf besar, karena ini adalah operasi pengecoran tipe
      • toFixed(Tempat desimal). Kembalikan angka/string ini ke angka desimal yang diberikan. Sebagai contoh,

      Jenis, Literal & Operasi ________74______30


        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      _30 adalah urutan karakter diapit dalam sepasang tanda kutip tunggal atau tanda kutip ganda (e. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      02). ES6 memperkenalkan string template multi-baris yang dibatasi oleh tanda kutip belakang (di bagian berikutnya). Anda dapat menggunakan urutan escape untuk mewakili karakter khusus yang tidak dapat dicetak (seperti
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      58 untuk baris baru,
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      04 untuk tab, dan
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      05 untuk karakter Unicode); . g. ,
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      Tidak seperti Java/C/C++, tetapi seperti atribut HTML/CSS, Anda dapat menggunakan tanda kutip tunggal atau ganda untuk

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30. Ini berguna karena Anda dapat menggunakan tanda kutip tunggal jika
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 berisi tanda kutip ganda (e. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: The Date object

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      11), tanpa menggunakan escape sequence yang kikuk (mis. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      JavaScript bertipe dinamis, dan melakukan konversi tipe secara otomatis. Ketika nilai

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      _30 digunakan dalam operasi aritmatika (seperti pengurangan atau perkalian), runtime JavaScript secara otomatis mengonversi
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 menjadi
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 jika mewakili
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 yang valid; . Sebagai contoh,

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      _00 Operator. Penjumlahan atau Penggabungan?

      Jika kedua operan ke

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      _00 operator adalah
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      22, itu melakukan penambahan numerik biasa. Namun, jika salah satu (atau keduanya) operan adalah
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30, operator
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      00 kelebihan beban untuk melakukan penggabungan string. Operan lainnya akan dikonversi menjadi
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30, jika perlu. Sebagai contoh,

      Mengonversi angka
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 menjadi
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      29 dan
        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      Untuk mengonversi angka

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 menjadi
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74, Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi bawaan
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      77 atau
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      29, yang mengembalikan
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 jika konversi berhasil; . Sebagai contoh,

      Perhatikan bahwa

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      77 berfungsi selama
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 dimulai dengan angka. Ini akan mengurai hingga non-digit pertama. Sebagai contoh,

      You can also use the function

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      30, which converts the object argument to a number that represents the object's value; or
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      91 if conversion fails. Sebagai contoh,

      Membangun/Mengubah ke ________74______30.
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      42 dan
        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      Anda dapat membuat

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      _30 dari tipe lain melalui fungsi
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      42, e. g. ,

      Anda dapat menggunakan

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      _43 untuk mendapatkan
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 representasi objek, e. g. ,

      Anda juga dapat mengonversi angka menjadi string dengan menggabungkannya dengan string kosong, mis. g. ,

      Properti String
      • panjangnya. e. g. ,
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        _48 mengembalikan panjang string
      Operasi String
      • toUpperCase(). mengembalikan string huruf besar
      • ke Huruf Kecil(). mengembalikan string huruf kecil
      • karakter(idx). mengembalikan karakter pada posisi
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        _49. Indeks dimulai dari 0. Indeks negatif dapat digunakan, yang dihitung dari akhir string
      • substring(beginIdx, endIdx). mengembalikan substring dari
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        _50 (inklusif) ke
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        51 (eksklusif)
      • substr(beginIdx, panjang). mengembalikan substring dari
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        _50 dari
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
      • indexOf(searchStr, fromIdx?). Mengembalikan indeks awal kemunculan pertama
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        54, mulai dari
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        55 opsional (default 0);
      • lastIndexOf(searchStr, fromIdx?). Mengembalikan indeks awal dari kejadian terakhir
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        6, mulai dari
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        55 opsional (default dari
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
      • irisan(beginIdx, endIdx). Kembalikan substring dari
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        62 (inklusif) ke
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        63 (eksklusif)
      • ulangi (hitung) (ES6). ulangi string
      • split(pembatas), larik. bergabung (pembatas). mengembalikan array dengan memisahkan string menggunakan ________92______64, e. g. ,
      • Mencari/Memodifikasi String menggunakan Regular Expression. Lihat ""
      Tipe Karakter?

      JavaScript tidak memiliki tipe karakter khusus, tetapi memperlakukannya sebagai satu karakter tunggal. Untuk mendapatkan karakter individual dari sebuah string, Anda dapat menggunakan

      • karakter(idx). Sebagai contoh,
      • Operator Braket Larik []. Anda dapat memperlakukan string sebagai array karakter, dan mengakses karakter individu melalui operator braket array
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        65, e. g. ,

      (ES6) Multiline Back-Quote Template String dan Substitusi

      Sebelum ES6, Anda dapat menyertakan string literal menggunakan tanda kutip tunggal atau ganda (mis. g. ,

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      02). Urutan melarikan diri akan digunakan untuk karakter khusus (mis. g. ,
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      58 untuk baris baru,
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      04 untuk tab) dan menyelesaikan konflik (e. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      08). String multibaris tidak didukung

      ES6 memperkenalkan string template, dibatasi oleh tanda kutip belakang, misalnya,

      Tidak perlu keluar dari kutipan tunggal atau ganda di dalam string template (karena tidak ada konflik). Tapi Anda perlu menggunakan escape sequence untuk back-quote, mis. e. ,

        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      String template mendukung string multi-baris. Semua spasi putih (kosong, tab, baris baru) di dalam tanda kutip belakang adalah bagian dari string multi-baris. Sebagai contoh,

        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      String template mendukung substitusi, yang memungkinkan Anda menyematkan ekspresi JavaScript apa pun yang valid sebagai bagian dari string dalam bentuk

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      76, misalnya,

      String template multi-baris dengan substitusi memberikan cara yang lebih nyaman untuk menulis fragmen HTML yang diformat. Sebagai contoh,

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Jenis, Literal & Operasi ________92______78

      A variable of the type

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      78 holds a value of either
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      26 of
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      _26 dan
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      27 adalah kata kunci dalam JavaScript

      Seperti disebutkan, JavaScript melakukan konversi tipe otomatis jika perlu. Selama konversi tipe, 6 nilai berikut dikonversi menjadi

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      1. nomor
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      2. nomor
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        _91 (Bukan-Nomor),
      3. string kosong (
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        18 nilai,
      5. boolean
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      6. My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _21 objek (tidak terisi).

