100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022

...diharapkan berada di kantor setidaknya tiga hari per minggu

London (ANTARA) - Bank, termasuk Standard Chartered dan Citigroup sudah memberi tahu staf di Inggris untuk kembali ke kantor guna memanfaatkan aturan pemerintah terkait pencabutan kerja dari rumah untuk menekan penyebaran COVID-19.

Goldman Sachs juga berencana untuk memulai kerja di kantor sesuai dengan perubahan pedoman, kata juru bicara sebuah bank.

Sementara itu, HSBC mengatakan staf  kembali ke kantornya mulai Kamis (20/1) sebagai bagian dari pendekatan hibrida.

Standard Chartered sudah memberi tahu karyawan bahwa kantor pusat di London akan dibuka untuk seluruh staf mulai Senin (24/1), kata juru bicara.

Baca juga: Omicron sumbang 40 persen kasus COVID di London

Staf Citi “diharapkan berada di kantor setidaknya tiga hari per minggu”, menurut memo internal yang dilihat Reuters.

Juru bicara bank itu membenarkan isi memo tersebut.

Perdana Menteri Inggris Boris Johnson pada Rabu (19/1) mengatakan pemerintah akan segera membatalkan imbauan bagi orang-orang untuk kerja dari rumah.

Pembatasan lebih lanjut, termasuk kewajiban memakai penutup wajah di tempat umum, juga akan dibatalkan pekan depan.

Respons cepat dari bank menunjukkan betapa perusahaan keuangan di Inggris menginginkan stafnya untuk kembali ke kantor di kota setidaknya dalam beberapa waktu.

Baca juga: Dua pelaku perjalanan asal London terjangkit Omicron

Langkah itu juga akan memberikan dorongan yang dibutuhkan untuk toko, kafe, dan restoran di Square Mile dan distrik keuangan Canary Wharf di London yang sangat terdampak oleh kerja jarak jauh.

“Sebelum Natal, varian Omicron sangat membayangi pemulihan Square Mile. Tanda-tanda itu sekarang lebih menjanjikan,” kata Catherine McGuinness, Ketua Kebijakan City of London Corporation.

“Kami berharap dapat menyambut para  pekerja City kembali ke kantor mereka sesegera mungkin,” ujarnya.

Sumber: Reuters

Baca juga: London diguncang Omicron, Inggris catat rekor kasus COVID-19

Penerjemah: Juwita Trisna Rahayu
Editor: Mulyo Sunyoto

Ini Dia Daftar Universitas Terbaik Di Inggris Terbaru Tahun 2022!

Universitas terbaik di Inggris memiliki pengalaman akademik yang sulit untuk ditandingi negara lain. Universitas di Inggris yang terkenal –seperti Oxford dan Cambridge– yang menggunakan pendekatan yang inovatif hingga pengajaran dan pengajar yang terbaik di dunia dapat membantu untuk memaksimalkan potensi diri kalian. Sistem edukasi di Inggris juga telah menjadi standar yang dipakai 160 negara di seluruh dunia.

Bermimpi untuk mencapai hal-hal besar di masa depan tentunya dapat dimulai sejak studi, universitas terbaik di Inggris telah melahirkan berbagai nama-nama besar sebagai pemimpin di seluruh dunia; Juan Manuel Santos (Presiden Kolombia), Margrethe II (Ratu Denmark), Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson (Presiden Islandia) dan masih banyak yang lainnya.

Peringkat universitas di Inggris membuat gelar yang didapat akan menjadi lebih berharga, terlebih lagi jika tercantum di CV ketika mencari pekerjaan di masa depan, tidak menjadi masalah industri apa dan lokasinya, memiliki kualifikasi dari UK akan menjadi nilai jual yang keren.

Mencari 10 universitas terbaik di Inggris dari perspektif yang luas akan jadi hal yang menarik, persaingan yang ketat akan terlihat di setiap poinnya. Inilah daftar 10 universitas terbaik di Inggris versi education ONE.

100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022

Kenapa Harus Menilai Universitas Terbaik Di Inggris?

Terdapat lebih dari 395 universitas dan college yang menawarkan 50,000 macam program untuk jenjang kuliah S1 di Inggris. Dengan spesialisasi yang berbeda-beda, universitas di Inggris memiliki bidang masing-masing untuk dapat dikatakan sebagai yang terbaik. Namun secara keseluruhan –dilihat dari berbagai aspek secara umum– tentunya ada universitas di Inggris yang memiliki nilai bagus dalam beberapa bidang secara bersamaan.

Kami mencoba mencari nilai tengah yang diambil dari situs penyedia peringkat yang ada di internet untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kriteria penilaian, karena masing-masing situs penyedia peringkat memiliki kriterianya sendiri untuk menilai masing-masing universitas.

Perbedaan Hasil

Hasil publikasi dari universitas terbaik memiliki perbedaan. Jika situs A mengatakan universitas A berada di peringkat pertama, bisa saja di situs B berada di peringkat kedua, atau bahkan peringkat sepuluh di situs C.

Dari hasil-hasil yang dikeluarkan oleh situs penyedia peringkat tidak ada kata benar atau salah, perbedaan hasil wajar terjadi karena variabel yang digunakan tidaklah sama.

  • King’s College London berada di peringkat 35 di QS, 35 di THE, dan 43 di CWUR.
  • University of Exeter berada di peringkat 149 di QS, 143 di THE, dan 263 di CWUR.
  • University of York berada di peringkat 151 di QS, 169 di THE, dan 321 di CWUR.

