At what altitude above the earths surface would the acceleration due to gravity be one-fourth?

  • diffcult

Correct option is



We know that, acceleration due to gravity at height h from the surface of the earth.





where, R is the radius of the earth.


A body weigh 200 N on the surface of the earth. How much will ut weigh half way down to the centre of the earth ?


Find gravitational field at a distance of 2000 km from the centre of earth.(Given


R  is the radius earth,

 is its angular velocity and
 is the value of g at the poles. The effective value of g at a latitude


The weight of a body on the surface of the earth is 63 N. What is the gravitational force due to the earth at a height equal to half the radius of the earth?


The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the surface of earth. Then


The planets with radii

 have densities
 respectively. Their atmospheric pressure are
 respectively. Therefore, the ratio of masses of their atmospheres, neglecting variation of g within the limits of atmosphere is


Weightlessness experienced while orbiting the earth in spaceship, is the result of


What will be the acceleration due to gravity at depth d, where g is acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth?


The height vertically above the earth’s surface at which the acceleration due to gravity g with depth h from the surface of the earth?


The mass of the moon is (1/6)th of  the earth but fact that

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