      Semua nilai lainnya dikonversi menjadi

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Anda perlu menghafal ini. ________92______93 mengembalikan

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      26 jika
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      95 adalah salah satu dari 6 nilai ini.
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      27, dan
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Operator Perbandingan (Relasional).

      Operator relasional berikut, yang menghasilkan

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      78 hasil, didefinisikan dalam JavaScript. Hasilnya diperoleh dengan asumsi
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      04)==Abstrak Sama Dengan
      (dalam Nilai)
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      0. =Abstrak Tidak Sama Dengan===Benar-benar Sama Dengan
      (dalam Jenis dan Nilai)________57
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      _57_______2. ==Sangat Tidak Sama Dengan>Lebih Besar Dari>=Lebih Besar Dari atau Sama Dengan<=Kurang Dari<=Kurang Dari atau Sama Dengan
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      _07 vs.
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      Operator yang benar-benar setara (

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      07) mengembalikan
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      26 jika kedua operan memiliki tipe dan nilai yang sama; . e. , == mengonversi operannya jika jenis operan tidak cocok

      JavaScript perlu menyediakan dua operator persamaan yang berbeda, karena jenisnya longgar dan melakukan konversi jenis otomatis dalam banyak situasi. Sebagai contoh,

      • Ketika angka dibandingkan dengan string, string dikonversi menjadi angka (atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        91 jika tidak berisi angka yang valid). Karenanya,
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        _14 mengembalikan
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26. Tapi,
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        _16 mengembalikan
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        27, karena operannya bukan tipe yang sama
      • if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        21 dapat diterapkan ke boolean (dan semua jenis JavaScript), e. g. ,
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        _22 memberikan
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 (karena string kosong diubah menjadi
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      • DIREKOMENDASIKAN untuk menggunakan
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        07 (atau
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        19), bukan
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        08 (atau
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        21), kecuali jika Anda yakin jenis itu tidak penting
      String Sorting (Collation) Order

      When two strings are compared, the encoding order (ASCII/Unicode table) is used. Hence, string

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      31 is greater than string
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      Sebagai contoh,

      To compare two strings alphabetically, use

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      33, e. g. , [TODO]

      Logical (Boolean) Operators

      The following boolean (or logical) operators are provided in JavaScript

      OperatorDescriptionExampleResult&&Logical AND. Logical OR. Logical NOT&&=Logical AND cum assignment (ES12). =Logical OR cum assignment (ES12)


      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      34 in JavaScript is a bitwise XOR operator, not really boolean XOR (which is rarely needed)

      Short-Circuit Evaluation for Boolean Expressions

      Evaluation of logical operations are always short-circuited. That is, the operation is terminated as soon as the result is certain, e. g. , (

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      35) is short-circuited to give
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      27, (
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      37) gives
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      26, the
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      5 will not be evaluated

      Explicit Type Conversion

      The JavaScript runtime performs type conversion automatically. However, at times, you may need to convert from one type to another explicitly

      Converting a

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 to a
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30. Simply concatenate the
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 with an empty
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      43, e. g. ,
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      44 gives
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      Converting a

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 to a
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74. Use built-in functions
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      49 or
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      50 to convert a
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      3 which contains a valid
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74. For example,
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      53 gives
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      78 gives
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      79 gives
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      59 gives
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      61 gives
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      80, but
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      63 gives
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      Converting a float to an integer. Use

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      77 (e. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      78 gives
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      80), or built-in mathematical functions such as
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      83 or
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      Flow Control - Decision (Conditional)

      JavaScript provides these flow control construct. The syntax is the same as Java/C/C++

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')

      Notes. JavaScript, like C/Java, does not support native

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      71, but nested
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      [ES12] Logical nullish Assignment Operator (
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      The logical nullish assignmebnt

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      74 assigns only if x is
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      21 (unallocated object) or
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18 (uninitialized variable) i. e. , nullish. For example,

      Flow Control - Loops (Repetition)

      JavaScript provides the following loop constructs. The syntax is the same as Java/C/C++

      JavaScript also introduces

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      77 and
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      29 loops (to be discussed later)

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      80 and Statement Label

      The following loop-control statements are provided (same syntax as Java/C/C++)

      • break. exits the innermost loop
      • continue. aborts the current iteration, and continues to the next iteration
      • label. provides an identifier for a statement, which can be used by
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        81 and
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;

      Try to avoid these statements, as they are hard to trace and maintain


      An array is an indexed collection. An array can be used to store a list of items (elements) under a single name with an running integer index. You can reference individual element via the integral index in the form of

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      83. Furthermore, you can conveniently process all the elements of an array collectively via a loop with a varying index

      Creating an Array via "Array Initializer
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      You can create an array by assigning an array literal to a variable, known as Array Initializer, in the form of

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      84. For examples,

      Take note that JavaScript's array literal is enclosed in square bracket

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      86, instead of
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      87 in Java/C/C++. JavaScript uses
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      87 for object literal (to be discussed later)

      You can also use an Array Initializer to create an array with missing indexes. For example,

      Accessing an Item

      You can access individual element of an array via an integral index, in the form of

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      83. The index of the array begins at 0, and shall be a non-negative integer

      Array's Property
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      The length of the array is maintained in a variable (property) called

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      90, which can be accessed via
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      92. In fact, the property
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      93 returns the last integral index plus 1, as JavaScript's array index is 0-based. Nonetheless, you are allow to manipulate (write) the
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      93. For example,

      Dynamic Arrays

      Unlike Java/C/C++, the JavaScript array is dynamically allocated. You can add more elements to an array. You can also remove the content of an element using keyword

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      95. For examples,

      Accessing All Items using for-loop with index

      Array is usually processed collectively using a loop, e. g. ,

      The JavaScript's
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      77 loop

      JavaScript provides a special

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      97 loop to process all the elements in an array. The syntax is as follows, where
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      98 takes on the each of the index number of element which are not
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')

      Sebagai contoh,

      The JavaScript's
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      29 loop

      JavaScript provides a special

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      01 loop to process all the elements in an array. The syntax is as follows, where
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      02 takes on the each of the element including the
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      Add/Remove item(s)

      You can

      • Use index
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        04 to add one item to the end of an array
      • Use
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        95 to remove a particular index (set it to
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • Use
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        07 to add one or more items to the end of an array.
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        08 returns the resultant length of the array
      • Use
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        09 to add one or more items to the beginning of an array.
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        10 returns the resultant length of the array
      • Use
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        11 to remove and return the last item of an array
      • Use
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        12 to remove and return the first item of an array