Terlihat sangat wajar dari hasil di atas ada persamaan dan perbedaan di hasil akhir, semua bergantung pada preferensi penilaian yang digunakan oleh masing-masing situs.

Perbedaan Metodologi

Perbedaan variabel penilaian sudah menjadi preferensi personal bagi masing-masing situs penyedia peringkat universitas di Inggris. Perbedaan metode ini juga tentunya membuat hasil dari masing-masing situs menjadi unik dan memberikan perspektif penilaian dari sudut pandang lain. Kalian bisa memilih penilaian dari situs penyedia peringkat berdasarkan metodologi yang digunakan dan mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkan itu.

Beberapa nilai yang seringkali dijadikan standar dari situs penyedia peringkat adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Reputasi akademik
  • Jumlah kelulusan
  • Sitasi riset
  • Publikasi makalah
  • Internasionalitas fakultas dan pelajar
  • Reputasi pengajar
  • Rasio pelajar ke fakultas
  • Pendapatan industri
  • Penghargaan
  • Program pendanaan pelajar

100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022

Referensi untuk Pelajar Internasional

‘Apa sih universitas terbaik di Inggris?’ merupakan pertanyaan yang seringkali muncul di pertanyaan pelajar internasional yang ingin melakukan studi di UK. Meskipun setiap universitas memiliki kelebihannya masing-masing, universitas di Inggris dapat dinilai secara umum dan menyeluruh.

Mencari nilai secara menyeluruh membutuhkan banyak variabel untuk dapat menunjukkan cakupan yang luas. Dengan memberikan nilai tengah dari beberapa situs diharapkan dapat memberikan referensi yang memiliki lebih banyak variabel sehingga nilai yang dihasilkan dapat menjadi lebih umum.

Bagaimana Kami Memilih Universitas Terbaik Di Inggris?

Universitas di Inggris memiliki spesialisasi dalam bidang yang berbeda sehingga penilaian dalam bidang tertentu tidak dapat disamakan; ada yang spesialisasinya dalam riset, manajemen, bisnis, hingga hukum. Kali ini, education ONE mengambil beberapa situs untuk dijadikan sumber data artikel ini.

Kali ini education ONE mencoba mengambil median dari tiga situs penyedia peringkat yang sudah tidak asing lagi di kalangan pelajar internasional, yaitu; QS World University Ranking (QS), Times Higher Education Ranking (THE), dan Center for World University Ranking (CWUR).

Mengambil Nilai Tengah dari Situs Penyedia Peringkat untuk Universitas Inggris

Pemilihan situs yang dipakai untuk penilaian ini berdasarkan perbedaan variabel yang digunakan untuk dapat mencakup aspek yang lebih luas dari penggabungan metode penilaian yang digunakan.

Bagaimana Data akan Diambil?

  • Data akan diambil dari masing-masing situs; QS, THE, dan CWUR.
  • Data yang diambil adalah hasil secara keseluruhan (overall) dari penilaian yang dilakukan.
  • Jika hasil yang ada berbentuk range, maka yang akan diambil adalah angka tertinggi.
  • Jika terdapat beberapa angka di belakang koma, maka yang diambil adalah angka pertama saja.
  • Data akan terlampir di tabel di dalam artikel ini.

Kenapa Ketiga Situs Ini Dipilih?

Beberapa pertimbangan dilakukan untuk akhirnya memutuskan alasan kenapa ketiga situs ini dipilih:

Variasi Metode Penilaian

Menggunakan kata terbaik nampaknya harus mencakup sesuatu yang luas atau secara menyeluruh, sehingga penggunaan metode yang terbatas dapat membuat hasil penilaian bertitik berat ke satu nilai.

Kejelasan Sumber Data

Data yang akan dipakai disini adalah data sekunder yang semua hasilnya diambil dari situs penyedia peringkat yang sudah disebutkan diatas. Sehingga kami memastikan sumber data kami memiliki sumber primer yang jelas. Disebutkan dalam situsnya bahwa penilaian mereka diambil dari survei terhadap pelajar dan skor yang diberikan oleh universitas itu sendiri.

100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022

Kriteria Apa Saja yang Digunakan untuk Menilai Universitas Terbaik Di Inggris?

Mengetahui kriteria penilaian yang beragam dapat membantu untuk mengetahui nilai apa-apa saja yang digunakan oleh situs yang akan dikutip. Memperluas penilaian yang dilakukan diharapkan dapat membantu memperluas cakupan penilaian dari untuk universitas terbaik di Inggris.

QS World University Ranking

  • Reputasi Akademik (40%)
  • Reputasi Employer (10%)
  • Rasio Fakultas/Pelajar (20%)
  • Sitasi per Fakultas (20%)
  • Rasio Fakultas Internasional (5%)
  • Rasio Pelajar Internasional (5%)

Times Higher Education Ranking

  • Pengajaran (30%)
  • Sitasi (30%)
  • Riset (30%)
  • Pandangan Internasional (7,5%)
  • Pendapatan Industri (2,5%)

Center for World University Ranking

  • Kualitas Edukasi (25%)
  • Karir Alumni (25%)
  • Kualitas Fakultas (10%)
  • Performa Riset;
  • Hasil Riset (10%)
  • Kualitas Publikasi (10%)
  • Pengaruh (10%)
  • Sitasi (10%)

Hasil Penilaian Universitas Inggris Secara Keseluruhan

Hasil penilaian masing-masing situs ditambah dengan nilai tengah akan tersaji dalam tabel di bawah ini.

