5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

There is a lot of fun to be had in the VR world, but between the cost of the hardware and the individual costs of each game, it can be a pricey hobby to start up. Gamers can always wait to see what the daily deal is for discounted apps, but there are also plenty of games that can be downloaded and played for free.

While some of these free games can be easily found in the app store, others are hidden unless searched for by name. Check out the App Lab section of SideQuest to see a variety of games that are free because they're still in development. While some are not the best quality, others are long-time favorites that are worth downloading.

Updated on September 10th, 2022 by Meagan Bojarski: The VR world is continuing to expand, and there are more free games available now than ever before. Some come from the Oculus Store, others from SideQuest, and several are even available in the Browser app itself. Getting the most out of a VR system doesn't have to be expensive, and it doesn't have to mean settling for demos of paid games when there are plenty of programmers willing to offer their passion projects for free.

Fit’n Punch XR (In-Browser)

The Oculus store has several fighting-related games, but Fit'n Punch XR is unique among them in being free and helping players work on their combinations. Players face off against a variety of opponents, and combinations are yelled out to defeat them. While it's a pretty basic design, players who take it seriously will find it can be quite the workout.

To simulate the consequences of messing up combinations in the real world, players can only miss three punches before they have to start the game over. This helps players train to perfection, and as the speed and difficulty increase, they may find that they're really learning something.

Seeker VR (SideQuest)

Seeker VR is an unofficial take on flying in the world of Harry Potter. Players can pick their Hogwarts Houses, take flying lessons, tour the castle, and even practice their skills at Quidditch. The game really captures the magic of that world and helps fans understand why Ron and Harry were so obsessed with the sport.

The one downfall of the game is that it does tend to cause motion sickness. Given the changes in the environment and the game's acceleration and barrel roll features, newbies may find themselves nauseous while they attempt to get a better handle on the controls. However, that can only get better with time, and if players can get past it, they'll find that the Wizarding World isn't as inaccessible to muggles as it once seemed.

Rec Room (Oculus Store)

Similar to classics like VRchat, Rec Room is a massive world where users can create their own unique rooms. Boasting a wide variety of fully-replicated video games, unique creations, and just about any activity you could play in the real world, it's the height of entertainment experiences in VR.

While the community can be frustrating, as is often the case with large social apps, the game is perfect for those who have friends they don't get to see often in the real world. It can take a little time to find the rooms that are worth going to, but the community-focused approach in the app makes it so there is a wide range of options to choose from.

Krossa (In-Browser)

For those who have always wanted to try out a Rage Room but don't have that option in the real world, Krossa provides the opportunity to destroy constantly-spawning vases in the virtual one. While this is technically more of an experience than a game, that doesn't make it any less satisfying.

Players enter into a world where their arms are bats, and their entire purpose is shattering vases. While the game would be improved by adding more variety, the feeling and sound of glass shattering certainly help fuel the experience.On a long and frustrating day, there's nothing better than entering a calm landscape and destroying everything in sight.

The Silkworm (App Lab)

This game may be called Silkworm, but it might as well be called Spider-Man because that's what players will feel like. Players are loaded into a cityscape where they have the opportunity to run, jump, and climb on anything they want.

But the best part is the ability to create silk webs that can be used to slingshot characters in different directions, zipline their way around the city, and make interesting designs. There are some fantastic paid grapple games on the Oculus, but this is a good option to see if that kind of thing is something you would enjoy or something that will just cause motion sickness.

Gun Raiders (Oculus Store)

Shooter games are a must for frequent gamers, and one of the best free options available is Gun Raiders. In this game, players can try out a variety of different shooter game modes, perfecting their skills with different weapons and making new friends during their assaults. It's a great place for new players to start their Oculus journey.

While their community is relatively chaotic, as most public VR communities are, this is a great option for someone who wants to try out everything the Oculus has to offer without paying $10-30 per game. The variety of game modes and movement mechanics is unique amongst shooter games, meaning that while it might be the cheap option, that in no way makes it a bad one.

Gods of Gravity (App Lab)

For those looking for a less physical but still incredibly fun game, look no further than Gods of Gravity. This strategy game tasks players with defending their home planets and taking over the planets and stars around them, using the various god powers they learn along the way.

The game can be done as single or multiplayer and is one of the very few strategy games that successfully translates into the VR realm without seeming like a pointless adaptation. The ability to teleport around from planet to planet makes it immersive and puts pressure on the player to strategize well but quickly, as the virtual reality element heightens its urgency.

