Cara mengubah file Read Only pada Excel

There are many reasons you might want to protect an Excel worksheet with Read-only mode. Maybe you don't want someone to erase data from a workbook accidentally, or you want to make sure a file is not changeable as it changes hands. That's what makes read-only such a useful resource: The opened document is locked in place so second and third parties can see the information in the file without being able to change it.

Should you need to edit a document that is read-only, there are a few methods to work around or disable it.

When a co-worker or employee sends a Microsoft Excel worksheet to you, and a pop-up window asks you if you want to open it as read-only, this mode referred to as Read-Only Recommended, and it is relatively simple to work around. Here's how:

  1. Select No when prompted to open the Excel worksheet as read-only.
  2. Choose File, followed by Save As and Browse.
  3. Click Tools at the bottom of the Save As menu and choose General Options.
  4. Under General, find the Read-only Recommended check box and uncheck it.
  5. Click OK and finish saving the document.

Now, when you go to open the file again, read-only is disabled. This method works in all versions of Microsoft Excel from 2003 through 2016 for all worksheets of this type. For Final versions of files, another method is required.

Disabling Read-Only Marked as Final Files in Excel

When an Excel worksheet is Marked as Final, it is not meant to be edited, which means that commands, typing and proofing marks are all disabled. These files are indicated as such by a Marked as Final notification message that shows up at the top of the worksheet.

To turn this off, choose Edit Anyway on the Marked as Final notification bar. This turns off the read-only mode and allows you to continue editing.

Unlocking Password-Protected Excel Files With Read-Only

Sometimes the Excel workbook you are trying to open is password protected. If this is the case, when you open the workbook, a window pops up with a warning and a place to input the password. Without the password, you won't be able to modify the file in question. Here's how to get around it:

  1. When the Password dialogue box pops up, choose the option to open as Read Only.
  2. Go to File and select Save As followed by Browse. 
  3. From there, click Tools and choose General Options.
  4. Delete the entry in the Password to Modify box and click OK.
  5. Open the new Excel file instead of the old one.

To remove the password completely, you could download a third-party utility, but this is kind of sketchy, especially if you are cracking a password from someone other than yourself. Instead, ask for a version that is editable from the person who sent you the document.

Unlocking a Locked Excel File on a Mac

There is a chance your Excel document may be locked as read-only from the file's attributes itself and not through Excel. The operating system you are on has locked the document so only the owner can edit it. If that's the case, you need to unlock read-only mode directly from your computer. If you operate on a Mac, unlock it by following these steps:

  1. Go to your Mac's Finder and search for the Excel file you want to change.
  2. Select the file and either right-click the file or go to File from the Finder top menu.
  3. Click Get Info.
  4. From there, uncheck the Locked box.
  5. Reopen the file, which should now be editable.

Unlocking an Excel File With Sharing and Permissions on a Mac

If you are trying to unlock a document from read-only mode and are unable to do so, you may not have permission to edit the document. On a Mac, it is possible to create a document so that only owners, creators and those given permission can unlock it. To unlock a file in that scenario, you need the original creator to update your permissions to edit the file in question.

When you share your own Excel document, you can lock it by changing the permissions of who you are sending it to. You lock it through Sharing and Permissions, which is located at the bottom of the Get Info section. It lists your name, your staff and everyone else who has access to this file. Each name listed has a drop-down privilege next to the name that is either Read Only or Read & Write. This is where you can edit these privileges.

Unlocking a Locked Excel File on a PC

On a PC, the method to unlock a read-only file from the computer itself, as opposed to Excel, is similar to the way it's done on a Mac. To do so:

  1. From Explorer, search for the Excel File in question. 
  2. Right-click on the Excel file you want to edit.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Go to the bottom of the General Tab.
  5. Uncheck the Read Only check box.
  6. Click OK to finalize.

You can also change the permissions for who can edit an Excel file from your PC like you can on a Mac. To do so, go back to the file's Properties section, and this time, click on the Security tab. From there, you can see the groups or usernames who have access to a file. Edit their level of access by clicking the Edit button underneath the list of usernames. As long as you are the file owner, you can edit the permissions each group or username has, including making the file read-only.

Bagaimana cara menghilangkan read

Klik File, pilih Option. Pilih menu Trust Center -> Trust Center Setting -> Protected View. Hilangkan semua centang, lalu klik Ok..
Klik kanan pada file yang tidak bisa diedit -> Pilih Properties..
Pada Tab General, klik Unblock..
Selesai. Anda bisa mengedit file tersebut..

Kenapa file excel jadi read

Jika file excel yang anda buka, terdapat fitur read-only, maka bisa dipastikan file excel tersebut hanya bisa dibaca saja dan tidak bisa di edit. Hal ini terjadi karena fitur Allow editing directly in cells dinonaktifkan.

Bagaimana Cara Enable Editing Excel?

Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk mengedit:.
Masuk ke File > Info..
Pilih Proteksi dokumen..
Pilih Aktifkan Pengeditan..

Apa penyebab file excel tidak bisa dibuka?

Apakah Anda pernah mengalami file Excel tidak bisa dibuka? Biasanya hal tersebut disebabkan karena file corrupt atau rusak. Mungkin saja akibat virus, malware, kesalahan update, kerusakan pada sistem, atau lainnya.