No Nama Universitas Peringkat QS Peringkat THE Peringkat CWUR Skor Rata-Rata
1 University of Oxford 99,5 95,7 93,3 96,16666667
2 University of Cambridge 98,7 94,6 94,1 95,8
3 Imperial College London 97,3 89,3 86,6 91,06666667
4 UCL 95,4 87,2 88,4 90,33333333
5 University of Edinburgh 89,9 78,9 85,0 84,6
6 University of Manchester 84 71,2 84,1 79,76666667
7 King’s College London 82 76 85,2 81,06666667
8 London School of Economics And Political Science 75,8 80,8 76,3 77,63333333
9 University of Warwick 71,2 65,4 79,3 71,96666667
10 University of Glasgow 66,8 63,7 80,7 70,4
11 University of Southampton 65,7 59,9 81,1 68,9
12 Durham University 65,2 56,7 76,4 66,1
13 University of Birmingham 62,9 61,5 82,8 69,06666667
14 University of St. Andrews 62,8 53,9 76,1 64,26666667
15 University of Leeds 62,6 59,2 81,7 67,83333333

Inilah Daftar Universitas Terbaik Di Inggris Di Tahun 2022

Daftar universitas di Inggris yang kalian tunggu akhirnya sudah ada disini, skor ini bisa kalian jadikan salah satu referensi untuk mengetahui peringkat universitas di Inggris secara keseluruhan.

Inilah daftar 10 universitas terbaik di Inggris tahun 2022, versi education ONE.

University of Glasgow

Didirikan pada tahun 1451, University of Glasgow merupakan rumah untuk riset-riset yang berpengaruh di dunia selama lebih dari 560 tahun. Risetnya berhasil menyelesaikan permasalahan dunia dalam area seperti precision medicine dan penyakit kronis, one health, kehidupan masa depan, kesetaraan, ekonomi kreatif dan budaya, serta dunia nano dan kuantum.

Merupakan member dari Russell Group dan Universitas 21 yang mendapatkan biaya riset tahunan hingga 181 juta Euro. Cakupan pelajar internasionalnya pun luas, dengan total lebih dari 130 negara dengan 29,000 pelajar internasional ada disini.

University of Warwick

Secara akademis, universitas di Inggris ini dikenal dengan komitmennya pada riset. Memiliki sekitar 30 departemen akademis, yang dibagi menjadi empat fakultas; Kesenian, Kedokteran, Sains, dan Ilmu Sosial.

Berbagai kegiatan diadakan disini karena memiliki salah satu komunitas pelajar terbesar di UK, sehingga kegiatan seperti konser dan dosen tamu seringkali berkunjung kesini. Kalian juga akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari bantuan akomodasi yang baik hingga konseling tentang karir serta fasilitas kesehatan.

London School of Economics And Political Science

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) merupakan universitas yang terkemuka dalam ilmu sosialnya. LSE memiliki cakupan disiplin ilmu sosial yang luas; ekonomi, politik, sosiologi, hukum, dan antropologi.

Didirikan di penghujung abad ke 19, LSE memiliki 16 pemenang Nobel dan memiliki sekitar 37 orang pemimpin dunia hari ini dan di masa lalu. Bertrand Russell mendapatkan Nobel untuk Sastra pada tahun 1950, karena tulisannya tentang ‘cita-cita kemanusiaan dan kebebasan berpikir’, serta Mick Jagger studi untuk gelar sarjana pada tahun 1961.

University of Manchester

University of Manchester menawarkan lebih dari 1,000 program gelar di ranah sastra, bisnis, sains, dan teknik –termasuk program foundation, sarjana, master, PhD, dan MBA di dalamnya.

Merupakan universitas di Inggris pertama yang menjadikan ‘tanggung jawab sosial’ sebagai salah satu tujuan utama di tahun 2021. Dengan latar belakang yang berbasis riset, University of Manchester menjadi salah satu bagian dari Russell Group dari universitas di UK.

King’s College London

King’s College London memiliki reputasi yang baik di bidang humaniora, hukum, sains, kesehatan, dan ilmu sosial. Memiliki peran besar dalam kemajuan yang ada di dunia modern seperti; penemuan struktur DNA dan pengembangan seputar radio, televisi, telepon genggam, serta radar.

King’s memiliki pusat pelatihan kesehatan terbesar di Eropa. Dengan lebih dari 150 partner, King’s menawarkan program studi di luar negeri dengan cakupan universitas-universitas yang ada di seluruh dunia.

University of Edinburgh

Didirikan pada tahun 1583, University of Edinburgh (UoE) merupakan universitas tertua ke-enam yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Terbentuk dari tiga college: kesenian, humaniora, dan ilmu sosial; sains dan teknik; obat-obatan dan kedokteran hewan.

Orang-orang yang namanya sudah tidak asing seperti Charles Darwin, David Hume, Alexander Graham Bell, dan Sir Arthur Conan Doyle merupakan lulusan UoE diantara banyak nama-nama besar lain.


UCL didirikan pada tahun 1826 untuk orang-orang yang jauh dari pendidikan tinggi. Pada tahun 1878, UCL menjadi universitas di Inggris pertama yang mengakui kesetaraan pria dan wanita.

Kampus UCL berada di tengah-tengah kota London yang merupakan kota paling dinamis, yang berarti kalian bebas untuk memanfaatkan semua yang ada disini.

