Apa itu iCloud Drive di iPhone?

Jangan khawatir bagi kamu pengguna Windows karena layanan Apple yang satu ini juga bisa tetap kamu nikmati. Petunjuk mengatur iCloud Drive di Windows bisa kamu lihat melalui tautan ini. Namun bukan itu yang akan saya bahas di artikel kali ini. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas tips bagaimana cara menampilkan aplikasi iCloud Drive di homescreen pada perangkat iPhone atau iPad kamu.

Caranya cukup mudah dan sederhana:

  1. Buka aplikasi Settings > iCloud.
  2. Pilih iCloud Drive.
  3. Jika kamu sudah mengaktifkan iCloud Drive, geser ke kanan pada pilihan Show on Home Screen untuk menampilkan aplikasi iCloud Drive tersebut.

That’s it! Mudah bukan? Sekarang aplikasi iCloud Drive tersebut sudah ada di Home Screen kamu. Kamu bisa dengan mudah melihat file apa saja yang tersimpan di sana. Apple memberikan ruang penyimpanan sebesar 5GB untuk kamu gunakan secara gratis lewat iCloud Drive.

Kalau merasa kurang, Apple menyediakan opsi penambahan kapasitas penyimpanan mulai dari 50GB dengan harga Rp 15 ribu per bulan hingga 1 TB yang harus kamu tebus dengan harga Rp 150 ribu per bulannya. Harga 1 TB di iCloud Drive dan di Dropbox sendiri kurang lebih sama. Saya sendiri masih menggunakan iCloud Drive yang gratis dan belum berencana untuk membayar untuk menambah ruang penyimpanan. Mengingat layanan cloud storage dari Apple belum dapat dibilang reliable. Sekian tips hari ini, sampai jumpa di tips dan trik berikutnya!

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  • iCloud Drive is a storage app that allows you to sync files between multiple devices. Some apps will save files to iCloud Drive automatically. You can also add files and folders on your Mac or PC, or via icloud.com

    Enabling iCloud Drive on iPhone allows you to access all your documents and files uploaded to iCloud from Mac and other devices. You will find below the steps to Enable & Use iCloud Drive on iPhone.

    Enable & Use iCloud Drive on iPhone and iPad

    By default, iPhone comes with 5 GB free iCloud storage space and provides access to all iCloud features like iCloud Photos, iCloud Backups, Find iPhone and iCloud Drive using your Apple ID.

    All that is required to access any iCloud feature on iPhone is to simply enable or toggle ON the feature by going to iCloud Settings on your device.

    Once iCloud Drive is enabled on iPhone, it simply works out of the box and no further configuration is required.

    1. Enable iCloud Drive on iPhone

    Follow the steps below to Enable iCloud Drive on iPhone or iPad.

    1. Open Settings on your iPhone and tap on your Apple ID.

    2. On Apple ID screen, tap on iCloud

    3. On the next screen, scroll down and enable iCloud Drive by moving the toggle to ON position.

    Once iCloud Drive is enabled on your device, all the Apps that support iCloud Drive will provide you with the option to open and save Files to iCloud Drive.

    2. How to Access iCloud Drive Files on iPhone

    You can access iCloud Drive Files on iPhone by using the Files App located on the Home Screen.

    1. Open the Files App on your iPhone.

    2. On the next screen, tap on iCloud Drive tab under ‘Locations’ section.

    3. On iCloud Drive screen, you will find all your Files and Folders located on iCloud Drive.

    To open a Folder on iCloud Drive, tap on it and you will be able to see all the Files located within that Folder.

    3. Delete iCloud Drive Files from iPhone

    At any time, you can delete any File or Folder located on iCloud Drive, right from your iPhone.

    1. Open the Folder containing Files that you want to delete by tapping on it.

    2. Once you are in the Folder, tap on the Select option.

    3. Select the Files that you want to delete by tapping on them and tap on the Trash Can icon.

    The selected Files will be immediately removed from iCloud Drive.

    4. Share iCloud Drive Files with Others

    You can Share Files located in your iCloud Drive Account with others and allow them to only View your iCloud Drive Files or allow them to both View and Edit the Shared File.

    1. Open the Folder containing File that you want to Share with others.

    2. Once you are in the Folder, tap on the Select option located at the top-right corner.

    3. Select Files that you want to Share by tapping on them and tap on the Share icon.

    4. From the menu that appears, tap on Add people option.

    5. On the next screen, you will find the options to configure Share options, Copy Link and Use iMessages or other Apps to invite people to your File located on iCloud Drive.

    Tapping on Share Options allows you to configure whether others can only View or both View and Edit your Shared iCloud Drive File.

    5. Edit iCloud Drive Files on iPhone

    If you are used to Google Drive, you will be disappointed with editing capabilities and other options on iCloud Drive.

    You won’t find the option to Edit Documents, Spreadsheets and Presentation files on iCloud Drive, that you can readily find on Google Drive.

    iCloud Drive basically performs the task of a simple cloud storage service that allows you to upload, download and access all your files from any device.

    6. Upgrade iCloud Drive Storage

    The limited 5 GB storage as available in your Free iCloud Account is only good enough for iPhone Backups to iCloud.

    To make the best use of iCloud Drive, you can buy additional iCloud Storage at very affordable rates from Apple.

    1. Open Settings on your iPhone and tap on your Apple ID.

    2. On Apple ID screen, tap on iCloud

    3. On iCloud screen, tap on Manage Storage option.

    4. Next, tap on Change Storage Plan.

    5. On the next screen, select the storage plan that suits your needs and tap on the Buy option.

    Once you complete the purchase, you will immediately see the total storage space in your iCloud Account changing to reflect the total storage space allowed by your new plan.

    Apa fungsi dari iCloud Drive?

    iCloud adalah layanan dari Apple yang menyimpan foto, file, catatan, kata sandi, dan data Anda dengan aman di cloud dan terus memperbaruinya di semua perangkat secara otomatis. iCloud juga memudahkan berbagi foto, file, catatan, dan lainnya dengan teman dan keluarga.

    Apa saja yang ada di iCloud Drive?

    iCloud Drive: Semua file dan folder yang disimpan di iCloud Drive secara otomatis disinkronkan ke server iCloud. Bahkan jika Anda kehilangan iPhone atau iPad, file-file ini akan aman (pastikan saja file-file tersebut tidak disimpan di bagian In My iPhone atau In My Ipad di aplikasi File).

    iCloud Drive terletak dimana?

    Untuk melihat file yang tersimpan di Mac, buka Finder > iCloud Drive. Di iPhone, iPad, atau iPod touch, buka app File. Di PC dengan iCloud untuk Windows, buka File Explorer > iCloud Drive.

    Bagaimana jika iCloud iPhone penuh?

    Mengurangi ukuran Cadangan iCloud.
    Buka Pengaturan > [nama Anda] > iCloud..
    Ketuk Kelola Penyimpanan Akun atau ketuk Kelola Penyimpanan, lalu ketuk Cadangan..
    Ketuk nama perangkat yang digunakan..
    Matikan app yang tidak ingin Anda cadangkan..
    Pilih Nonaktifkan & Hapus..

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