Cara bermain wild ones di facebook

INDOZONE.ID - Sebuah game klasik yang sempat populer di platform sosial media Facebook pada tahun 2010 lalu yaitu Wild Ones diketahui akan dirilis ulang oleh developernya. Hal tersebut diketahui dari fanpage dari game tersebut.

Dalam sebuah postingan di fanpage resminya, pihak developer dari Wild Ones mengatakan bahwa mereka akan merilis kembali gamenya dua hari lagi. Tentunya hal tersebut membuat para gamers menjadi senang karena dapat bernostalgia kembali dengan memainkan game tersebut.

Cara bermain wild ones di facebook

Sekedar informasi, Wild Ones sendiri adalah game bergenre shooter yang memiliki gameplay mirip dengan game Worms dan juga Perjuangan Semut. Sayangnya game ini harus ditutup pada tahun 2013 lalu.

Pihak developer dari Wild Ones sendiri masih belum memberikan konfirmasi apakah game ini hanya akan dirilis di platform Facebook saja atau juga akan dirilis menjadi sebuah game stand alone yang hadir untuk platform PC atau mobile. Kita tunggu saja informasi selanjutnya.

Cheats and Tips for Wild Ones

We have 50 cheats and tips on FaceBook. If you have any cheats or tips for Wild Ones please send them in here.

You can also ask your question on our Wild Ones Questions & Answers page.

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Whenever you get a beehive, throw it at someone at a higher level and then press and hold Left, Right, Up and Down on the keyboard. This does not always work but sometimes you will get 99 'Game Over' nukes.

To level up quickly in Wild Ones, open multiple tabs. While it will be hard to multitask to such an extent that you'll be able to win all of the multiple tabbed games, you still level up far more quickly than while playing only one game!

Create another FaceBook account and send a friends request to your main FaceBook account. Go to your main account and accept and start up Wild Ones. Then click 'Add Neighbor' and click your new account. It will then say that it sent a notification to that account. Switch back to your new one and accept the neighbor request and start up Wild Ones. After you go through the steps you will see a present at the bottom right. Click that and click 'Send Gifts to Friends'. After that click your main user to recieve it. This process can be repeated as many times as you desire.

A sneaky Way of increasing your chances of winning is to tell everyone that you have lots of Goo Globguns when you start a match and if they want to get free Goo Globguns they should press Ctrl + Z + W. Those who enter the code will close their windows and log themselves out making them leave the match.

While at Critter Falls, go to the bottom left-hand corner. If you go against the palm tree and shoot a transporter through the tree, then again into the mountain, you should find yourself in the wall - it will be as if you are underwater! You should be able to keep walking forever!

Go to shop "pet" choose any pet (the one that is beside any member pet) then choose the the color of the pet that is beside the member pet and click "x" above the pet screen and quickly click the member pet beside it (that you chose) click rapidly the bottom left corner of the box under the pet. (you get ban fast if you're not a member) but delete the pet before you refresh or log out of th game. Note: you can watch this cheat/hack in youtube type at the search in youtube: how to unlock dragon and platypus in wild ones without membership. Please comment if there is a problem.

To get around 120 coins a match maneuver ALL your opponents to a particular area and then just use a Tornado Cluster. This is one of the most powerful weapons in the game and as it allows you to fire 5 Tornado Grenades at the same time.

You swim by quickly tapping the space bar while in deep water. This is far preferable to get out from underwater as opposed to using a teleporter. Get to the surface by swimming, then use the teleporter.
Note: You also can't shoot bees while in the water.

Below is a series of tips for how best to use the weapons in Wild Ones, as well as common mistakes to avoid:
Do not fire them directly at an enemy, as it has no effect.
Drill Guns:
Ensure you will make a direct hit before using this weapon.
Do not fire high into the air as the grenade will blow up before it comes back down to your target.
Rubber Grenades:
Be careful of firing these against walls, as it will probably rebound because of the bouncy rubber and hit you!.
Do not fire these high into the air as you will give the enemy the ability to run away from the bees before they come back down. Also, if you use Bees against someone whose turn is straight..