Imperial College London

Imperial College London adalah universitas berbasis riset dan menjadi salah satu pemimpin klasemen universitas terbaik di Inggris. Memiliki sekitar 15,000 pelajar dan 8,000 staff, Imperial College London berfokus pada empat bidang: sains, teknik, obat-obatan, dan bisnis.Imperial menjadi universitas ‘paling internasional’ di tahun 2019-20 karena berisikan 59% pelajar yang bukan berasal dari UK dan merepresentasikan lebih dari 140 negara. Salah satu lulusan Imperial yang terkenal di dunia adalah Brian May, gitaris band Queen.

University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge selalu menjadi impian setiap pelajar yang memiliki ambisi untuk memiliki keinginan untuk menjadi satu yang terbaik. Cambridge menganut collegiate system yang berarti ketika mendapatkan tempat untuk studi, maka disitulah kalian akan tinggal, makan, tidur, bersosialisasi, dan belajar.

Menjadi salah satu universitas di Inggris yang terkenal, Cambridge menjadi rumah bagi lebih dari 18,000 pelajar yang berasal dari setiap sudut dunia. Enam college tersebar di berbagai penjuru universitas, menampung sekitar 150 fakultas dan institusi lainnya. Keenam sekolah tersebut adalah: Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences, Physical Sciences dan Technology.

University of Oxford

University of Oxford juga merupakan universitas di Inggris yang terkenal dan tidak asing di telinga setiap pelajar. Menjadi universitas tertua di dunia yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar. Tanggal pendirian pastinya tidak diketahui, namun prakiraan kegiatan pengajaran pertama dilakukan pada abad ke 11.

Maudy Ayunda merupakan lulusan Oxford untuk program Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), yang menjadikannya orang Indonesia pertama yang lulus dari PPE. Oxford memiliki jaringan alumni lebih dari 250.000 orang, termasuk lebih dari 120 peraih medali Olimpiade, 26 pemenang Hadiah Nobel, tujuh penyair, dan lebih dari 30 pemimpin dunia di era modern.

100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022

Apa Sih Syarat Kuliah Di Universitas Di Inggris?

Sebelum berencana untuk kuliah di Inggris, baiknya kalian memperhatikan persyaratan-persyaratan yang diperlukan sebelumnya. Persyaratan yang dimaksud bukan sekadar biaya untuk berkuliah saja, namun dokumen-dokumen pendukung yang dapat memastikan langkah kalian untuk menjadi layak kuliah di Inggris. Beberapa persyaratan yang harus kalian penuhi adalah IELTS, A Level Certificate, Hasil Akademik, hingga Visa Pelajar.


Bahasa adalah hal penting yang dapat menunjang kelancaran komunikasi ketika sedang dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Negara yang sehari-harinya menggunakan Bahasa Inggris akan mewajibkan IELTS dalam persyaratan.

Setiap negara dan universitas tentu memiliki standar masing-masing untuk nilai minimalnya, namun universitas-universitas di Inggris yang reputasinya berada di papan atas, akan mematok nilai yang cukup tinggi di angka 6,5 hingga 8. Standar tinggi ini ditetapkan bukan tanpa alasan, pastinya memiliki pengaruh di saat kegiatan belajar mengajar; seperti berdiskusi dan mendengarkan materi.

A Level Certificate

Jika ingin mengambil gelar sarjana di Inggris, kalian harus memiliki persyaratan khusus yang bernama A Level Certificate. Karena jika tidak memilikinya, kalian harus mengambil jalur foundation dan harus menempuh total pendidikan dengan durasi 4 tahun, sedangkan program sarjana normalnya hanya membutuhkan 3 tahun

Hasil Akademik

Di negara manapun pastinya memiliki kualifikasi minimum untuk hasil akademik. Dengan hasil minimum yang berbeda-beda tentu kalian yang memiliki hasil akademik yang lebih tinggi yang akan mendapatkan kesempatan.

Visa Pelajar

Visa Pelajar Inggris yang berlaku adalah syarat mutlak untuk kuliah di Inggris. Jika kalian tidak memiliki visa pelajar ini maka kalian akan dianggap tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukan studi dan kemungkinan segera dideportasi kembali ke negara asal. Pastikan seluruh dokumen yang dipersiapkan untuk mendapatkan visa pelajar Inggris ini sesuai syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Semua dokumen yang akan diajukan wajib dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan penerjemah resmi untuk mendapatkan persetujuan.

Apa Saja Universitas Di Inggris yang Menyediakan Beasiswa?

GREAT Scholarships

  • Jenjang : Pascasarjana
  • Benefit : Minimum £10,000
  • Program : Umum
  • Lainnya : Jika biaya kuliah di bawah £10,000, maka sisa uang tidak dapat digunakan untuk biaya lainnya.
  • Universitas: Keele University, Sheffield Hallam University, Swansea University, University of Bath, University of Derby, University of Dundee, University of Nottingham, University of Reading, University of Stirling, University of Wolverhampton, Nottingham Trent University, The University of Warwick, University of Southampton.

Chevening Scholarships

  • Jenjang : Master
  • Benefit : Biaya kuliah di Inggris, tiket pesawat, biaya persiapan tinggal, visa, tes TB, akomodasi, biaya hidup.
  • Program : Umum (pendidikan satu tahun)
  • Lainnya : Memiliki pengalaman kerja dua tahun (2,800 jam)
  • Universitas : Umum

Baca Juga: Beasiswa Kuliah Di Inggris

Berapa Biaya Kuliah Di Universitas Terbaik Di Inggris?