      Sebagai contoh,

      PurposeExampleAdd one item to the end of an array using index
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      13Add one or items to the end of an array using
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      08 returns the resultant length of the array. Add one or items to the beginning of an array using
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      10 returns the resultant length of the array. Remove and return the last item from an array using
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      11Remove and return the first item of an array using
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      Array's Properties (Variables) and Operations (Functions)


        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      20 object has these commonly-used properties

      • length. the number of items including
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        18 items. In fact,
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        93 is set to the last index plus 1

      It has these commonly-used methods

      • array. join([separator]). join the elements of an array together into a single string, separated by the
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        23 (defaulted to
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        24). For example,
      • str. split([separator, limit]). Reverse of
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        25. Take a string and split into an array based on the
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        26. For example,
      • array. concat(value1, value2, . , valueN). returns a new array composing of this array and the given arrays or values. For example,
      • array. membalik(). membalikkan urutan elemen dalam array, yang pertama menjadi yang terakhir. Misalnya,
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • Himpunan. menyortir(). mengurutkan elemen dalam array. Misalnya, Catat, secara default, nomor juga diurutkan berdasarkan urutan ASCII/Unicode. Untuk mengurutkan angka secara numerik, Anda dapat menyediakan fungsi perbandingan panggilan balik. Fungsi harus mengambil 2 argumen, misalnya
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        27 dan
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        28, dan mengembalikan angka negatif jika
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

      • Himpunan. irisan(beginIdx, endIdx). mengekstrak dan mengembalikan bagian array dari
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        62 (inklusif) ke
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        63 (eksklusif). Sebagai contoh,
      • array. splice(startIdx, countToRemove, insertItem1, insertItem2, . ). removes elements from an array, and insert elements at its place. For example,
      • array. indexOf(searchItem[, startIdx]) and array. lastIndexOf(searchItem[, startIdx]). search for the index of the item forward or backward. It returns -1 if item cannot be found. For example,
      • push(). adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the resultant length of the array
      • pop(). removes and return the last element from an array
      • shift(). removes and returns the first element from an array
      • unshift(). adds one or more elements to the front of an array and returns the resultant length of the array

      Functional Programming in Filter-Map-Reduce pattern

      Arrays also support these iterative methods that iterate through each item of the array, to support functional programming of filter-map-reduce pattern

      • array. forEach(callback). takes a function with an argument which iterates through all the items in the array. NOTE. This syntax is meant to support functional programming of filter-map-reduce pattern
      • array. map(callback). mengembalikan array baru, yang berisi semua nilai kembalian dari mengeksekusi
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        34 pada setiap item. For example,
      • filter(callback). return a new array, containing the items for which
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        34 returned
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26. For example,
      • array. every(callback). return
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 if
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        34 returns
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 for ALL items
      • array. some(callback). return
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 if
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        34 returns
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 for at least one item in the array

      For detailed specification and examples about a built-in object, check "Core JavaScript References"

      Associative Arrays of Key-Value Pairs

      An associative array is an array of key-value pair. Instead of using numbers 0, 1, 2,. as keys as in the regular array, you can use anything as key in an associative array. Associative arrays are used extensively in JavaScript and jQuery

      JavaScript does not support native associative array (it actually does not support native array too). In JavaScript, associative arrays (and arrays) are implemented as objects (to be elaborate later)

      You can create an associative array via the Object Initializer. For example,

      Take note that Array initializer uses square brackets

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      43; while object initializer (for associative array) uses curly brackets
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop



      Functions are useful

      • when you have to use the same codes several times
      • as the JavaScript event handler
      • make your program easier to read and understood

      A function accepts zero or more arguments from the caller, performs the operations defined in the body, and returns zero or a single result to the caller

      Functions are objects in JavaScript (to be discussed later)

      The syntax for user-defined function is

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      Functions are declared using the keyword

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      88. Unlike Java/C/C++, you do not have to specify the return-type and the types of the arguments because JavaScript is loosely typed. You can use a
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      46 statement to return a single piece of result to the caller anywhere inside the function body. If no
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      46 statement is used (or a
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      46 with no value), JavaScript returns
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      For client-side JavaScript, functions are generally defined in the

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      9 section, so that it is always loaded before being invoked

      To invoke a function

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      Client-Side JavaScript Function Examples
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop


      Function has access to an additional built-in variable called

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      51 inside its body, which is an array containing all the arguments. For example,

      Pass by Value vs. Pass by Reference

      In JavaScript, primitive arguments are passed by value. That is, a copy of the variable is made and passed into the function. Di sisi lain, objek (termasuk larik dan larik asosiatif) dilewatkan oleh referensi. That is, if you modify the content of an object inside the function, the "copy" outside the function is also affected

      The Default Function Arguments

      JavaScript lets you invoke a function omitting some trailing arguments. It sets the omitted arguments to the value

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18. For example,

      You can use this feature to provide default value to function argument, for example,

      In the above example, we allow caller to omit the trailing arguments (

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      55) or pass a
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      21 value (which is a special literal for unallocated object)

      The common idiom in practice today is to use the short-circuited OR expression (as in

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      55) to provide default value if no value (
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18 or
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      21) is passed, provided the valid inputs cannot be
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      88, and
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      91 that evaluate to
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      (ES6) Function with Default Parameter Values

      ES6 greatly simplify the above by introducing default parameter value in the form of

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      65. For example,

      (ES6) Rest/Spread Operator (
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      5) and Arrow-Function Notation

      ES6 also introduces rest/spread operator (

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      5) and arrow-function notation. See ES6 article

      Anonymous (Inline) Functions

      In JavaScript, you can define an anonymous function (without a function name) using the following syntax

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      Anonymous function is often used in event handlers and others

      Function Variables

      In JavaScript, a variable can hold a primitive (number, string, boolean) or an object

      In JavaScript, functions are first-class object. Hence, a variable can also hold a function object. For example,

      Two Ways in defining a function

      As seen in the above example, there are two ways to define a function

      1. Use a function declaration statement in the form of.
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      2. Use a function expression by assigning an anonymous function to a variable.
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      Functions as Arguments

      Recall that a function takes zero or more arguments from the caller. In JavaScript, arguments can be a primitive or object. Since functions are first-class objects in JavaScript, a function may take another function as its argument