Start at HOME then go to "Wild ones" then go to My pets then go to "Shop" then go to "Accessories" then exit then play ONE round of practice(die by suicide or com.) then play a speed round(WIN) then spin the wheel of weapons then exit go back in then play LAB RATS(lose any way you choose) then win a round of last team standing and WIN EXIT again come back in then check your treats section and it will say 9999999 then check "My Pets" and you will have a Dragon (sometimes it will glitch out and you will get an Armadillo and a Dinosaur)

Hacking is fairly rampant in Wild Ones. Lots of gamers do it to get resources, level up and progress through the game. There are no official cheats for Wild Ones, and the only unofficial ones are classed as hacks and will lead to you getting your account suspended or banned!

To get a free laser cannon which is one of the few weapons that can shoot through terrain without breaking it you must get on Wild Ones 4 days in a row.

Generally the best way to get Facebook Cash is to purchase it yourself using real money. If this isn't an option, or you don't want to plough your hard-earned cash into Facebook, you can also get it by completing surveys and fulfilling certain offers.
Just look out for the 'Get Credits' or 'Earn Facebook Cash' links that appear at the top of the screen while playing and browsing.

Quick leveling up
Level up to 69
Have many pets
Have 600 treats and 2900000 coins
Have skates for shoes
Have all mini pets
Have all weapons and ammos

Start at HOME then go to "Wild ones" then go to My pets then go to "Shop" then go to "Accessories" then exit then play ONE round of practice(die by suicide or com.) then play a speed round(WIN) then spin the wheel of weapons then exit go back in then play LAB RATS(lose any way you choose) then win a round of last team standing and WIN EXIT again come back in then check your treats section and it will say 9999999 then check "My Pets" and you will have a Dragon (sometimes it will glitch out and you will get an Armadillo and a Dinosaur)

1rst. Play a round of "Last Team Standing" win it then play a round of "Team point match" and lose then go to "Shop" ,buy the TelePorter once then go to "Accessories" to buy something cheap (anything cheap!!!!!) then spin the Wheel Of Weapons 1 time after that win ANY ROUND then go to "My Pets" and you will have those pets. ENJOY!
P.s. Delete 1 pet or you WILL be ban quickly,even if your a member

Get a friend or another facebook account to send a swim noodle then you will automaticly one razor apple every one swim noodle DO NOT use the swim noodle and olny use the razor apple you wll have infinited razor apples. You are allowed to use any other weapon besides the swim noodle

To level up quickly in Wild Ones, open multiple tabs. While it will be hard to multitask to such an extent that you'll be able to win all of the multiple tabbed games, you still level up far more quickly than while playing only one game!

Whenever you get a beehive, throw it at someone at a higher level and then press and hold Left, Right, Up and Down on the keyboard. This does not always work but sometimes you will get 99 'Game Over' nukes

1rst. Play a round of "Last Team Standing" win it then play a round of "Team point match" and lose then go to "Shop" ,buy the TelePorter once then go to "Accessories" to buy something cheap (anything cheap!!!!!) then spin the Wheel Of Weapons 1 time after that win ANY ROUND then go to "My Pets" and you will have those pets. ENJOY!
P.s. Delete 1 pet or you WILL be ban quickly,even if your a member

When in game don't have any hot keys set on 7-8-9-0 now in game hit all 4 in a row fast and you will get a non-existant weapon it will shoot out a weapon pack no matter what it works I promise you have nothing to lose try it

Whenever you get a beehive, throw it at someone at a higher level and then press and hold Left, Right, Up and Down on the keyboard. This does not always work but sometimes you will get 99 'Game Over' nukes.

Log in to Wild Ones Then go to "Practice" , while your in ,when it's your turn on the bottom right middle of the game will be a transporter use all of them , if you have time go to "Change Weapons" click the Transporter and use it and the Transporter picture will say 99 just like the Missile Enjoy!!!

If you want 30 weapons a day first you have to have 2 profiles on facebook an then you can easily send 30 gifts to your original profile and BOOOOOOOM!!!!! THERES YOUR WEAPONS

Create another FaceBook account and send a friends request to your main FaceBook account. Go to your main account and accept and start up Wild Ones. Then click 'Add Neighbor' and click your new account. It will then say that it sent a notification to that account. Switch back to your new one and accept the neighbor request and start up Wild Ones. After you go through the steps you will see a present at the bottom right. Click that and click 'Send Gifts to Friends'. After that click your main user to recieve it. This process can be repeated as many times as you desire.

