Cara menggunakan javascript simplified premium package

JavaScript Simplified – Advanced Course is an advanced JavaScript training course. In this course you will learn how to think like a developer and create any project you can imagine. The instructor of this course, Kyle Cook, explains in the description of this course that he may have watched hundreds or thousands of hours of JavaScript training videos, but after all this training, he still has problems in the most basic projects, which he later realized was a problem. Education is not the learner. This course is based on teaching two vital parts of the programming language: the structure / concepts and how these concepts relate to each other.

Advanced course level: This part of the course not only covers advanced level concepts but also teaches you concepts such as security, testing and how to write clean code.

What you will learn in the JavaScript Simplified – Advanced Course:

  • Advanced level JavaScript
  • Learn the concepts of security, testing and how to write clean code in JavaScript
  • JavaScript project-oriented training
  • Object oriented programming training
  • Functional programming training

Course specifications

Publisher: JavaScript Simplified
Instructors: Kyle Cook
Language: English
Level: Advanced
Courses: 68
Duration: 18 hours and 33 minutes

Course topics:


Welcome (2:04)

Advanced Features

Destructuring (18:53)
Spread And Rest Operator (14:14)
Enhanced Object Literals (5:08)
Default Parameters (5:35)
Null Coalescing (4:30)
Optional Chaining (9:01)
Maps (12:49)
Sets (5:54)
Symbols (10:19)
Generators And Iterators (12:15)
Object Getters And Setters (9:13)
Bind (7:31)
Call And Apply (4:51)
Minesweeper Project (43:18)
Math Solver Introduction (3:14)
Math Solver Walkthrough (34:41)

Using Future JavaScript

ES Updates (10:00)
Polyfill (5:00)
Transpile And Babel (10:45)
Bundlers (3:42)

Object Oriented Programming

Prototypes (10:46)
Class Basics (10:31)
Class Inheritance (8:40)
Public, Private, And Protected Properties (10:26)
ATM CLI Project (36:37)
Calculator Project Introduction (1:51)
Calculator Project Walkthrough (34:18)

Functional Programming

What Is Functional Programming (2:53)
Pure Functions (11:46)
Immutability (8:05)
Higher Order Functions (11:07)
Function Composition (6:22)
Currying (8:40)
Minesweeper Functional Programming Project (40: 25)


What Is Testing And Why Is It Important (4:54)
Advanced Debugging (11:04)
Jest Basics (16:53)
Types Of Tests (8:00)
Unit Test Project (22:07)
Integration Test Project (12:46) ))
End To End Test Project (25:28)
Test Driven Development (5:40)
How To Know What To Test (10:02)
Jest With ES6 Modules (6:23)
Math Solver Test Walkthrough (6:46)
Minesweeper Test Introduction (1:02)
Minesweeper Test Walkthrough (38:44)


NPM Audit (16:26)
Cross Site Scripting (7:33)
Sanitize User Input (4:59)
All Your Code Is Public (6:59)
Never Trust The Client (5:40)
Cookies (5:48)
Weather App Project (50:25)

Clean Code

Clean Code Basics (6:41)
Code Order (6:35)
When To Use Comments (8:52)
Coupling And Cohesion (8:36)
Facade Pattern (14:22)
Guard Clauses (10:16)
Composition Vs Inheritance ( 16:07)
Don’t Repeat Yourself (5:59)
Color Game Introduction (1:30)
Color Game Walkthrough (50:21)


What’s Next (5:24)

Advanced Focused Projects

Custom Database (2:04:49)
Ecommerce (1:22:15)
Google Calendar Clone (1:14:50)

Prerequisites course:

Nothing! You really do not need to know anything about programming before taking this course. The only thing you need to know is the basics of HTML since all of the projects in this course will be based on HTML.


Cara menggunakan javascript simplified premium package

Sample film

Installation guide

After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

Note: The introductory level of this course is published under the title JavaScript Simplified – Beginner Course in the download.


Version 2021/4 has increased the volume by 3 lessons and about 4 and a half hours compared to version 2021/3.

Have you ever noticed how when you ask someone how to learn JavaScript they always tell you to build projects, but no matter how much you try to build a project you always fail. This really discouraged me when I was learning since no matter how many times I tried to create a project I always got stuck.

If projects are the best way to learn then why don't they work for me?

The reason for this is because I was using projects the wrong way, and unfortunately nearly every JavaScript course also uses projects the wrong way.

Projects in other JavaScript courses follow one of two patterns. They either are a complete tutorial where the teacher tells you how to build the entire project, or they are a project assigned to the student to complete with no guidance or direction. Both of these techniques are terrible for learning.

The first example of a teacher-led tutorial is the equivalent of a teacher writing out a paper for you and you just copying down the paper word for word expecting to learn how the grammar works. This is a pretty ridiculous way to learn a foreign language and is also equally ridiculous for learning JavaScript.