      For example, the following function take a function and an array as its arguments, and apply the function to the array

      Nested Functions

      In JavaScript, you can define a function inside a function. For example,

      Function as the return value

      You can return a function from a function. For example,

      Interacting with Users

      Client-side JavaScript provides these built-in top-level functions for interacting with the user

      • alert(str). Pop-up a box to alert user for important information. The user will have to click "OK" to proceed. The
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
        8 returns nothing (or
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

      • prompt(str, nilai default). Munculkan kotak untuk meminta masukan dari pengguna, dengan
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        70 opsional.
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _15 mengembalikan input pengguna sebagai string. Sebagai contoh,
      • konfirmasi(str). Munculkan kotak dan minta pengguna untuk mengonfirmasi beberapa informasi. Pengguna harus mengklik "OK" atau "Batal" untuk melanjutkan.
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _16 yang mengembalikan nilai boolean. Sebagai contoh,
      • dokumen. tulis(str), dokumen. writeln(str). Tulis string yang ditentukan ke dokumen saat ini.
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _57 (baris tulis) menulis baris baru setelah string, sedangkan
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        85 tidak. Perhatikan bahwa browser mengabaikan spasi tambahan, termasuk baris baru, dalam dokumen HTML, dan memperlakukan baris baru sebagai satu karakter kosong. Anda perlu menulis
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        _60 atau
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        59 tag untuk meminta browser menampilkan jeda baris

      Fungsi bawaan tingkat atas berikut tersedia untuk sisi klien dan juga sisi server (atau mandiri)

      • console. log(value). write to the system (or error) console, used mainly for debugging

      Other Top-level Built-in Functions

      JavaScript also pre-defines the following top-level global functions

      • parseInt(str), parseFloat(str). mem-parsing
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        3 yang diberikan dan mengembalikan nilai numerik atau
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        91 (Not-A-Number). The
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        79 accepts an optional
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        80 (or base). For example,
      • Number(object). returns the number representation of the object. It works for
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        81 object, as well as many objects such as
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      • isFinite(number). returns
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 if
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        74 is not
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        86 or
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

      • isNaN(number). returns
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 if number is
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        91. Useful for checking the output of
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        77 and
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
      • eval(codes). evaluate the given JavaScript codes, which could be an expression or a sequence of statements. For example. [TODO]
      • encodeURI(), decodeURI(), encodeURIComponent(), decodeURIComponent(). encode or decode name-value pairs for the HTTP request, by replacing special characters with
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        92. For example. [TODO]

      An Introduction to Events (for Client-side JavaScript)

      Client-side JavaScript are often event-driven. That is, a function (called event handler) will be fired in response to a certain user's or browser's action that generates an event

      The commonly-used events are

          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        93. generated when the user clicks on an HTML element
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        95. generated when the user positions the mouse pointer inside/away from the HTML element
      • alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        97. generated after the browser loaded a document, and before the next document is loaded, respectively

      The event handler, called

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      98 (such as
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      94), is the function that responses to an event. The event handler is typically attached to the target HTML tag, e. g. ,

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      More about events in the later sections


      Objects are Everywhere

      JavaScript is object-oriented (OO), and objects are everywhere in JavaScript. Arrays are objects. Functions are also objects. Primitives like string and number are auto-box to objects in many operations. Almost everything in JavaScript can be an object, possibly except the

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18 and
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      21 (unallocated object)

      It is crucial to understanding objects to be proficient in JavaScript, as they are everywhere, and they are used extensively in JavaScript plug-ins like jQuery, AngularJS, React, and etc

      JavaScript, however, does not support all the OO features, so as to keep the language simple

      Properties and Methods

      In conventional object-oriented programming languages (like Java/C++/C#), an object is a collection of properties and methods under a common name

      • Properties (also called variables, attributes). contains values associated with the object
      • Methods (also called operations, functions). contains actions that the object can perform

      For example, a

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      04 object has properties such as
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      08; and methods such as
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      Unlike full-fledged OO languages, JavaScript is designed on a simple OO paradigm. Objek JavaScript hanyalah kumpulan properti. A property is an association between a key (or name) and value (i. e. , key-value pair or name-value pair). If the value is a function (recall that JavaScript functions are first-class objects that can be assigned to variables), the property is known as a method. In other words, JavaScript does not differentiate between properties and methods like conventional OO languages. A method is simply a property holding a function

      Creating Objects via Object Initializer with Object Literal

      You can create a new object by directly assign an object literal to a variable, known as Object Initializer. The syntax is as follows

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      • A JavaScript object is a collection of properties. Each property is an association of a name (key) and value pair
      • The name and value are separated by a colon
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
      • The name-value pairs are separated by commas
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        24. No comma is needed after the last name-value pair
      • The property name could be a string or a number. For string name which is NOT a valid identifier (an valid identifier begins with an alphabet, underscore or dollar sign; and does not containing special characters like blank or
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
        15), you need to enclose the name with single or double quotes. Otherwise, the quotes are optional. For example, Take note that if the property name's string is a proper identifier, you can omit the quotes. This is commonly practiced by the developers
      • The property value could be a literal, a variable or an expression
      • A property's value could take all JavaScript types, including primitives (string, number, boolean), object or function. The property is known as a method, if it holds a function. JavaScript does not differentiate between variables and methods like conventional OO languages (Java/C++/C#). A method is simply a property holding a function
      • Objects created via Object Initializer are instances of class
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
      Trailing Commas

      Trailing commas (sometimes called "final commas") can be useful when adding new elements, parameters, or properties to JavaScript code. If you want to add a new property, you can add a new line without modifying the previously last line if that line already uses a trailing comma. This makes version-control diffs cleaner and editing code might be less troublesome. JavaScript has allowed trailing commas in array literals since the beginning, and later added them to object literals (ES?), and more recently, to function parameters (ES?) and to named imports and named exports (ES?)