Pokerstars VR (Oculus Store)

Those looking in the app store for free games will quickly find two free poker games: Pokerstars VR and Poker VR. While both get the job done and are worth downloading, Pokerstars VR is generally seen as the favorite. There's a great community in Pokerstars VR, which allows new players to quickly start interacting with their virtual peers in one of the best multiplayer VR games out there.

One of the best parts of Pokerstars VR is the props. While some find them annoying, remember that one of the most important parts of VR is getting to play around. Pokerstars VR is good for those who want to play poker, for those who want to enjoy the wildness that is VR, and for those who want to get to know people from around the world.

Ancient Dungeon Beta (App Lab)​​

A tried and true classic of the gaming world is the dungeon crawler, and VR is no exception. While there are a few dungeon crawling games within some of the VR open worlds like VR Chat and the Rec Room, Ancient Dungeon is one of the best ones out there.

Reviewers compare the graphic style and quality to Minecraft Dungeons and generally rave about how great the set-up is. The full game is available for $19.99, but the randomly generated dungeons mean that the Beta version is easily replayable, making it something that Oculus users should jump on while they can still try it out for free.

Echo VR (Oculus Store)

Sports games are extremely common in the Oculus Store, but they can be pricey to play. Currently, one of the only free sports games is Echo VR, but the good thing is that it's also one of the best. Think Ender's Game meets ultimate frisbee, where players navigate zero-gravity rooms to try to score goals.

There are options to play with AI or other live players, so there's always a way to practice your skills and create Echo VR teams. This game really takes advantage of the VR environment to bring sports to the next level, where players don't have to be limited by their bodies or even by gravity. Because it's so well suited to the VR environment, it is one of the most immersive VR games out there.

We Are One Beta (App Lab)​​​​​

This is not your everyday strategy game. We Are One involves detailed planning, precise shooting, and the ability to keep an eye on the clock. Players are able to create clones of themselves that they must interact with in order to beat each level. They have to be able to collaborate with a future version of themselves and pray that past-them did the right thing.

While it can take a little while to get the hang of, this is definitely the kind of game that could make its players lose track of time in the real world while they plan elaborate schemes where, in order to do something right, they must rely on themselves. This game is heading toward a full release, so it's important to download it now before it becomes another paid option.

Pavlov: Shack (App Lab)

Pavlov: Shack is known as the free VR equivalent of Counter-Strike, showcasing multiple game modes including Zombie Survival, Death Match, TTT, and more. It's currently in Beta mode, which means there are some glitches, but gamers should expect the price to go up significantly if they wait too long, because it is an impressive game already.

The gun mechanics are very intuitive, so it only takes a little practice to switch from standard FPS games to shooting in VR. According to many reviewers, this app is the best shooter game on the Quest 2, and it certainly has the best price point.

Liminal (Oculus Store)​​​​

Liminal is one of the newest additions to the Oculus store, fresh from the App Lab. Using psychological research, this app allows users to try out different games and experiences meant to make them feel calm, energized, or in awe. There are a few experiences in each category available for free each week, and players can use coins to favorite the ones they want to keep around.

Coins, you say? Does that require in-app purchases? No. The app includes a section called The Lab where players can participate in studies on how effective various parts of the app are. That way, the creators can make more effective experiences, and the players get coins to save their favorites. All in all, it's a win-win and a very effective way to use VR to influence your mood.

Battle Talent (App Lab)

One of the best uses for VR is combat practice, where players can experience battle against endless armies with a variety of different weapons. There are many paid apps to practice these skills on, but one of the only free ones out there is Battle Talent.

It is a fun combat game for those who want to hack and slash, but it also has a little bit of magic. Players can throw their weapons away from them and then summon them back, making for some interesting ranged attacks. Even without factoring in price, it's one of the best combat skill apps out there.

Moon Rider (In-Browser)​​​

This is not your standard VR game. Moon Rider was created as a proof of concept for in-browser VR games, and it is incredibly successful. While many in-browser experiences are very limited, Moon Rider has the larger-than-life quality gamers are looking for in the world of VR.

Moon Rider is very similar to the successful paid app Beat Saber but includes a variety of different play versions and song maps that are not available in the app. This is not just a pirated version either; it has permission from Beat Saber to do everything it's doing and is a great option for those doing VR on a budget.