Biaya kuliah di universitas terbaik di Inggris cenderung lebih tinggi karena hasil yang diberikan pun tidak main-main. Kualitas pengajaran dan gelar yang diterima adalah kelas dunia, tidak aneh rasanya membayar sedikit lebih mahal untuk mendapat yang terbaik.

Universitas Biaya (GBP) / tahun Biaya (IDR) / tahun
University of Oxford 1,985 – 94,800 37 juta – 1,8 miliar
University of Cambridge 5,500 – 59,000 104 juta – 1,1 miliar
Imperial College London 7,120 – 54,500 134 juta – 1 miliar
University College London 7,770 – 36,900 147 juta – 699 juta
London School of Economics and Political Science 5,830 – 61,180 110 juta – 1,1 miliar

*untuk biaya pasti silahkan cek atau kontak universitas secara langsung

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, baca: Biaya Kuliah Di Inggris

100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022

Apa yang education ONE Bisa Bantu?

Jika kalian ingin kuliah di universitas terbaik di Inggris, education ONE bisa bantu kalian untuk mempersiapkannya. Kami akan membantu untuk merencanakan pengalaman studi yang sesuai dengan masa depan yang kalian inginkan dan menjadikannya pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan.

  • Kami berpartner dengan universitas di Inggris terbaik untuk memastikan kalian mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik dari studi yang kalian pilih
  • Pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun untuk membantu pelajar dari seluruh dunia mengejar studi impiannya
  • Memiliki rating di Google dan Facebook 4.9/5 untuk kepuasan pelanggan kami

Kalian bisa menjadi salah seorang yang mewujudkan mimpi untuk melakukan studi di luar negeri; Australia, Selandia Baru, Kanada, Inggris, Malaysia, dan Singapura. Jika kalian belum yakin dengan langkah selanjutnya yang harus dipersiapkan untuk studi di luar negeri, atau ingin berdiskusi tentang aturan-aturan yang terbaru, pesan KONSULTASI GRATIS dengan salah satu konsultan spesialis pendidikan kami di education ONE sekarang juga.


