Cara menggunakan php write to stderr

The following code shows how to test for input on STDIN.  In this case, we were looking for CSV data, so we use fgetcsv to read STDIN, if it creates an array, we assume CVS input on STDIN, if no array was created, we assume there's no input from STDIN, and look, later, to an argument with a CSV file name.

Note, without the stream_set_blocking() call, fgetcsv() hangs on STDIN, awaiting input from the user, which isn't useful as we're looking for a piped file. If it isn't here already, it isn't going to be.

stream_set_blocking(STDIN, 0);
$csv_ar = fgetcsv(STDIN);
if (is_array($csv_ar)){
  print "CVS on STDIN\n";
} else {
  print "Look to ARGV for CSV file name.\n";

Here's a PHP version of print_r which can be tailored to your needs. Shows protected and private properties of objects and detects recursion (for objects only!). Usage:

void u_print_r ( mixed $expression [, array $ignore] )

Use the $ignore parameter to provide an array of property names that shouldn't be followed recursively.

function u_print_r($subject, $ignore = array(), $depth = 1, $refChain = array())
    if ($depth > 20) return;
    if (is_object($subject)) {
        foreach ($refChain as $refVal)
            if ($refVal === $subject) {
                echo "*RECURSION*\n";
        array_push($refChain, $subject);
        echo get_class($subject) . " Object ( \n";
        $subject = (array) $subject;
        foreach ($subject as $key => $val)
            if (is_array($ignore) && !in_array($key, $ignore, 1)) {
                echo str_repeat(" ", $depth * 4) . '[';
                if ($key{0} == "\0") {
                    $keyParts = explode("\0", $key);
                    echo $keyParts[2] . (($keyParts[1] == '*')  ? ':protected' : ':private');
                } else
                    echo $key;
                echo '] => ';
                u_print_r($val, $ignore, $depth + 1, $refChain);
        echo str_repeat(" ", ($depth - 1) * 4) . ")\n";
    } elseif (is_array($subject)) {
        echo "Array ( \n";
        foreach ($subject as $key => $val)
            if (is_array($ignore) && !in_array($key, $ignore, 1)) {
                echo str_repeat(" ", $depth * 4) . '[' . $key . '] => ';
                u_print_r($val, $ignore, $depth + 1, $refChain);
        echo str_repeat(" ", ($depth - 1) * 4) . ")\n";
    } else
        echo $subject . "\n";



class test {

    public $var1 = 'a';
    protected $var2 = 'b';
    private $var3 = 'c';
    protected $array = array('x', 'y', 'z');


$test = new test();
$test->recursiveRef = $test;
$test->anotherRecursiveRef->recursiveRef = $test;
$test->dont->follow = 'me';

void u_print_r ( mixed $expression [, array $ignore] )0


void u_print_r ( mixed $expression [, array $ignore] )2

void u_print_r ( mixed $expression [, array $ignore] )3

The example below shows the handling of internal exceptions by triggering errors and handling them with a user defined function:

// error handler function
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) {
// This error code is not included in error_reporting, so let it fall
// through to the standard PHP error handler
return false;

// $errstr may need to be escaped:
$errstr = htmlspecialchars($errstr);

switch ($errno) {
echo "My ERROR [$errno] $errstr
echo " Fatal error on line $errline in file $errfile";
echo ", PHP " . PHP_VERSION . " (" . PHP_OS . ")
echo "Aborting...

echo "My WARNING [$errno] $errstr

echo "My NOTICE [$errno] $errstr

echo "Unknown error type: [$errno] $errstr

/* Don't execute PHP internal error handler */
return true;

// function to test the error handling
function scale_by_log($vect, $scale)
if (!is_numeric($scale) || $scale <= 0) {
trigger_error("log(x) for x <= 0 is undefined, you used: scale = $scale", E_USER_ERROR);

if (!is_array($vect)) {
trigger_error("Incorrect input vector, array of values expected", E_USER_WARNING);
return null;

$temp = array();
foreach($vect as $pos => $value) {
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
trigger_error("Value at position $pos is not a number, using 0 (zero)", E_USER_NOTICE);
$value = 0;
$temp[$pos] = log($scale) * $value;

// $errstr may need to be escaped:
$errstr = htmlspecialchars($errstr);

// $errstr may need to be escaped:
$errstr = htmlspecialchars($errstr);

// $errstr may need to be escaped:
$errstr = htmlspecialchars($errstr);

// $errstr may need to be escaped:
$errstr = htmlspecialchars($errstr);

// $errstr may need to be escaped:
$errstr = htmlspecialchars($errstr);

// $errstr may need to be escaped:
$errstr = htmlspecialchars($errstr);

The above example will output something similar to: