Google Chat pin message in Space

Google Chat pin message in Space

Google offers a feature that allows its users to pin a particular Chat or Spaces in Gmail or Google chat app. A Chat or Space can be pinned to the top of the list as well. Gmail list view will have the conversation or group chat pinned to the top, and users can access the pinned messages from the left-hand navigation menu. The pinned chat functionality can be accessed on all platforms like Android, iOS and the web.

A pinned conversation helps users keep track of important updates without losing time looking for them and therefore, is always shown at the top of the Chat list. As per Google, this chat pinning feature helps users to find chats and spaces quicker and in a simpler way. On integrated Gmail, pinned conversations with unread messages display a red dot next to them.

Pinning a chat or spaces in Gmail on your Desktop


Open your Gmail account on your computer.


From the left menu panel, hover the cursor over the chat or space you want to pin.


Click on the three-dot menu and click on the Pin option.

Google Chat pin message in Space

Pinning a chat or spaces in Gmail on your mobile app


Google Chat pin message in Space

Let’s face it. Some conversations are more important than others. Regardless of which messaging app you’re using, you usually have at least one conversation pinned. It’s one of your favorite persons, and you want to have easy access to the chat.

Google Chat also makes it easy for you to pin any chat. It only takes a few taps here and there to always have access to that particular person. It’s also possible to manage Google Chat rooms when you need to talk to more than one person at a time. Let’s see what needs to be done.

How to Pin Any Chat to the Top on Google Chat

To have easy access to a specific chat in Google Chat, open the app and find the chat you want to pin. Open the chat, and at the top to the right of the person’s email emails, you’ll see a dropdown menu, an arrow pointing right. Tap on it to open additional options.

Google Chat pin message in Space

The Pin option is going to be the second one down. Tap on it, and it’ll now say UnPin, and you’ll also see a blue line indicating that the app is making the changes.

When a conversation loses importance, it’s time to unpin it. To return a conversation to where it was, open the chat, and at the top, to the side of the person’s email address, you’ll see the arrow you’ll need to tap on. Tap on Unpin, and you’re good to go.

When you go back to the app’s main page, the conversation will now be pinned to the top for faster access.

As long as you’re there, you can also make some other adjustments. You can turn on or off the History, Notifications, Block the person, Hide the conversation, start a new chat or delete the conversation.


That’s all there is to it. If there are any other chats you need to pin, you need to repeat what you did with the first one. As you can see, the process doesn’t take more than a minute. This is great when there’s a conversation you need to save, but you’re in a hurry. Is Google Chat your main messaging app? In the comments below, let me know, and don’t forget to share the article with others on social media.

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Google Chat pin message in Space

Whether you communicate with others a little or a lot in Google Chat, having quick access to your most important conversations is key. For this, you can pin conversations in Google Chat on the web, in Gmail online, and in the mobile app.

Pin Conversations in Google Chat or Gmail Online

If you use Google Chat online or have it enabled in the sidebar for your online Gmail account, you can easily pin a conversation or a room. The instructions and options are the same in both spots.

RELATED: How to Clean Up the Gmail Sidebar

Click the three-dot menu icon to the right of a conversation or room and choose “Pin” from the drop-down menu.

Google Chat pin message in Space

The conversation or room will move to the top of the Chat or Rooms list. It will also display a pin icon on the right.

Google Chat pin message in Space

To remove a pin, click the three-dot menu icon again and choose “Unpin” from the menu. The pin icon will be removed, and the conversation or room will return to its original spot in the list.

Google Chat pin message in Space

Pin from within a Conversation or Room Online

Another option for pinning a conversation or room is to do it from within the communications window. If you have a conversation or room open in the small window, click the three-dot menu icon and choose “Pin.”

Google Chat pin message in Space

If you have the conversation or room in full view, click the arrow at the top next to the name(s) and choose “Pin.”

Google Chat pin message in Space

To unpin a conversation or room in either view, follow the same steps and pick “Unpin.”

Pin Conversations in the Google Chat Mobile App

The process for pinning conversations and rooms in the mobile app is just as simple, and the steps should work the same for Google Chat on Android as they do for Google Chat on iPhone and iPad.

Tap and hold a conversation or room and choose “Pin” from the menu.

Google Chat pin message in Space

The conversation or room will move to a Pinned section at the top.

Google Chat pin message in Space

To remove a pin, tap, hold, and choose “Unpin” from the menu.

Google Chat pin message in Space

Pin from within a Conversation or Room on Mobile

If you have a conversation or room in full view on your screen, tap the arrow at the top next to the name(s) and choose “Pin.”

Google Chat pin message in Space

To remove a pin, tap the arrow and choose “Unpin.”

If you pin a conversation or room in any of the above locations, your pin will sync with the others. For instance, you can pin a conversation on the Google Chat website and that same conversation will be pinned in the mobile app. Unpinning conversations or rooms works the same.

So you can finally keep your important communications at the top of the list in Google Chat, just like you can by pinning texts in Messages on iPhone and iPad.


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Can you pin messages in Google spaces?

To keep track of an important conversation, you can pin it to the top of your Chat or Spaces list. Tip: A red dot appears next to pinned conversations with unread messages.

Can I pin messages to the top in Google messages?

Google Messages is the de facto messaging app for most Android devices. With RCS support, Google Messages is catching up to Apple's iMessage by giving its users the features they've always wanted. Among other nifty features, you can pin conversations at the top of Google Messages for easier access, like on iMessage.

How does spaces work in Google Chat?

You can use spaces or group conversations in Google Chat to communicate with one or more people. Spaces: A central place where people can share files, assign tasks, and stay connected. Group conversations: Chat directly with a group. For example, use group conversations to have a quick discussion after a meeting.

How do I manage Google Chat space?

To manage members' expectations and create a safer community experience, you can add or edit guidelines..
Open the Chat app. or the Gmail app ..
On the left, select the space..
At the top left, tap the space name..
Enter your description. Optional: Tap Add space guidelines. Add guidelines. ... .
At the top right, tap the tick ..