100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022
Virgin Atlantic Airline 8,500 Virgin Atlantic handily emerged as the top company in the first British edition of Most Loved Workplaces, scoring in the top five percent of every measure we evaluated. Take opportunity for career success, for instance: Virgin employees get the most chances to succeed compared with any other company we assessed, with 75 percent of the talent in leadership positions promoted from within. The company also distinguished itself with high scores in areas such as inclusivity, leadership development and helping employees achieve company and personal results. Other winning measures included how the company shows respect for employees and fosters collaboration. People who work for Virgin Atlantic, in addition, are encouraged to be who they are. (Is it okay to show your tattoos? Sure thing.) The driving philisophy that management and employees alike follow is based on the mantra of founder Sir Richard Branson: Take care of the people who take care of your customers. Among the ways this is done is learning from your employees. Senior leaders, for example, have employee mentors, a process known as “reverse mentoring.” This helps executives help employees—and the company—by learning what’s really going on in the business from the ground up. Another key initiative—with a goal of a 50/50 “gender mix within our leader population”— is called the “Springboard” program, which is designed for female workers. Comprising four workshops, Springboard helps with, among other things, achieving a work/life balance and thriving in the corporate world. 2
100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022
ManyPets Insurance 609 The company’s culture is big on involvement. Its “Inclusion Council” deals with topics ranging from recruitment to living with children with autism. Two surveys per year shape the strategy. Also, a platform called “ManyIdeas” allows employees to “upvote” their colleagues’ ideas. 3
100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022
Zopa Financial Services 650 Zopa’s people proposition: Live your best life; maximize your professional skills. The company doles out gender-neutral parental leave. Plus, employees can work up to 120 days a year abroad. Big on worker input, too. Half the performance review is based on values co-created by employees. 4
100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022
Alfa Financial Software Fintech 436 Collaboration is an asset: Every year, employees participate in four “Innovation Days.” The two-day hack-a-thon allows them to put ideas into practice; workers also communicate across teams to expand their networks and skills. Employee retention, the company says, is ultrahigh. 5
100 tempat teratas untuk bekerja di Inggris 2022
Grayling Advertising & Marketing 500 An “Advantage for All” working group ensures an inclusive work environment via speaking events on cultural holidays and unconscious-bias training. Career development is a thing: Personal growth plans and biannual appraisals give employees the chance to update training to be successful. 6
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Lewis Silkin Law Firm 538 This company is idea crazy. The firm created “Idea Drop,” an app through which employees can give—and rate—new ideas. From there, those same ideas head into what’s called the “Innovation Sprint,” where they are refined and presented for possible implementation. 7
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Metro Bank (U.K.) Financial Services 4,220 Talk about valuing your employees. In 2021, Metro Bank filled 40% of all vacancies with internal candidates. The company also offers opportunities for personal development: The “Days to Amaze” program encourages employees to contribute to their greater community. 8
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PerkinElmer Pharmaceuticals 16,700 Inclusion and development rule here, as in many others in the top 100. The global “MyCareerJourney” portal lets all employees see new job opportunities at the company. Not only that, workers are matched with resources that help them with the skills needed for those positions. 9
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auticon IT 400 Every employee has a coach who is focused on making adjustments to support the worker in their journey at the IT services company. The “Principals of Positive Psychology” are huge here. The theory: We all have our inherent strengths and should focus on what we’re good at to flourish. 10
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Selfridges Retail 2,838 Managing by walking around: Top execs are seen walking the floor or communicate virtually with work teams. Health and well-being, the company says, are also important. Employees can take advantage of a daily “wellness hour.” Rest for the weary! 11
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Eden Project Eco-Attraction 453 School and learning is a focus at this nonprofit. It has partnered with local colleges to offer “Eden Project Learning,” where undergraduate and postgraduate degrees can be earned on-site while gaining hands-on experience. Employees also qualify for a 50 percent tuition reduction. 12
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Waracle IT 250 The company has clearly embraced the hybrid office model with enthusiasm. Employees, lucky them, can choose how and where they work. The executive team remains connected to all via weekly video conferences for Q&As and to discuss the company’s direction. 13
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Quantexa IT 550 Like Waracle and others, Quantexa has increased remote options while encouraging collaboration through a formal mentoring process and professional development programs. The focus is on an employee’s strengths—not their weaknesses. 14
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GoHenry Fintech 344 The company relies on employee feedback to shape its people strategy. For example, in response to a survey on returning to the office post-COVID, executives introduced “GoFlex,” a framework that lets employees choose where they’d like to work—home or office. 15
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Equal Experts IT 1,320 This company is serious about its values. The final stage of its interview process is a conversation about values to make sure new hires get it. In addition, employees are change agents: They can use a process in which anyone in the company can submit a proposal for change. 16
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Oddbox Food Service 100 Employees are keen on the company’s mission to fight food waste and stop climate change. The food service firm is also focused on reducing its carbon footprint. That includes carbon-literacy training for all employees. “Ask Emily Anything”—Q&As with the CEO every three weeks—are a fixture too. 17
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GWI Market Research 500 GWI is serious about its culture and its people. How serious? Incoming employees face a culture panel interview to ensure a proper fit with the organization’s values: Show respect, think big and ask why. Also, culturally aligned rewards are doled out on a monthly, and annual basis. 18
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TrueLayer Financial Services 392 Career development is big here. The company offers a generous budget for each employee for skill-building things like courses and books. The CEO, meanwhile, is big on work/life balance. Employees get three extra personal days a quarter in addition to vacation. Sign us up! 19
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Opencast Software IT 370 How’s this for good mentoring? Each employee gets a “People and Experience” partner to help with goals and navigating their career. The CEO, meanwhile, empowers employees at all levels of the organization to reach out with ideas, questions or concerns. 20
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Informa Information Services 10,800 Informa’s value proposition for employees has four pillars—freedom, impact, community and opportunity. Creating an inclusive culture is key, too. The company utilizes reverse mentoring, in which leaders, including the CEO, are mentored by employees about diversity and inclusion. 21
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Stuart Logistics 800 It’s all about empowerment at this logistics firm. Lots of programs to help employees grow within the company, including “Stuart Academy.” Offerings range from mental health courses to leadership programs. Want to learn a new language? They’ve got you covered. 22
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BCW Global Public Relations 4,000 Company execs reckon that their employees’ growth will fuel the growth of their public relations firm. Senior leadership is accessible, including CEO Donna Imperato, who isn’t afraid to share her own development journey with her team. We’re all ears! 23
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Peak Software 376 Here’s a nice array of benefits. Company employees are not only given equity in the firm—always a nice perk—but can also “work from anywhere” for a month, once a year. Professional growth is top of mind too. Everyone has a personal career-development program. 24