NEXT: 10 Games That Have Given Gamers The Best Value For Money, According To Reddit

Oculus Quest 2 adalah salah satu headset realitas virtual paling populer saat ini, berkat titik harganya yang terjangkau dan pelacakan nirkabel, luar luar. Dengan hanya $ 300, Oculus Quest 2 menangani semua pemrosesan di perangkat. Ini berarti gamer tidak membutuhkan PC gaming yang mahal untuk mengalami realitas virtual.

Meskipun $ 300 lebih terjangkau daripada beberapa perangkat lain di pasaran, itu masih banyak uang. Berita baiknya adalah ada banyak game gratis di Oculus Store dan Steam. Ini adalah beberapa game gratis terbaik di Oculus Quest 2.

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Mencari pengalaman VR yang luar biasa yang tidak merusak bank? Lihatlah beberapa game VR ini.

Ruang rekaman

Rec Room adalah salah satu game multiplayer klasik di Oculus Store. Ini cara yang bagus untuk bertemu pemain lain dan berpartisipasi dalam berbagai permainan, dari paintball hingga basket. Anda membuat avatar Anda dan bermain dengan dan melawan orang lain dalam game yang kompetitif secara sosial.

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Banyak game di Rec Room dibuat pengguna, jadi Anda tidak pernah kehabisan hal untuk dilakukan. Anda juga dapat bermain dengan pengguna di headset VR lain seperti HTC Vive dan The Valve Index. & NBSP;

Echo Vr

Bayangkan bermain frisbee berisiko tinggi dalam gravitasi nol, kecuali bahwa cara Anda bergerak adalah dengan melemparkan diri Anda dari rintangan dan menggunakan pendorong yang dipasang dengan tangan untuk membuat penyesuaian mikro pada gerakan Anda. Echo VR IS - permainan Frisbee yang kompetitif di mana tujuan Anda adalah untuk melemparkan Frisbee melalui gawang dan memblokir lawan dari skor. & NBSP;

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Echo VR mengambil keuntungan penuh dari pengalaman realitas virtual dengan membenamkan Anda dalam lingkungan di mana semuanya berbeda, dari gerakan ke visual. Ini gratis untuk dimainkan, tetapi Anda dapat menghabiskan uang sungguhan untuk membuka kunci pertempuran dan mendapatkan barang -barang kosmetik.

Tag Gorilla

Oculus Store tidak hanya dihuni oleh game resmi. Melalui lab aplikasi, Anda dapat mengunduh video game gratis yang dibuat pengguna. Gorilla Tag adalah salah satu game itu. Persis seperti apa rasanya: permainan tag, kecuali Anda bermain sebagai gorila dan mendorong diri Anda di sekitar peta dengan tangan dan lengan Anda.

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Tag Gorilla membuat latihan yang sangat baik; Setelah beberapa putaran, Anda akan merasakan luka bakar lebih dari dari permainan seperti Beat Sabre. Anda dapat bermain tag dengan hingga tiga pemain atau mengambil bagian dalam mode permainan infeksi dengan empat atau lebih. Saat Anda adalah gorila terakhir yang tidak terinfeksi dan sisa permainan mengejar Anda, itu membuat pengalaman yang intens.


Elixir adalah kejar-kejaran singkat tapi menyenangkan melalui dunia fantasi di mana Anda membantu seorang penyihir dengan tugas sehari-hari di dalam menaranya. Meskipun ini adalah permainan yang menyenangkan, ini lebih merupakan demo pelacakan tangan. Anda tidak memerlukan pengontrol Oculus untuk game ini - cukup mainkan dengan tangan Anda dan nikmati pengalamannya. & NBSP;

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Gameplay terdiri dari menggunakan item magis di sekitar menara untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang berbeda. Misalnya, Anda mungkin menyentuh ramuan dan mengubah tangan Anda menjadi kaki gurita. Pelacakan tangan sangat akurat sehingga Anda bahkan dapat menandatangani nama Anda pada formulir.


Vrchat secara luas dianggap sebagai salah satu pengalaman VR terbaik, tetapi ini adalah pengalaman VR sosial - bukan permainan. Ini adalah ruang obrolan virtual di mana Anda dapat bergaul dengan orang lain dan berbicara, menonton film, dll. Ini juga salah satu tempat paling aneh di internet. & Nbsp;

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Vrchat memang memiliki permainan di dalamnya, tetapi mereka adalah mini-game yang dirancang untuk pengalaman sosial. Seperti Rec Room, banyak konten yang dibuat pengguna, sehingga Anda dapat menemukan segalanya dari game horor hingga game puzzle. Anda bahkan dapat duduk di stasiun ruang angkasa dan melakukan percakapan. Vrchat adalah permainan lintas platform. Pengguna Oculus memiliki pengalaman yang lebih terbatas kecuali Anda terhubung ke komputer Anda melalui tautan udara atau dengan kabel dan memutar versi PC VR. & NBSP;

