An automatic transfer switch (ats) transfers power to electrical loads when ___ is (are) detected.

Both Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) and Load Banks are crucial components of diesel generators. We explore the basics of each components, their applications, and things to look out for when purchasing an ATS or a Load Bank.

Automatic Transfer Switch

To understand the basics and capability of an Automatic Transfer Switch, there are 3 common question that consumers would need to ask:

What is an Automatic Transfer Switch?

An automatic transfer switch (ATS) is a device that acts as an intermediary between the primary source to a backup source. The ATS will trigger when it senses a mains power failure or an outage and will send a signal to the backup source to start.

What application do you need to use an Automatic Transfer Switch?

An automatic transfer switch is generally used for a backup power system that usually coupled with a diesel generator. They are commonly used in data centre for an uninterrupted power systems setup, residential backup power, backup power during disasters and many more.

ATS are extremely useful for situations where there is a primary power source used in conjunction with a secondary power source. The ATS is what mediates the relationship between the two to ensure there is never any issues with power outages and blackouts.

How do you determine the right size of Automatic Transfer Switch for your diesel generator?

In order to determine the right size of automatic transfer switch, you would require an ampere (A) measurement from your respective diesel generator.

Take for example with a Gogopower diesel generator; you have purchased a 45kVA 3 phase diesel generator, DP15K5S-AU.

With DP45C5S-AU, it has an ampere output of 59.2A. This information can be found in Gogopower specification sheet or in the description. To match with an automatic transfer switch with this specific diesel generator that has an output of a 59.2A, a Gogopower AP63A, 63A 3 phase ATS would be the best fit as 59.2A is within the ATS capacity.

However if you have any other questions, feel free to enquire with our friendly customer service team.

Load Bank

What is a Load Bank?

A load bank is a device that produces an electrical load, it applies load to an electrical power source and this example the electrical power source would be a diesel generator and would converts the resultant power output of the source.

What application do you need to use a Load Bank?

Load bank can be used in various ways; permanent installed to a power source to ensure the diesel generator is operating at an optimum load capacity and not under glaze the engine.

Another way would be as testing mechanism to ensure the diesel generator are able to perform at different level of loads for safety and performance measurement.

We would categorize these two applications as:

  • Resistive load bank
  • Inductive load bank

Load banks are a crucial component to a diesel genset. A good genset will ensure the longevity of your diesel generator as well as minimise wear and tear. Diesel generators with better load banks will be more expensive, but their value for money is unparalleled.

How do you determine the right size of Load Bank

The simplest mistake anyone could make would be sizing a load bank too small or too big for your application. The best way to size the right size of load bank would be to understand the application of the diesel generator.

As mentioned there will be two common application of the load bank:

  • Resistive load bank
  • Inductive load bank.

With the resistive load bank, you would first need to take in certain factor such as starting load and ongoing load.

Take for example, a welding machine which requires 36A to start and will maintain a load of 18A of ongoing load with a Gogopower’s 45kVA 3 phase diesel generator, DP45C5S-AU. With that said, the ongoing load would 30% of load capacity which is harmful for the diesel generator which will cause the engine of the diesel generator to under glaze.

In which you would require a load bank to add load onto the diesel generator and this way the diesel generator would be able to perform at an optimal capacity at 60% - 80% load capacity.

To ensure the DP45C5S-AU with a total ampere output of 59.2A to perform at optimal condition, its best to go with a load bank that are able to assist the generator when the load is really low on the diesel generator at about 100kVA. This way you are future-proofing yourself for more bigger equipment which might have this same problem.


If you are still unsure what you would require for your application, it is understandable as each situation will require specific setup that will differ with the rest. If you enquire with our friendly customer service team, they will definitely help you out to help you determine which load bank is right for you!

Providing power to your home or business in the event of a power outage or other electrical problems can be useful or even critical depending on your industry. The best way to do this is to use a generator. Generators are devices that generate electricity for some amount of time using a source of fuel like natural gas in order to replace power from the city or utility plant.

What many people don’t know about generators is that they are not the only piece you need. There is another piece that must be considered called an Automatic Transfer Switch, or ATS. An ATS is a device that acts as a brain between utility and secondary power. It acts in the event of power interruption to switch over to secondary power and control the system with little or no input from you.

After reading this guide about ATS systems, you will be more prepared to understand your power needs and decide what solution is best for your business.

Understanding ATS Systems

ATS systems act as a brain between your building, utility power and the generator. They detect changes in power and act accordingly to maintain electricity for your building with the help of a generator. If utility power cuts out, the ATS will turn on your generator and switch to it. When utility power is back, it will shut down the generator and switch back to utility power automatically.

This system, besides convenience, is there to prevent even small losses of electrical power which can be devastating for your business. The ATS and generator are sized according to the needs of your building or system. Ultimately, the intelligent backup and power transfer provided by the ATS helps maintain business continuity and prevent costly or potentially deadly failures in environments such as hospitals, heavy industries or other businesses.

There are four types of ATS systems that can be installed depending on the needs of the building(s). All types of switches have the same ultimate goal of managing electricity in a safe and expedient way; however, each design meets different criteria and is used for different applications. The electrical power professionals at Buckeye Power Sales can help you determine exactly what type of ATS you need and how to design it for your specific needs.

  1. Open Transition ATS – The open transition switch or break before make switch is used in systems that can handle the brief interruption in power when switching between utility and local backup power. This delay is typically less than a second long but allows for a safe transfer ensuring that no utility or local employees or people around the devices are at risk. A variation of this type of ATS is called a Programmed Transition switch which pauses between utility power and generator power. This allows residual voltage in circuits to decay prior to restoring power.
  2. Closed Transition ATS – The closed transition system is used in spaces where even a brief interruption in power cannot be tolerated. This ATS has internal systems that allow for both power sources to be on simultaneously and to allow a seamless switchover that maintains safety standards. These systems are more complicated and more expensive than open transition systems.
  3. Soft Loading Transfer Switch – This switch is similar to the closed transition ATS but has the ability to adjust the amount of load it handles from situation to situation. This dynamic capability comes at an extra cost but allows businesses to have greater flexibility against more situations that may require backup power.
  4. Bypass Isolation ATS – This is the most complicated but highest capability ATS system. It is comprised of two systems typically running in parallel allowing for inspection, maintenance and testing to be performed while in use. Setups involving Bypass Isolation ATS systems are typically used in the most sensitive business spaces such as critical life support systems, telecommunications, air traffic control stations and other similar priority 1 setups.

Given the complexity and sensitivity of businesses that need this level of protection, there are many codes and standards that govern these devices and their use. Standby power systems can be very complex, especially when connected in parallel with utility power. Buckeye Power Sales and their highly trained staff are experts at handling the selection and sizing of ATS and generator systems.

The team at Buckeye Power Sales can help you and your business understand every regulatory and legal compliance standard such as Underwriters Laboratories, National Electric Code and National Fire Protection Association standards, not to mention all local laws on these topics.

If you need legally mandated backups systems or are interested in having the security and peace of mind that comes with power backup systems, contact Buckeye Power Sales today to make an appointment. Our highly capable staff can help you understand and work through your needs while maintaining the strictest security and legal standards in the business.

All ATS systems ultimately have the same goal: helping to manage your power in a safe, convenient way. That being said, ATS systems can be complex and each design is used for different applications. The type of automatic transfer switch you need will vary based on what you’re trying to power, and installation may vary based on the code requirements mentioned above. That’s where we can help. Buckeye Power Sales offers automatic transfer switches in bypass isolation, service-entrance, and standard configurations with open, programmed, and closed transition operating models. View our ATS catalogue here.

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