Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57

Get two numbers num1 and num2 and check whether last digit of num1 and num2 are equal or not?.

Sample Input 1:

65 45

Sample Output 1:

Last Digits are Equal.

Sample Input 2:

35 38

Sample Output 2:

Last Digits are Not Equal

Flow Chart Design

Program or Solution

import java.util.*; class LastDEqual { public static void main(String args[]) { int num1,num2; Scanner sc=new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter two numbers:"); num1=sc.nextInt(); num2=sc.nextInt(); if(num1%10==num2%10) { System.out.println("Last Digits Are Equal."); } else { System.out.println("Last Digits Are Not Equal."); } } }

Program Explanation

1. Get two inputs num1 and num2

2. extract the last digits of num1 and num2 using %10,

3. then compare last digits.

Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57

Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57
Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57

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Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57

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Warmup-1 > lastDigit
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Given two non-negative int values, return true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57. Note that the % "mod" operator computes remainders, so 17 % 10 is 7.

lastDigit(7, 17) → truelastDigit(6, 17) → false

lastDigit(3, 113) → true

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Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57
Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57
Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57
Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57
Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57
Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57
Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57
Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57

Simple warmup problems to get started (solutions available). New videos: String Introduction, String Substring, If Boolean Logic 1, If Boolean Logic 2

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Given two non-negative int values, return true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57. Note that the % "mod" operator computes remainders, so 17 % 10 is 7.

lastDigit(7, 17) → true lastDigit(6, 17) → false lastDigit(3, 113) → true

Given two non negative values print true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57

public boolean lastDigit(int a, int b) { String strA = Integer.toString(a); String strB = Integer.toString(b); if (strA.charAt(strA.length() - 1) == strB.charAt(strB.length() - 1)) return true; else return false; }

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Given two non-negative int values, return true if they have the same last digit, such as with 27 and 57. Note that the % "mod" operator computes remainders, so 17 % 10 is 7.

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