At what point is an automatic premium loan generated?

There are many different riders, provisions and features that can be added to permanent insurance policies. The automatic premium loan (APL) provision is one of the lesser known, but extremely valuable, provisions available to whole life policyholders. This provision protects policyholders from having their policy lapse due to a missed or delayed premium payment. In this article we’ll cover exactly what an APL provision is, how it works, which policies can qualify and what policyholders need to know.


What is an Automatic Premium Loan Provision?

An Automatic Premium Loan (APL) Provision allows an insurance company to take a loan from the policy’s cash value to cover unpaid premium. This provision helps to prevent an unintentional policy lapse.

When Would an Automatic Premium Loan be Generated?

When a premium payment is overdue, the APL provision allows the insurance company to initiate an internal loan to cover the premium. Most insurance companies give a 30-day grace period for premium payments. The APL provision would not be activated until the grace period for premium payment expires.

How Does an Automatic Premium Loan Provision Work?

When a policy has an APL provision and the policyholder misses a premium payment, the insurance company automatically pays the premium by taking a loan from the policy’s cash value for the premium due. Since the automatic premium loan provision is a feature which is set up before it is utilized, the policyholder will not have to sign for the automatic loan, and the loan funds will be handled internally by the insurance company to pay the premium due.

Is an Automatic Premium Loan Provision Worth It?

The automatic premium loan provision is valuable for policyholders who want their coverage to continue even if they miss premium notices, and there is no cost to add the provision to a policy. 

Activating this provision on a policy gives policyholders extra security, when it comes to premium payments, and added peace of mind. The APL provision has been a lifesaver for some of our clients in situations where premium notices have been delayed in the mail, or when they moved, but an address change was not yet completed.

How Do You Qualify for an Automatic Premium Loan Provision?

Whole life policies that have a cash value (money that can be borrowed without surrendering the policy) can qualify for an automatic premium loan provision. Policyholders can add (or remove) this provision from a qualifying whole life policy at any time. 

What Policies Do Not Have an APL Provision?

An automatic premium loan provision only applies to whole life insurance policies. Universal life policies do not have an APL provision because premiums are flexible and policy expenses are always deducted from available cash value. Term life insurance policies do not have this provision either because most term policies don’t build cash value.


At Life Benefits, we add the Automatic Premium Loan (APL) provision to all whole life policies we sell. There is no cost to add the provision to a policy and there have been many instances where this provision has kept a policy from lapsing. The APL provision can only be activated by the insurance company if the premium is overdue, and the policy has sufficient cash value to cover the amount of premium due. 

Anytime the APL provision is utilized, the amount of cash used by the provision is marked as “outstanding loan balance” and subject to the insurance company’s current loan interest rate. Policyholders can make payments to, or completely pay off, the outstanding loan balance anytime during the year. Loan payments are credited back to the policy’s cash value, replenishing the amount available for you, the policyholder, to borrow or for the insurance company to access via the APL provision if you miss premiums in future years.

Automatic Premium Loan an optional provision in life insurance that authorizes the insurer to pay from the cash value any premium due at the end of the grace period. This provision is useful in preventing inadvertent lapse of the policy.

Which life insurance policy is eligible for an automatic premium loan provision?

In order to take an automatic premium loan, you have to have a cash-value life insurance policy, in which every premium you pay adds to the cash value of the policy. Depending on the policy language, life insurance policyholders may be able to take out a loan against the cash value of their policy.

Why is the automatic premium loan provision important when every policy has a grace period provision?

The automatic premium loan provision uses the policys cash value to pay premiums so the policy does not lapse due to nonpayment of premiums.

What is a premium loan insurance?

Premium Loan an amount borrowed against the cash value of a life insurance policy to make a premium payment, allowing the policy to stay in force.

What does automatic premium loan provision mean?

An automatic premium loan is often associated with a life insurance policy that has a cash value. It is a specific clause, or rider, within the policy that allows the insurance issuer to withdraw premium payments from the accrued value of the policy when the policyholder is unable to or neglects to continue paying.

Which policy does not have an automatic premium loan provision?