      Property Accessors. The Dot and Index (Square Bracket) operator

      In JavaScript, you can access an object's properties via either

      1. The dot (
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
        17) operator. in the form of
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
        18 or
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
        19, just like Java/C++
      2. The index
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        65 operator (or bracket notation). In JavaScript, you can also use the index operator to access the object properties, in the form
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
        21, just like accessing an array item
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      95 operator

      You can remove a property (including method) via "

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      You can use the

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      24 operator to check if a particular instance belongs to a particular class of objects, e. g. ,

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      26 method


      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      27 returns
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      26 if
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      29 has the specific
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      You can use the

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      31 operator to check if a particular property belongs to an object, for example,

      Example 1. A Simple Object, Deleting and Adding Properties

      Unlike Java/C++, you can delete or add new properties to an existing JavaScript object

      Example 2. An Object having Object Properties

      An object's property can hold primitives (number, string). Itu juga bisa menampung objek

      Example 3. An object with function

      Properti objek JavaScript juga dapat menampung fungsi (atau metode). Anda dapat menetapkan ke fungsi anonim atau fungsi bernama seperti yang diperlihatkan dalam contoh berikut

      Mengutip atau tidak mengutip nama pada pasangan nama-nilai?


      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      33 (of the
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      34 pair) can take a string or a number, e. g. ,
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      Many developers do not enquote the string

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      33, if it is a valid identifier (a valid identifier begins with an alphabet,
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      37 or
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      38; and does not contain special characters like blank and
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      15). For example,
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      40 is the same as
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      41. However, you need to enquote a string
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      33 if it is NOT a valid identifier, e. g. ,
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      The string

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      95 must be enquoted; otherwise, it will be treated as a variable name

      Dot Operator vs. Indeks (Kurung Kotak) Operator

      You can access an object's property via either dot operator or index operator. Dot operator is commonly used as it is more concise and used in conventional OO languages. But index operator allows access to properties containing special characters and selection of properties using variables, which is not feasible with dot operator. For example,

      Iterate through all the properties of an Object

      There are three ways to iterate through all properties of an object

      1. for. in. traverses all enumerable properties of an object and its prototype chain
      2. Object. keys(obj). return an array of all enumerable property names
      3. Object. getOwnPropertyNames(obj). return an array of all property names

      Sebagai contoh,

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;

      Establishes the default object for a set of statements. The syntax is

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      21 vs
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18 Literal Values

      As discussed earlier

      • An undeclared variable has type of
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        18, and its value cannot be referenced
      • A declared but uninitialized variable has type of
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        18, with a special literal value of
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        18 too. [
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        18 is both a type and a literal value. ]
      • A unallocated object has a special literal value of
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        21. Take note that
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        21 is an object

      In boolean expressions, both the

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      21 and
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      18 evaluate to
      My First JavaScript says

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      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      27 (together with empty-string
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      13, number
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      49 and
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      91, and boolean
      My First JavaScript says

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      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      27). To check for
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      21 value, use
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      62, as
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      63 (or
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      93) returns
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      26 for
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      91, and
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Built-in JavaScript Objects

      JavaScript provides many useful global objects, such as

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      81, and
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      I shall discuss some commonly used objects here. For detailed specification and examples about a built-in object, check "Core JavaScript References"

      Creating an Object via Constructor and the
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      47 Operator

      All the built-in objects define a so-called constructor, which is a special method having the same name as the object, for creating new instances. To invoke the constructor, you need to use a special

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      47 operator

      For example, the

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      43 object has a constructor method called
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      79. To construct a new instance of
      My First JavaScript says

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      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      43 object

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      31 and
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      24 Operators

      As seen from the above examples, the

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      31 operator returns the type of a value, which can be a primitive type (such as number, string, boolean) or object (including function)


      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      24 operator check if the value is an instance of a class

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      43 and
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      86 Methods

      The following methods are available to all built-in JavaScript objects

      • toString(). returns a string description about this object
      • valueOf(). converts this object to a primitive value such as
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      20 Object and Associative Arrays

      For an introduction to arrays, read the "" section

      Nowadays, we usually create an array via Array Initializer in the form of

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      84. Nonetheless, as arrays are objects of class
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      20, we could also construct an array by invoking the
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      91 constructor with the
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      47 operator. This is more complex and, hence, less commonly used today (but may show up in old codes and books)

      Sebagai contoh,

      An Associative Array is a Generic "Object", not an "Array" Object

      For an introduction to arrays, read the "" section

      JavaScript does not really support associative array, but allow you to add properties to an object, using the associative array syntax and index operator. In other words,

      Using an Array Object for Associative Array

      In JavaScript, we usually create an associative array using a generic object (via the Object Initializer). You can also create an associative array via

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      20 constructor. For examples,

      In this case, additional properties are added into an

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      20 object as object's properties. The array has
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      93 of 0, as
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      93 reflects only the numerical indexes. Using an array object for associative array is not recommended. I describe here for completeness

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      81 Object vs
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 Primitive Type

      JavaScript provides primitive

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 type. It also provide a
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      81 class as a wrapper class for primitive
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30. Baca "" untuk primitif
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!


      A string can be created in two ways

      1. directly assigned a string literal in the form of
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        03 or
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        04 to a variable, resulted in a
          JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

        Welcome to JavaScript!

        30 primitive
      2. invoke the
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        81 object constructor to construct a
          JavaScript Example: Loop

        Testing Loop

        81 object

      Sebagai contoh,

      The former is a primitive

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30, while the latter is a
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      81 object

        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      81 object is a wrapper for primitive string, which provides many useful methods for manipulating strings. See ""


        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      30 primitive is "auto-box" to a
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      81 object, when you invoke a
        JavaScript Example: Loop

      Testing Loop

      81 object's methods. For example,

        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      89 Object vs
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 Primitive Type

      JavaScript provides primitive

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 type. It also provide a
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      89 class as a wrapper class for primitive
      My First JavaScript says

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      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74. Read "" for primitive
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.



        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      89 object is a wrapper object for primitive
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74, which provides many properties and methods. Again, a
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      74 primitive is auto-box to a
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      89 object, when you invoke a
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      89 object's operation. See ""

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      25 Object vs boolean
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      26 Type

      JavaScript provides primitive

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      78 type. It also provide a
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      25 class as a wrapper class for primitive
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      78. Read "" for primitive
        JavaScript Example: The Date object


        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      25 object is a wrapper object for primitive
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      78, which provides many properties and methods

      My First JavaScript says

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      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      43 Object

      Commonly-used constructors

      • new Date(). constructs a
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        43 object with the current date and time
      • new Date(dateTimeStr). constructs a
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        43 object with the given date-time string in an acceptable form (e. g. , "Month, day, year, hours. minutes. detik")
      • new Date(year, Month, day). where month is 0-11 for Jan to Dec
      • new Date(year, Month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)