PokerStars VR

Jika Anda suka poker (atau permainan kartu secara umum), lihat PokerStars VR. Meskipun avatar pemain agak konyol, ia memiliki lingkungan yang realistis dan pengalaman poker asli. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk bertemu pemain lain atau hanya bergaul dengan teman -teman. & NBSP;

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Ini adalah salah satu game Oculus Quest 2 paling populer. Beberapa pemain bahkan melakukan streaming acara poker langsung seperti Poker World Series dan bermain game mereka sendiri sambil menonton pro di tempat kerja. & Nbsp; & nbsp;

Pertemuan pertama

Kontak pertama adalah salah satu game baru pertama yang harus diunduh oleh pengguna baru. Ini memperkenalkan pemain ke Meta Quest 2 mengontrol dan membimbing Anda melalui cara melakukan segalanya mulai dari berlari, menggunakan pengontrol sentuh, dan banyak lagi. & NBSP;

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Kontak pertama sebagian besar terinspirasi oleh tahun 80 -an, yang berarti merupakan ledakan nostalgia untuk gamer yang lebih tua dan kejar -kejaran melalui waktu yang lebih awal untuk gamer yang lebih baru.

Coaster roller epik

Epic Roller Coaster menempatkan Anda di kursi roller coaster tanpa perlu meninggalkan rumah Anda. Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk mengalami taman hiburan tanpa biaya (atau teror spine-goingling yang berasal dari coaster dunia nyata.) Epic roller coasters gratis untuk diunduh, tetapi ada pembelian dalam aplikasi jika Anda ingin membuka kunci bahkan lebih banyak wahana.

5 game oculus quest 2 gratis teratas 2022

Di mana menemukan lebih banyak game oculus quest gratis

Oculus Store hanyalah satu tempat untuk menemukan pengalaman gratis. Ada banyak game lab aplikasi gratis dalam berbagai tahap pengembangan. Game VR gratis mudah didapat, tetapi kualitasnya bisa sedikit hit-or-miss. Namun, jika Anda mencari permainan memancing VR atau alternatif untuk permainan mahal seperti Space Pirate Trainer, App Lab adalah tempat untuk dilihat. & NBSP;

Game dapat dimuat dari aplikasi lab langsung ke pencarian Anda dari toko, tetapi jika Anda menemukan game untuk platform lain seperti Oculus Rift yang ingin Anda gunakan pada pencarian, Anda mungkin dapat memuatnya melalui aplikasi seperti SideQuest. Sayangnya, sebagian besar game yang tersedia untuk pengguna PlayStation VR hanya di PSVR, jadi Anda tidak akan dapat memainkannya melalui Quest 2. & NBSP;

Apa game terbaik yang gratis untuk Oculus Quest 2?

Saat ini, satu -satunya permainan olahraga gratis adalah Echo VR, tetapi hal yang baik adalah bahwa itu juga salah satu yang terbaik. Pikirkan permainan Ender bertemu Ultimate Frisbee, di mana para pemain menavigasi ruang nol gravitasi untuk mencoba mencetak gol.Echo VR, but the good thing is that it's also one of the best. Think Ender's Game meets ultimate frisbee, where players navigate zero-gravity rooms to try to score goals.

Apakah ada game gratis untuk Oculus Quest 2?

Untungnya, ada game gratis yang tersedia di setiap headset VR, dan Oculus Quest memiliki banyak penawaran hebat yang dapat Anda lompati tanpa biaya tambahan.Bahkan ada game multipemain secara gratis di Oculus Quest, sehingga Anda dapat bermain dengan semua teman Anda.

Apa game gratis terbaik di Oculus Quest?

Mulailah dengan beberapa ruang rec game gratis adalah judul paling mengesankan di daftar ini.Variasi gameplay dan sejumlah besar kamar memungkinkan Anda bermain selama berjam -jam dengan atau tanpa teman Anda.Anda mendapatkan begitu banyak di sini, dan Anda tidak perlu membayar uang receh.Echo VR adalah game gratis lain yang luar biasa di Oculus Quest.

Apa game nomor 1 di Oculus Quest 2?

Game & Aplikasi Oculus Quest 2 Terbaik - Dibayar.