First you go to last one standing then choose beehive for weapon throw it on an armadillo then refresh then you get armadillo

Whenever you get a beehive, throw it at someone at a higher level and then press and hold Left, Right, Up and Down on the keyboard. This does not always work but sometimes you will get 99 'Game Over' nukes.

Weapon Tips
Below is a series of tips for how best to use the weapons in Wild Ones, as well as common mistakes to avoid:
Do not fire them directly at an enemy, as it has no effect.
Drill Guns:
Ensure you will make a direct hit before using this weapon.
Do not fire high into the air as the grenade will blow up before it comes back down to your target.
Rubber Grenades:
Be careful of firing these against walls, as it will probably rebound because of the bouncy rubber and hit you!.
Do not fire these high into the air as you will give the enemy the ability to run away from the bees before they come back down. Also, if you use Bees against someone whose turn is straight after yours, they..

Whenever you get a beehive, throw it at someone at a higher level and then press and hold Left, Right, Up and Down on the keyboard. This does not always work but sometimes you will get 99 'Game Over' nukes.

1rst. Play a round of "Last Team Standing" win it then play a round of "Team point match" and lose then go to "Shop" ,buy the TelePorter once then go to "Accessories" to buy something cheap (anything cheap!!!!!) then spin the Wheel Of Weapons 1 time after that win ANY ROUND then go to "My Pets" and you will have those pets. ENJOY!
P.s. Delete 1 pet or you WILL be ban quickly,even if your a member

Whenever you get a beehive, throw it at someone at a higher level and then press and hold Left, Right, Up and Down on the keyboard. This does not always work but sometimes you will get 99 'Game Over' nukes.

Whenever you get a beehive, throw it at someone at a higher level and then press and hold Left, Right, Up and Down on the keyboard. This does not always work but sometimes you will get 99 'Game Over'

1rst. Play a round of "Last Team Standing" win it then play a round of "Team point match" and lose then go to "Shop" ,buy the TelePorter once then go to "Accessories" to buy something cheap (anything cheap!!!!!) then spin the Wheel Of Weapons 1 time after that win ANY ROUND then go to "My Pets" and you will have those pets. ENJOY!
P.s. Delete 1 pet or you WILL be ban quickly,even if your a member

New weapon free
When in game don't have any hot keys set on 7-8-9-0 now in game hit all 4 in a row fast and you will get a non-existant weapon it will shoot out a weapon pack no matter what it works I promise you have nothing to lose try it

To level up quickly in Wild Ones, open multiple tabs. While it will be hard to multitask to such an extent that you'll be able to win all of the multiple tabbed games, you still level up far more quickly than while playing only one game!

The best way to earn XP and Money is to enter Fight Mode as often as you can. While it does often take a while to complete, it is the best way to get XP and Money. Play with four players to get through it as quickly as possible.

Go to shop "pet" choose any pet (the one that is beside any member pet) then choose the the color of the pet that is beside the member pet and click "x" above the pet screen and quickly click the member pet beside it (that you chose) click rapidly the bottom left corner of the box under the pet. (you get ban fast if you're not a member) but delete the pet before you refresh or log out of th game. Note: you can watch this cheat/hack in youtube type at the search in youtube: how to unlock dragon and platypus in wild ones without membership. Please comment if there is a problem.

1rst. Play a round of "Last Team Standing" win it then play a round of "Team point match" and lose then go to "Shop" ,buy the TelePorter once then go to "Accessories" to buy something cheap (anything cheap!!!!!) then spin the Wheel Of Weapons 1 time after that win ANY ROUND then go to "My Pets" and you will have those pets. ENJOY!
P.s. Delete 1 pet or you WILL get banned quickly,even if your a member

To level up quickly in Wild Ones, open multiple tabs. While it will be hard to multitask to such an extent that you'll be able to win all of the multiple tabbed games, you still level up far more quickly than while playing only one game!

Start at HOME then go to "Wild ones" then go to My pets then go to "Shop" then go to "Accessories" then exit then play ONE round of practice(die by suicide or com.) then play a speed round(WIN) then spin the wheel of weapons then exit go back in then play LAB RATS(lose any way you choose) then win a round of last team standing and WIN EXIT again come back in then check your treats section and it will say 9999999 then check "My Pets" and you will have a Dragon (sometimes it will glitch out and you will get an Armadillo and a Dinosaur)

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