      Commonly-used methods

      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        62, setDate(), getMonth(), setMonth(), getFullYear(), setFullYear(). get/set the date (1-31), month (0-11 for Jan to Dec), year (4-digit year)
      • getDay(). get the day of the week (0-6 for Sunday to Saturday)
      • getHours(), setHours(), getMinutes(), setMinutes(), getSeconds(),
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        37. get/set the hours/minutes/seconds
      • getTime(), setTime(). dapatkan/atur jumlah milidetik sejak 1 Januari 1970, 00. 00. 00

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      38 Object

      Commonly-used properties

      • E, PI. Euler’s constant and
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

      • LN2, LN10, LOG2E, LOG10E. ln(2), ln(10), log2(e), log10(e)
      • SQRT2, SQRT1_2. square root of 2 and one-half

      Commonly-used methods

      • abs(x)
      • sin(a), cos(a), tan(a), asin(x), acos(x), atan(x), atan2(x,y)
      • cell(x), floor(x), round(x)
      • exp(x), log(x), pow(base,exp), sqrt(x)
      • max(x,y), min(x,y)
      • random(). returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      40 Object

      For an introduction to functions, read "" section

      Every function in JavaScript is actually a

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      40 object

      Function Variable

      A variable can be assigned a

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      40 object (called function variable), which takes a special object type called
      My First JavaScript says

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      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      88. [In JavaScript, an object's type is either
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      88 (for
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      40 object) or
        JavaScript Example: Variables and functions prompt() and confirm()

      Welcome to JavaScript!

      20 (for any object not a
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      40). ]

      Sebagai contoh,

      Anonymous Function

      If a function is called only once, you can use an anonymous function, omitting the function name. Anonymous functions are commonly-used as event handler, e. g. ,

      You can define a inline (anonymous) function and assign it to a variable as follows

      Function Constructor

      Besides using

      My First JavaScript says

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      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      88 keyword, you can also use the
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      40 constructor (with
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      47 operator) to define a
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      40 object. This is not easily understood and, hence, not recommended

      The syntax for

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      40 constructor is

        JavaScript Example: The Date object

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      53 object

      Formatting Console Output

      console. log('formattingStr', arg1, arg2, . ). You can use C's

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      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      14-like syntax with format specifiers (such as
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      57) to format the output string

      You can use %c to apply CSS rules, e. g. ,

        JavaScript Example: The Date object
      Logging Methods

      JavaScript supprots 5 levels of logging, in the order of severity

      1. console. error()
      2. console. warn()
      3. console. log()
      4. console. info()
      5. console. debug()
      More Debugging Methods
      • console. trace(). print the current stack trace
      • console. dir(). displays an interactive list of the properties of the specified JavaScript object
      • console. dirxml(). displays in XML the properties of the specified JavaScript object
      • console. assert(). writes an error message to the console if the assertion is false; otherwise do nothing
      Time Measurements
      • console. time([label]). starts a new timer
      • console. timeEnd([label]). ends the timer and returns the time in milliseconds since the timer starts
      • console. timeLog([label]). returns the elapsed time since the timer started

      More on Objects

      Prototype-based vs. Class-based OO

      JavaScript's OO is prototype-based, instead of class-based like Java/C++/C#

      A class-based OO language (such as Java/C++/C#) is founded on concepts of class and instance. A class is a blue-print or template of things of the same kind. An instance is a particular realization of a class. For example, "

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      58" is a class; and "
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      59" and "
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      60" are instances of the "
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      58" class. In a class-based OO language, you must first write a class definition, before you can create instances based on the class definition. The instances created have exactly the same properties and methods as the class - no more, and no less

      On the other hand, a prototype-based OO language (such as JavaScript) simply has objects (or instances). A new object can be constructed based on an existing object as prototype. There is no class definition, and hence, they are also called class-less OO languages

      In JavaScript

      • Every JavaScript object has a prototype. The prototype is also an object. A JavaScript object is created from a prototype object and gets its initial properties from the prototype
      • Every JavaScript object has an internal property called
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        62, which holds its prototype object. When you define a new object, its
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        62 is set to a built-in object called
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        64. In other words, the new object uses
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        64 as its prototype, and gets its initial properties from
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        64. The
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        62 property is not enumerable, i. e. , it would not shown up in the
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        77 loop
      Example. Object Prototype


      • Prototype Chain. In the above example,
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        69's prototype is
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        64, whose prototype is
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        21. This form a prototype chain of
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        69 defines two own properties.
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        74 and
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        75. When you invoke
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        76, which cannot be found in
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        69, but found in its prototype
      • Object. getPrototypeOf(obj). Instead of using
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        78 property used in above example, which is NOT in the official JavaScript specification, you should use
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        79 method to get the prototype of an object

      Defining Your Own Custom Objects via a Constructor

      In JavaScript, you can create your own custom objects by defining a constructor. A constructor is simply a function, which can be invoked via the

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      47 operator to create and initialize new objects. Recall that JavaScript is prototype-based and class-less. Objek baru dibuat dari objek prototipe, dan mendapatkan properti awalnya dari objek prototipe ini. The constructor function provides the prototype to create and initialize new instances (to be explained later)

      By convention, a constructor name begins with an uppercase letter

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')


      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      09" refers to the current object.
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      _83 mengacu pada properti objek ini

      Example. Object Constructor Function

      Let us define a constructor for our custom

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      84 objects, with properties
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      87 and
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function


      Bagaimana itu bekerja?
      1. Properties (including methods) are declared inside the constructor via
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        83, which can then be initialized
      2. Methods can be declared inside the constructor via
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        90. There are a few ways to provide the method's definition
        1. Define an ordinary
          My First JavaScript says

          Hello world, again!

          This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

          88, and assign the
            JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

          Example on event and user-defined function

          92 (without parentheses, which is a
          My First JavaScript says

          Hello world, again!

          This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

          88 type) to
            JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

          Example on event and user-defined function

          90, as in the
            JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

          Example on event and user-defined function

        2. Assign
            JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

          Example on event and user-defined function

          90 to an inline function, as in the
            JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

          Example on event and user-defined function

        3. Invoke the
            JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

          Example on event and user-defined function

          40 constructor with
          My First JavaScript says

          Hello world, again!

          This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

          47 operator (rarely-used).
            JavaScript Example: The Date object
      3. To invoke a method, use
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        _43 adalah metode khusus, yang mengembalikan deskripsi string dari objek ini. The
          JavaScript Example: The Date object
        43 will be implicitly invoked if an object is passed into the
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        56 or
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        00 operator (like Java)

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 and
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!