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nDreams Video Games 180+ Gaming heaven? Team members can work on a choice of platforms and themes to create the games they’ve always dreamed of. Time is scheduled for employees to polish up on personal development in either a tech specialty or management. 25
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Equilibrium Financial Services 91 Every employee has a goal-setting meeting at the beginning of the year to create both personal and professional targets. There are also academies for professional development and one-on-one mentoring. The company hires for good attitude and is willing to train. 26
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Scott Logic Software 463 Scott Logic’s values are agreed upon by all employees and further strengthened by peer feedback. Furthermore, its “People Promise” of six principles aims to ensure diversity, decency and equality throughout its roster of 400-plus employees. 27
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Zappi Advertising & Marketing 300 All ideas are welcomed and heard at all-employee hack-a-thons. The result: new products, services and prototypes. Every worker gets a personal budget to spend on external training and professional development. There’s access to mentors and coaches, too. 28
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MyTutor Education Tech 249 A major focus on homegrown talent here. There are personal development plans for all, including an internal mentoring program. Online learning is provided and encouraged. Every quarter, there’s a full day of meetings where employees listen to customer stories and learn. 29
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Sensat Software 69 The firm hires only applicants who pass a values interview. Since remote working is a big thing here, the company finds creative ways to encourage collaboration. Like what? “Blue Sky Days,” where folks who don’t normally work together team up and compete at a festival in South London. 30
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MAPP Real Estate 600 Each month, execs measure performance on core values; they have annual Hero Awards for living those values too. Meanwhile, monthly one-on-ones are not appraisals but rather check-ins where the most important question is, “What do you want to do?” Profit sharing is a nice perk as well. 31
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COMPASS Pathways Pharmaceuticals 124 COMPASS Pathways offers mental health care not only to its patients but also to its employees. There’s a well-being coach for everyone, as well as training on psychological safety in conversations. All voices are heard: The company’s 10-year plan was strategized with everyone. 32
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Kuits Law 195 A flexible work environment allows employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance. They are all in this together: During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, higher-paid company leaders agreed to pay cuts to supplement employees’ pay that was slashed. 33
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King Video Games 2,101 Team members are empowered to be creative through workshops and crafts to help facilitate ideas and have the opportunity to pitch new proposals to anyone in the organization. They can also participate in “Ask Me Anything” calls with the leadership team on a monthly basis. 34
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Cloud Technology Solutions IT 185 Surf’s up: Values were created on a beach retreat three years ago and have been maintained ever since, the company says. There’s also a strong focus on learning with programs like “Start,” which trains newbies in tech. Future leaders work on new business ideas throughout the year. 35
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Ciphr IT 230 Employees are tracked for well-being. In addition, they are encouraged to lead engagement streams, participate in planning programs and listen to external speakers. Don’t have a degree? Ciphr offers an apprenticeship program for potential candidates to “learn and earn.” 36
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Zoopla Software 743 The pride of Zoopla? Management development programs, leadership development programs, clear career frameworks and a series of lunch-and-learns with in-house experts who skill-share with colleagues throughout the ranks. Reverse mentoring with execs? Sure thing. 37
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Dojo Fintech 1,011 Via the “tribe model,” employees can work collaboratively within their specialties or “tribe hop” as they strive to grow their skills and network. Every two weeks, “Innovation Meetings” open the floor to new ideas. Plus, equal access to leadership development and training programs. 38
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The Imagination Group Advertising & Marketing 200 Entrepreneurship still has a big value: Team members are encouraged to own their projects from the beginning to the end. Calculated risks are okay, too. Professional development? Monthly check-ins to keep individual goals on track. The CEO? He knows each of his employees. 39
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Jumo Fintech 238 Lots going on here. “Ask Me Anything” sessions with senior leadership. The chief exec works with everyone. “Learning Friday” features webinars on topics such as how to have hard conversations. On-site yoga sessions too, if you want to stretch and de-stress. 40
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Megaport IT 345 Leave your ego at the door at Megaport. A flat structure for all voices to be heard; employees are welcome to challenge the status quo. The company also offers workers a $5,000 learning and development budget; nobody gets more than anyone else. Now that’s flat! 41
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DoCoMo Digital Telecommunications 250 DoCoMo is a global organization, but it manages to remain tight-knit. The volunteer-run “Global Experience Team,” with reps from each office, oversees go-to-market meetings. Also, team members are encouraged to create their own goals. Be humble and bold! 42
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Wills & Trusts Wealth Management Group Financial Services 58 Culture clubbing: There’s a four-day culture workshop for all new employees. Every year, the company publishes a “Culture Book” in which employees can write what they think about the company. A well-being committee? Yes, you can find one here, along with a well-being newsletter. 43
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System1 Group Advertising & Marketing 95 All employees take part in a managerial training program based on feedback from all areas of the business. Mind and body are also, well, top of mind. System1 Group offers quarterly mental health assessments to ensure all employees are healthy and more. 44
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S-RM Cybersecurity 312 Diversity, equity and inclusion are a big deal here, as well as the environment. There’s even a tree planting program. To make sure everyone is on track and doing the right thing, the company has folks observe meetings and report back to the CEO. 45
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Smarkets Financial Services 150 The company, which employs workers of 35 different nationalities, tries to make everyone feel as though they belong. How so? Work breakfast and dinner are available, and everybody has lunch together. An “Expiration Party” lets employees discuss what they’re working on. Partners and friends are invited. 46
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Gemba Advantage Software 59 Guiding principle: Lead with empathy and respect. There’s a daily employee recognition program and even folks leaving the company are respected through a personal highlight reel. A three-month induction period for new hires sets clear expectations. 47
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Flydocs Aviation & Aerospace 348 The place to be for a good career. Employees have access to numerous learning programs, certifications, coaching and mentors. They can also participate in an eight-month leadership launchpad program that is intended to help them grow and flourish in the organization. 48
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Wallbrook Professional Services 67 Open book: All decisions are based on committee feedback representing all levels of the company. Everyone has a say. A clear workflow and hybrid model give employees power over their schedules, encouraging everyone to maintain productivity and their ideal work-life balance. 49
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Vistair Systems IT 135 Biweekly stand-up talks highlight values, successes and failures. Also offered: a program designed to help employees think about their careers—and how they want to progress—along with opportunities to talk about how the organization can help them achieve those goals. 50
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Chattermill Software 80 Everyone can weigh in at Chattermill, a software company where collaboration is part of doing business. Each new product feature, for example, is treated like a mini-startup; employees from different departments join what’s called the “stream” and collaborate freely. 51