Teacher-led tutorials must be used sparingly to explain the connection of smaller concepts before diving into a fully-fledged project.

The second example of a student building a project from scratch is obviously problematic since learning how to do that is the reason you are in the course to begin with. This would be like joining a foreign language class and on the first day the teacher tells you to write an entire book in that foreign language. This will never work.

Instead, these student projects need to be crafted in such a way that concepts are slowly combined together one at a time.

This is where JavaScript Simplified is different. This course teaches you concepts one at a time. Then I show you how to combine a small number of concepts before giving you exercises focused around combining those few concepts together. This is repeated until you are able to build larger and larger projects with more complex concepts completely on your own.

This is how learning a foreign language works. You first learn a few easy words. Then you combine those words together into pairs. Eventually, you will start forming sentences with those words and those sentences will soon become paragraphs, pages, and finally a complete book.

This is not your typical JavaScript course. This is everything you need to become a JavaScript developer.

Originally when I was creating this course I was planning to just explain all the complex topics of JavaScript. As I was building the course, though, I decided to also explain how to connect all these JavaScript concepts in a way no other course has before.

This has resulted in a massive amount of content with the sole purpose of making you into the best JavaScript developer possible.

Beginner Course

A complete video course with over 13 hours of content spread across 74 videos and 10 modules.

This course covers every single important JavaScript concept that you need to understand in order to become a JavaScript developer and it shows you how to connect them.

This can take you from literally no programming experience all the way to a proficient JavaScript developer. Even if you already have JavaScript knowledge, this course is perfect for helping you connect all the pieces together.

While 13 hours may not seem like a lot if you are used to long Udemy courses, I can assure you this course is packed with information. Each minute is as condensed as possible with knowledge, projects, and exercises which means not a single second of your time with the course is wasted.

Also, if you plan to get through this course in only 13 hours, good luck. With all the projects and exercises in this course it will easily take you over a month to get through everything, and that is if you work on the course every single day!

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Advanced Course

Once you become a proficient JavaScript developer then it is time to start diving into the advanced JavaScript ecosystem.

This course will take you from junior to mid-level developer with just under 14 hours of content spread across 65 videos and 9 modules.

This course covers not only advanced JavaScript features, but more importantly covers concepts like security, testing, and how to write clean code.

The skills in this course will set you apart from all other job applicants as most developers never learn any of these concepts until after landing their first job. I personally didn't even know what 90% of the concepts in this course were when I landed my first job and was forced to learn them on the job.

I can only imagine how much easier it would have been to land my first job if I knew these skills before applying.

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Multiple Projects

Learning how to connect JavaScript concepts is the only way to become a JavaScript developer and one of the best ways to do that is through projects.

JavaScript Simplified includes tons of projects of various difficulty and scale which are perfectly crafted to help you slowly build up your JavaScript skills without overwhelming you.

There are never more than a few concepts introduced at a time in between projects. This ensures you are able to fully comprehend each concept and how to connect it to other concepts.

This course also includes 6 large bonus projects that combine together all the concepts in this course. These projects are perfect for practicing your JavaScript skills and are also great additions to your resume. Best of all, these projects are crafted with specific ways you can build upon them which will help further deepen your project building skills.

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Countless Exercises

This is where JavaScript Simplified really shines.

In order to learn JavaScript you must practice a lot! That is why in JavaScript Simplified there are tons of exercises throughout nearly every video in the course.

Not a single concept is introduced without specific exercises also being introduced with it. These exercises vary drastically in scale, from simple commands to full projects, but they all serve the same purpose. Teaching you how to connect JavaScript concepts.

These exercises are what separate JavaScript Simplified from other JavaScript courses and ensures that you learn not only JavaScript, but also how to think like a developer.

Helpful Community

When you get stuck, sometimes the best help is simply another person. This is why I have a private Discord community specifically for the members of JavaScript Simplified.

In this community you can ask other course members as well as me any of your JavaScript questions, and since the community is fairly active you will almost always get a quick response.

Nothing beats one-on-one communication with another person.

Tips For Landing A Job

Landing your first job as a web developer is really hard and being self-taught doesn't make it any easier. That is why I interviewed incredible developers like Danny Thompson, and Eddie Jaoude to figure out how they landed their first developer jobs.

These talks cover so many different tips and tricks that you can use to get yourself into more interviews and successfully ace those interviews. The topics we cover will truly change the way you look at applying for jobs.

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Free Quokka.js Pro For 3 Months

One of the hardest parts of learning JavaScript is understanding how the code works and seeing any mistakes you make. Text editors are great at helping you with this, but they are not ideal. This is where Quokka.js comes in.

Quokka.js is a developer productivity tool specifically built for JavaScript that shows you exactly what is happening in the code at each line. It also has robust error reporting that makes learning JavaScript quicker and easier.