      Revisit the
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      47 Operator

      In JavaScript, the new constructor(args) call does the followings

      1. Create a new generic object using built-in root
        for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
           body ;
        16 as prototype
      2. Assign this newly created object to
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
        09 variable
      3. Run the constructor function, which typically adds properties to
        alert('hello, world')
        document.write('hello world, again')
        console.log('hello world, again and again')
      4. Setel properti internal
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        _62 menjadi
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        13 (pada contoh di atas,
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        14). The
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        62 property is not enumerable (i. e. , it would not shown up in the
        if ( condition-1 ) {
           block-1 ;
        } else if ( condition-2 ) {
           block-2 ;
        } else if ( condition-3 ) {
           block-3 ;
        } else {
           block-n ;
        77 loop). It is used to maintain the so called "prototype chain" of the objects
      5. Return the newly created object

      Take note that you can invoke the constructor function WITHOUT the

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      47 operator, e. g. ,
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      18. In this case, the constructor will be run as per ordinary function. There will not be any association of
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      09 and
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 properties; and the return value will depend on the function codes

      Try tracing the object created in the above example via Chrome's Developer Tools, which could display the

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 internal property

      Another Example
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      07 Property

      All the JavaScript constructor function objects (in fact, all function objects) have a special property called

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      07. By default, it holds an object that can be used as a prototype for creating new objects

      In the

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      84 example, the
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      84 constructor function has a
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      14, which holds a
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      84 object to be used as a prototyping object. When a new
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      84 object is constructed via the
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      47 operator, the newly constructed object's
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 property is set to
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!


      Adding Shared properties to Constructor's
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      07 Property

      The constructor's

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      07 is used to implement shared properties (typically shared methods) for all the objects it prototyped. In JavaScript, you can add properties dynamically during runtime into
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      07. The added properties/methods will be available to all the objects (new as well as existing objects). For example,

      When you reference a property, JavaScript first checks if the property exists locally (or own property); otherwise, it checks the prototype chain through the

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 property. Recall that the
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      36 call sets the
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 to
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      13. Hence, properties added into
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      13 are available to (and shared by) all the objects prototyped by this constructor

      In practice, we defines methods (and static variables) in

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      13 to be shared by all objects; while each object maintains its own properties (instance variables)

      Looking up the Prototype Chain

      Objects in JavaScipt form prototype chains. In the above example, a prototype chain is

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!


      When you reference an object property, JavaScript follow these steps to locate the property

      1. Check if the property exists locally (i. e. , own property)
      2. Otherwise, check the
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        62 property. This continues recursively up the prototype chain. The process is called "lookup in the prototype chain"

      Hence, in the above example, all the properties in

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      14 and
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      64 are inherited by
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!


      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      24 Operator

      Every object has a

        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 object property (except
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      16); every constructor function has a
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      07 property. So objects can be related by 'prototype inheritance' to other objects. You can test for inheritance by comparing an object's
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 to the constructor's
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      07. JavaScript provides a shortcut. the
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      24 operator tests an object against a function and returns
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      26 if the object inherits from the function prototype. For example,


        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!


        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      54 lets you create a new object based on the given prototype object. It simply sets the
        JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

      Example on event and user-defined function

      62 to the given prototype object, so that all properties of the prototype are available to the new object. Using
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      54, You do NOT need to define a constructor function and run
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      58 to create new objects

      Inheritance via Prototype Chain

      You can implement inheritance in JavaScript via the prototype chain. For example,

      How It Works


      Getter and Setter

      In languages like Java, you can declare a variable to be

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      59 and define
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      60 getter/setter to access the
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      59 variable. JavaScript does not really support
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      59 access?. But you can also define ordinary methods
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      63 or
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      64 as getter/setter like Java

      Moreover, in JavaScript, you can define getter/setter as properties instead of methods in one of the following two ways

      1. via built-in functions
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        65 or
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      2. inside the "object initializer" via keywords
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        67 and
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      Example 1. Define Getters/Setters via
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      65 or
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!



      1. The
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        71 allows you to define multiple properties; while
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        72 for a single property
      2. You invoke the getters/setters like properties with assignment operator, instead of via function call
      Example 2. Define Getter/Setter inside the Object Initializer


      1. Pengambil/penyetel didefinisikan di dalam Object Initializer melalui kata kunci
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        67 dan
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        68 dengan sintaks yang agak aneh, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada contoh

      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      16's Properties

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!


      All JavaScript objects inherited a special property called

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      77, which contains a reference to the function that created the object. For example,

      [TODO] more Object's properties

      Document Object Model (DOM) API for JavaScript

      Document Object Model (DOM), is a standard API that allows programmers to access and manipulate the contents of an HTML/XHTML/XML document dynamically inside their program. It models an HTML/XHTML/XML document as an object-oriented, tree-like structure, known as a DOM-tree, consisting of nodes resembling the tags (elements) and contents. DOM also provides an interface for event handling, allowing you to respond to user's or browser's action

      DOM API is implemented in many languages such as Java, JavaScript, Perl, and ActiveX. DOM API specification is maintained by W3C. DOM has various levels

      • DOM Level 0 (DOM0) (Pre-W3C). obsolete
      • DOM Level 1 (DOM1) (W3C Oct 1998). obsolete
      • DOM Level 2 (DOM2) (W3C Nov 2000) and DOM Level 2 HTML (HTML DOM2) (W3C Jan 2003)
      • DOM Level 3 (DOM3) (W3C Apr 2004). yet to be fully supported by browsers

      jQuery is much better in selecting and manipulating DOM element. You should use jQuery in production. I keep these sections here for completeness

      Finding and Selecting Elements

      In JavaScript, we often use DOM API to select elements within the current document, so as to access or manipulate their contents. The most commonly-used functions are

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      78Returns the element with the given unique
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      80Returns an array of elements with the given tag name.
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      81Returns an array of elements with the given
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      82 attribute name.
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      83Returns an array of elements with the given
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      33 attribute.
        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      You can use wildcard

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      85 in
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      86 to select all the elements, e. g. ,

        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      The above functions select element(s) based on the unique

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      for ( initialization ; test ; post-processing ) {
         body ;
      33 attribue and tag-name. HTML 5 further defines two function that can select elements based on
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      82 attribute (which is used extensively by CSS in the class-selector)

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      90Returns the first element with the given
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      82 attribute.
        JavaScript Example: The Date object
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      92Returns an array of elements with the given
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      82 attribute.
        JavaScript Example: The Date object

      Beside the above selection functions, there are many other selection functions available. However, I strongly recommend that you stick to the above functions. I listed below the other function below for completeness

          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        94 returns an array of all
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        95 elements, same as
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        97. return an array of allelements
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        98 and
          JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

        "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

        Point your mouse pointer here!!!

