Arti kata "russia" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata russia bahasa

1)Today Russia is the only nation in the world, capable to keep International Space Station running 2)Russian technology propells US Atlas carrier vehicles and in effect, puts many of US payloads into the orbit, including military.


search google for RD-180

Arti kata russia bahasa

A really big and very cool country in the east. Managed to crush the Nazi occupation force after a decisive tank battle in the fields of Kursk. Currently fighting those damn rebels, as of yet they are the only country to do anything effective to fight global terrorism. They pwned the bastards. Russia has given birth to all sorts of cool stuff, Vodka, the t-32 battle tank, the ak47 and kossack hats.


Russian women are FINE.

Arti kata russia bahasa

1) Largest nation in land area, has a population 140 million, steadily declining since collapse of USSR 2) Capital Moscow is Europe's largest city with 13 million people, frequently ranks as 2nd most expensive city after Tokyo 3) Is mostly a democracy on paper only 4) US dollars and Euros are used just as much as rubles 5) Owner of the world's largest stockpile of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons 6) Has a very safe and successful space program 7) Struggles to maintain a vast military, while dealing with domestic terrorism daily 8) Has a thouroughly obscene obsession with German sedans 9) Average worker makes only $200 a month 10) Is incredibly beautiful in the winter


When in Moscow, watch out for the government (and not-so-government) luxobarges that like to drive on the opposite side of the road at triple digit speeds. Sphincter clenchingly terrifying, and makes Russian roulette look like a kindergarten game.

Arti kata russia bahasa

Is a great country. The people there are harworking and not violent drunks like SOME motherfuckers say(If russians are violent what do you say about the war in iraq?or the overflowing violent chavs in england?) . Its really verry beautiful and the schools are harder than in many other country.I would know im russian>


Za rasiu! hehe XP!For russia-it really rocks!And there are lots of drunks in other countrys hehe, besides vodka is great until you get carried away forever...

Arti kata russia bahasa

The country where warez servers are out of law.


- Where can I find some warez? - Russian google, noob :<

Arti kata russia bahasa

Russia is the largest country in the world that stretches from the Baltic sea to the Pacific ocean in the east. Today it covers an Area 17 075 200 since the collapse of the Soviet Union and has a population of 144 million people. Also had the 3rd largest empire(after the British and Mongol empire) in the world which covered a land size of 22 400 000 up until 1918. Was once called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 and is toady apart of the Commonwealth of Independent States, since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Russia has the 9th largest economy of the world and is slowly becoming richer since the end of it being communist.


Russia is a huge country, with alot of resources and the potential to become very rich

Arti kata russia bahasa

In only 15 years after the horribly devastating nazi invasion with 27+ mln. perished and large part of its territory in ashes, Russia was the first nation in history of mankind to break through into space. Still the first in space today, even after decade of post-soviet chaos and poor management. Not only that, Russia also helped greatly to improve American educational system by inspiring the infamous Sputnik crisis in early 60s. Yet NASA never really caught up, so now Russia generously gives them a ride. Why not. Always feared and envied by the Western Cold War hawks and their poodles no matter what Russia does, because the West fears and envies everything they cannot swallow or control. Russia is repeatedly attacked and backstabbed only to patiently put offenders back in line and then spoon-feed them. Helped the French to discover their babysitting talents in 1812 and relieved Germans of their mental issues in 1945. After each setback Russia emerges more powerful than before.


The first man in space was Russian. (And woman too)

Arti kata russia bahasa

Russia is the biggest country in the world. Has a powerful military force and has made a big contribution to humanity. The country was in complete shit after 1991 when the Union collapsed, but since the beggining of the XXI century is experiencing a steady and large economic growth. Nowadays a big part of the budget is being spent on new sciences, like nanotechnology and genetic research. There are still many disparities between the capital cities and the rest of russia, but eventually that will straighten up. Birthrates are low and the fertility rate rate is subreplacement. But that's what happens in most of the West anyway. Yes, there are drunken fucktards, but most Russians actually have 2 or more higher degree educations. The vast majority of "russians" living in the US are actually Jews whose parents were born in the USSR.


guy - Russia is VERY big! me - yes it is!

Arti kata russia bahasa

Russia is country spreading from western Europe to the east coast of Asia. It is the largest country in the world, and has proven to be a powerful force in history. The people have a unique pride and devotion to their country, and would give it all for their homeland. Unlike popular American belief, the weather most in Russia is EXTREMELY nice. Yes it is cold in SIBERIA and the winter, but that's what winter is. In the summer, there is usually a good average of 70-85ºF. Also, even though Russia is known for it's vodka, that doesn't mean all anyone ever does is sit aorund drinking till their brains melt. It is true Russians enjoy a good drink, expecially some strong stuff at a family party, but they are not alcoholics. I find the American fetish with Russian hats and accents really funny. :) To be perfectly honest, the hats they show in the movies must be 50 years old, and the accents aren't what true Russian accents sound like.


Strashna ne smert, strashna nevola! (Feared is not to be death, feared is to be unfreedom!) - A Russian saying to live by :) RUSSIAN PRIDE! (I just had to put that in, because I would DIE for Russia!)

Arti kata russia bahasa

that thing thats going to invade ukraine any day now. Oh, and its also the largest country in the world, with a size larger than the dwarf planet pluto.


"russia is in the news." "what, has it invaded ukraine yet?"