The automatic premium loan is available on whole life insurance policies. Because universal life policies will always deduct policy expenses from available cash value, they do not have an automatic premium loan feature.

At what point are automatic premium loans generated?

The Automatic Premium Loan provision automatically becomes effective at the end of the grace period to prevent the policy from lapsing.

What is a premium payment on a loan?

A premium on a loan is an additional fee paid by one party to entice the other to enter the agreement. Typically, a premium is charged by a lender when the borrower poses a substantial default risk.

What is an APL policy?

The automatic premium loan is available on whole life insurance policies. Because universal life policies will always deduct policy expenses from available cash value, they do not have an automatic premium loan feature.

What is an insurance premium loan?

Automatic Premium Loan an optional provision in life insurance that authorizes the insurer to pay from the cash value any premium due at the end of the grace period. This provision is useful in preventing inadvertent lapse of the policy.

What is the purpose of the automatic premium loan provision?

An automatic premium loan is often associated with a life insurance policy that has a cash value. It is a specific clause, or rider, within the policy that allows the insurance issuer to withdraw premium payments from the accrued value of the policy when the policyholder is unable to or neglects to continue paying

What is the grace period provision?

The grace period provision allots a specifically designated amount of time in which the policyowner has to make the required premium payments after the stipulated due date. If the policyowner fails to make the premium payments, the insurance company will not immediately cancel the policy.

Is a policy has an automatic premium loan provision?

An automatic premium loan is an insurance policy provision that allows the insurer to deduct the amount of an outstanding premium from the value of the policy when the premium is due.

Which policy provision stipulates for what period of time the policy will remain in effect after the premium payment due date?

An insurance grace period is a defined amount of time after the premium is due in which a policyholder can make a premium payment without coverage lapsing. The insurance grace period can vary depending on the insurer and policy type.

How do I get rid of MIP?

If you currently pay PMI or MIP mortgage insurance, you can get rid of it by refinancing once your home reaches 20 percent equity. If youre shopping for a new home loan, look for options that allow no PMI even without 20 percent down.

What is an insurance premium example?

A premium is the price of the insurance youve chosen, charged by your insurance company. A deductible is an amount you have to pay before your insurance company initiates coverage. For example, if your car insurance premium is $800 per year, you must pay your insurer $800 per year to have the insurance

What point would an automatic premium loan be generated?

The automatic premium loan clause is exercised when the premium payments are overdue. The policyholder can choose a scheduled date for regular payments of insurance premiums.

Which of the following statement best describes the automatic premium loan provision?

The automatic premium loan is available on whole life insurance policies. Because universal life policies will always deduct policy expenses from available cash value, they do not have an automatic premium loan feature.

What policy has the automatic premium loan provision?

life insurance policy

Which of these types of policies may not have the automatic premium loan provision attached to it quizlet?

Which of these types of policies may NOT have the Automatic Premium Loan provision attached to it? Decreasing Term. The Automatic Premium Loan provision can be incorporated into all of these policies EXCEPT decreasing term.

What is automatic loan provision?

A life insurance nonforfeiture option that allows the insurer to pay overdue premiums on a policy by establishing a loan against the policys cash value. See also Nonforfeiture Options.

At what point would an automatic premium loan be generated?

Automatic Premium Loan an optional provision in life insurance that authorizes the insurer to pay from the cash value any premium due at the end of the grace period. This provision is useful in preventing inadvertent lapse of the policy.

What are automatic premium loans?

An automatic premium loan is often associated with a life insurance policy that has a cash value. It is a specific clause, or rider, within the policy that allows the insurance issuer to withdraw premium payments from the accrued value of the policy when the policyholder is unable to or neglects to continue paying.

At what point will the APL automatic premium loan provision on a life policy no longer pay premiums?

If the cash value goes to zero, the automatic loan payment provision cannot cover the premium and the policy would lapse. The correct answer is: Her policy lapsed when the premium did not get paid.

How does premium financing work?

Insurance premium financing is essentially a loan that a business takes out to purchase an insurance policy, such as life insurance or a retirement policy. The loan is secured against the cash surrender value of the acquired insurance policy