        99. return all the hyperlinks
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        6and anchors
          JavaScript Example: User-defined function and onclick Event Handler

        Example on event and user-defined function

        6elements. [To confirm. ]

      Manipulating Element's Content through the
      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      42 Property

      You can access and modify the content of an element via the "

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      42" property, which contains all the texts (includes nested tags) within this element

      Sebagai contoh,


      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      _42" adalah cara paling nyaman untuk mengakses dan memanipulasi konten elemen. However, it is not a W3C standard, but it is supported by most of the browsers

      DOM Tree & Nodes

      W3C recommends that you access and manipulate HTML elements via the DOM tree and nodes. Namun, ini benar-benar berlebihan untuk menulis JavaScript sederhana. Saya menyajikannya di sini lagi untuk kelengkapan

      When a browser loads an HTML page, it builds DOM models a web page in a hierarchical tree-like structure composing of nodes, resembling its HTML structure

      An example of an HTML document with the corresponding DOM-tree is given follow. Take note that the text content of an element is stored in a separate Text node

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      Gunakan javascript for loop untuk menghasilkan opsi pilih

      Load the web page onto Firefox, and use the firebug to inspect the DOM tree.

      Pohon DOM terdiri dari jenis node berikut

      1. Node Dokumen. simpul akar yang mewakili seluruh dokumen HTML
      2. simpul elemen. mewakili elemen HTML (atau tag). Node elemen mungkin memiliki node anak, yang dapat berupa elemen atau node teks. Simpul elemen mungkin juga memiliki atribut
      3. Text Node. contains the text content of an element
      4. Yang lain. such as comment, attribute

      A DOM node has these properties

      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        005. contain the name of the node, which is read-only. The
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        005 for an Element node is the tag-name;
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        005 for the Document node is
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        005 for Text nodes is
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        011. contain the value of the node.
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        011 for Text node is the text contained;
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        011 for Element node is undefined
      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        014. an integer indicating the type of the node, e. g. , Element (1), Attribute (2), Text (3), Comment (8), Document (9)
      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        015. reference to parent node. There is only one parent node in a tree structure
      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        016. array (or node-list) of child nodes
      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        018. reference to the first and last child node
      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        020. reference to the previous and next sibling in the same level

      Take note of the difference between singular and plural terms. For example,

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      015 refer to the parent node (each node except root has one and only one parent node),
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      016 holds an array of all the children nodes

      The root node of the DOM tree is called

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      6. The root node
        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      6 has only one child, called
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      025, representing the tag, and it acts as the parent for two child nodes representing and tags, which in turn will have other child nodes. You can also use a special property called
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      026 to access the tag directly

      For example, you can use the following node property to access the Text node

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      027 in the above example


      The following JavaScript lists all the nodes in the section, in a depth-first search manner, via a recursive function

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      Accessing the HTML element via Node interface may not be too useful nor practical for JavaScript applications, as you need to know the actual topological structure of the DOM-tree. Furthermore, some browsers (e. g. , firefox) may create extra Text nodes to contain the white spaces between tags

      Text Node

      DOM models the texts enclosed by HTML tags as a separate text node. It cannot have child node. To retrieve the text content, you could the property

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      011. For example,

      Attribute Properties

      To access an attribute of an Element node called

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      029, you could either use

      • property
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        030, where
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        031 is the name of the attribute, or
      • methods
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        032 and
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Sebagai contoh,

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      034 (for CSS)

      Element has a property called style, which models CSS style with CSS properties such as

      alert('hello, world')
      document.write('hello world, again')
      console.log('hello world, again and again')
      07 and
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      036. For example,

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

      Manipulating Nodes

      A Node object has these functions

      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        037. returns
        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        26 if this node has at least one child node
      • Manipulating child node
        • My First JavaScript says

          Hello world, again!

          This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

          039. insert a node before an existing child node
        • My First JavaScript says

          Hello world, again!

          This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

          040. replace an existing child node
        • My First JavaScript says

          Hello world, again!

          This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

          041. remove the specified child node
        • My First JavaScript says

          Hello world, again!

          This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

          042. append the given node as the last child
      • My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

        My First JavaScript says

        Hello world, again!

        This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      Creating a New Element (
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      045) and Text Node (
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      046), Appending a Node (
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      To create new text node, you can use

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      048 to create a standalone text-node, followed by an
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      050 to append the text node to an element

      Similarly, you can use

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      051 to create a stand-alone element, followed by an
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      052 to append the created element into an existing element

      For example, we shall create a new text node, as a child of a new

      element. We shall then append the new

      element as the last child of

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      Inserting a new Node (
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;
      Replacing a Node (
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Change the last line to

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      Deleting a Node (
      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      You can remove a child node from a parent node via

      My First JavaScript says

      Hello world, again!

      This document was last modified on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      For example, let remove the last


      if ( condition-1 ) {
         block-1 ;
      } else if ( condition-2 ) {
         block-2 ;
      } else if ( condition-3 ) {
         block-3 ;
      } else {
         block-n ;

        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!



        JavaScript Example: Events onload, onmouseover and onmouseout

      "Hello" alert Box appears after the page is loaded.

      Point your mouse pointer here!!!

      6 object is the root node of the DOM-tree. It can be used to access all the elements in an HTML page

      How to create select options in JavaScript?

      const text = selectBox. options[1]. text; const value = selectBox. .
      JavaScript Selected Box
      Is it possible to loop at a select option?
      If you loop the select-option, there will be one loop for each row of the select option . So to get all the valid fields between a low value to high value in a select option you need to have a select statement in the check table.

      How to create select option dynamically in JavaScript?

      Add Options Dynamically To Select Element Inside the loop, create an option element and store in the variable called option . Then, set a value attribute to the option element and assign its value to the value of the property from the countriesData object on each iteration.

      How to get the select option value in JavaScript?

      The value of the selected element can be found by using the value property on the selected element that defines the list . This property returns a string representing the value attribute of the