Desain kamar tidur perempuan modern

JAKARTA, - Kamar tidur dianggap sebagai tempat perlindungan dan mengisi kembali energi setelah beraktivitas. Namun, penyegaran dekorasi kamar tidur seringkali terlupakan.

Menyambut tahun 2023, sejumlah desainer interior membagikan prediksi mereka mengenai tren dekorasi kamar tidur untuk tahun depan. Misalnya, penggunaan warna hangat, pencahayaan yang memberi kesan mewah, hingga penggunaan wallpaper.

Dikutip dari The Spruce, Rabu (21/12/2022), berikut beberapa tren dekorasi kamar tidur 2023 menurut beberapa desainer interior.

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1. Warna hangat dan bersahaja

Betsy Smith, konsultan warna di Graphenstone, mengatakan bahwa pada tahun 2023, warna kamar tidur semakin hangat.

Kita akan melihat banyak nuansa warna sederhana dengan kualitas yang hangat dan menenangkan, seperti warna terakota dan warna koral yang hangat, serta lapisan dalam corak yang lebih gelap. Ini menambah kedalaman, dan sentuhan warna koral menambah kesan modern.

2. Penekanan pada desain pencahayaan

Selain warna dinding kamar tidur, Smith mengatakan bahwa pada tahun 2023 pencahayaan juga akan digunakan untuk menonjolkan kehangatan.

Dia menyarankam, pastikan Anda memikirkan tentang pencahayaan, karena pencahayaan sangat penting di kamar tidur. Lampu filamen yang hangat memunculkan nuansa merah setelah gelap dan menyelubungi kamar tidur dengan cahaya yang hangat.

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Gena Kirk, VP desain perusahaan di KB Home menuturkan, menambahkan berbagai pencahayaan, mulai dari pencahayaan di atas kepala hingga pencahayaan gantung di atas nakas, akan memungkinkan Anda menyesuaikan dengan mudah cara Anda menggunakan kamar tidur.

3. Kap lampu yang menarik

Charlie Dumais, ahli keramik di studio desain Dumais Made, mengatakan bahwa tahun 2023 akan menghadirkan lebih banyak ekspresi dalam aksen yang lebih kecil di kamar tidur, seperti kap lampu. -- There are numerous styles to create a dream home. One of them is with a half-amakan house design. This is not a home for everyone, but it is widely used in rural areas. Half-amakan homes never go out of style, but you might be amazed how people level up this kind of homes with modern arrangement without breaking the bank.

Check out some great ideas in Simple House Ideas to Make You Feel at Ease All The Time.

Impressive outbuilding

Desain kamar tidur perempuan modern
Aamor Eyaf

The exterior finishing looks so neat and good. No rough finishing is visible. Even though it's made of different materials,  everything appears to be smooth.

As you can see, it has a half-amakan style on the upper wall with a combination of concrete and brick for a solid house. The half-amakan in color and texture of natural woven bamboo, and solid walls in light gray.

Another decorative touch of color

Desain kamar tidur perempuan modern

Other color add a vibrant look to the home's exterior. The very top is painted in orange for a bright and light ambience. The outdoor section has the addition of an accent wall in brown, which adds to the contrast here.

Front porch with a fresh garden atmosphere

Desain kamar tidur perempuan modern
Aamor Eyaf

This front porch will welcome the occupants of the house in the best possible way. It has a solid floor surface covered with a carpet of green grass. Around the terrace are also potted plants, so, this front porch is like a refreshing garden.

Small but cozy living room

Desain kamar tidur perempuan modern

Just like other house, this simple house has a living area. It's got a living room with a simple black sofa. The ceiling is high enough to provide good air circulation. There is no coffee table in the middle, but a long-slender wooden table to place snacks or decorations here. It's not exaggeration, but that's what it comes down to.

Elegant kitchen design

Desain kamar tidur perempuan modern
Aamor Eyaf

The kitchen has a very modern and elegant style. It includes all kitchen furniture. To maximize storage space, the upper wall is lined with high upper cabinets. The color of the furniture in shades of wood is the contrast here. Even more elegant with the pendant light installed.

Simple yet cozy bedroom ideas

Desain kamar tidur perempuan modern

This bedroom is so simple, but it looks more lively with some touch of soft furnishings. The bedroom is indeed small, but the touches of red on the curtains and the emblematic patterned rug add a layer of character to the space. Thanks to the window, it helps the room not be stuffy and too hot.

Corner feature

Desain kamar tidur perempuan modern
Aamor Eyaf

There is no wasted space in this house. This corner is nicely decorated to make it a functional place. That's enough space for a corner dresses like this one. The owner even cleverly added an upper storage area for storage of decorative elements and personal items.

Thank you for taking time to read Simple House Ideas to Make You Feel at Ease All The Time. Hopefully, those pictures will be useful to those of you looking for ideas and inspiration for small house design and plan. We hope that this makes it easier for you to build your dream home. Don't forget to share this article with anyone who might find it useful.

Author      : Yeni

Editor       : Munawaroh

Source     : Aamor Eyaf is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition, there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.