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Wipro Limited IT 268,000 "Diverse” and “collaborative” are two words that describe Wipro. The organization prides itself on employees having a voice and a safe space to share their opinions and ideas. “Diverse opinions” isn’t just a catchphrase, it seems. Some 135 nationalities work at the IT firm. 52
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GAMA Healthcare Health Care 390 The company offers a wealth of employee-focused initiatives: a “protected half day” each month for employees to focus on personal development, on-site wellness room, free massages, mental health workshops and healthy breakfasts daily. No wonder workers love it here. 53
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Healthily Health Technology 65 Transparency and trust are big deals. The CEO evaluates feedback on his performance and holds “Show-and-Tell” meetings to say how he plans on improving. Quarterly strategy days—open to all employees—help foster an atmosphere of equality and teamwork. 54
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Bossa Games Video Games 67 Everyone helps shape the future here. To generate new ideas, for instance, the company has weeklong “Game Jams” where employees break up into teams and develop new ideas. For their own futures, workers get “Bossa Bucks” to pay for personal development courses. 55
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Argyll Real Estate 202 Loyalty building? After COVID layoffs, company execs went back to every employee and offered them their jobs back. For new hires, the firm scrapped its three-month probationary period and now offers flexible working arrangements right off the bat. 56
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RLDatix Software (Health Care) 1,580 According to feedback, the top reasons employees love working at RLDatix are the people and the environment. Career development is part of the mix too. An online platform helps employees branch out, and there’s specialized training for those with a specific career path in mind. 57
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Hamilton Fraser Insurance 220 Interested in management? This place could be for you. For instance, a 12-month program for bosses and potential bosses helps with things like setting objectives with the company’s values in mind. Innovation forums? This insurance firm has those too. 58
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Foxtons Real Estate 1,200 The company is big on training employees to climb up the ranks. The offerings: mentors, conferences and podcasts. Collaboration is practiced in earnest: Executives often spend the day on the floor with employees. 59
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BBA Product Certification 193 Originally a government department, BBA brings employees in on decision-making via, among other things, a weekly forum. This recently led to the decision to move to a new office designed by BBA’s employees. The forum, in fact, has become a de facto leadership team. 60
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Bedford Consulting Professional Services 92 Feedback is everywhere at this professional services firm. Example: Execs launch surveys every two weeks; the leadership team gathers once a month and uses the info to create action plans. Plus, new hires are nurtured. Each newbie gets a buddy for about six months to help them settle in. 61
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Stena Drilling Oil & Gas 866 It’s the little things that matter at this family-run company. For instance? Subsidized canteens (less than three bucks U.S. for a full meal!) and monthly BBQs in the office. Employees also have access to personalized training and, the BBQs aside, nutrition plans. 62
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Natoora Food Service 200 Training is ongoing at this food service concern. A monthly “Natoora Academy” is open to all workers; it focuses on leadership skills and personal development, with lessons ranging from conflict resolution and presentation skills to meditation and stress management. 63
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Findel Education Products 313 The focus here is on core values. The big four: care, passion, ownership and ambition. As you might expect, Findel is very big on education too, including digital learning opportunities, access to a leadership program and a tool for additional training and support. 64
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The British Academy Education 109 Looped in: All employees are encouraged to stay involved through the staff engagement forum, which is held every six weeks and provides regular company updates. CEO Hetan Shah also produces a weekly newsletter and maintains an open-door policy. 65
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Thesis Software 90 Thesis is now a fully remote business, giving employees the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. Staff stay connected through weekly, employee-hosted drop-in coffee sessions, monthly “All-Hands” calls and game nights. Monthly work-from-home allowances are offered too. 66
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Charles Owen Textile Manufacturing 123 Career paths are built on an employee’s strengths and personal objectives. Workers get a fair crack at good opportunities at the textile company; available jobs are advertised internally first. Also, employees get to assess their role in the company during the job appraisal process. 67
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AppLearn Software 77 The process: This software company recruits workers that share its core values. Once there, employees are rewarded by demonstrating those values. Collaboration is built into the company too. For instance, “team houses” mix workers from different departments. 68
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AbilityNet Nonprofit 84 A good place to find a good career? Seems so. Employees are offered intensive training courses when looking to move up the food chain. Communication is a big deal as well. Weekly one-on-one appointments with bosses are arranged for every worker. The result? Voices are heard. 69
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1Spatial Group Limited IT 129 All employees—from the youngest to CEO Claire Milverton—find equal placement in the open office plan. Work/life balance is also a priority. The leadership team regularly hosts a series of well-being events, including companywide fitness opportunities and “unplug” sessions. 70
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Bleecker Food & Beverage 50 Inclusivity is prized here. The company partnered with Stonewall, an LGBTQ+ community, to make sure all of its language and policies are inclusive, with a gender transition policy too. Career development is also important. More than 50 percent of the senior management team was grown internally. 71
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ODGroup Construction 80 A lot of effort goes into recruiting. The firm has a “Site Manager Academy,” an extensive training program to give ex-military personnel a career path in construction. The company also works with a local college in an economically challenged part of London to create jobs. 72
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Lick Home Manufacturing 85 The company practices what it preaches when it comes to inclusivity. Some 17 percent of the employees report some sort of disability. Workers at this manufacturing firm are also encouraged to manage their professional development. 73
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By Miles Insurance 65 The insurance firm has created a no-blame zone: No second-class citizens here, and execs say you can speak truth to power. And don’t forget its well-being pledge. There are, among other things, mental health days. Hybrid work model? Of course! 74
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Pharmanovia Pharmaceuticals 240 The company started as a small, family-owned business. Employees have the green light to be creative—new ideas and suggestions are gladly welcomed at this pharma company. Plus, workers are provided development budgets and get to see all jobs before they’re offered to outsiders. 75
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La Fosse Associates IT Staffing 250 Everyone has a piece of the action! Employees have an ownership stake and are strategically involved. La Fosse launched “Futureproof,” a software development training program. Diversity is prized: More than 50 percent of associates are ethnic minorities; 85 percent are lower income. 76
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Wonderbly Publishing 66 You can get all the career training and coaching you can handle at this publishing company. Want your career to move sideways or upward? Doesn’t matter. A “squad” structure results in constant collaboration between the company’s departments. It’s good for learning too. 77
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Venatus Ad Tech 65 Welcome to Venatus. There are not only regular town halls but the CEO spends time getting to know every new employee, regardless of their role. Hybrid work arrangements are encouraged, and there’s management training available as well as coding courses. 78
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Container Solutions Software 100 Every employee has a “performance pathway,” a personal plan developed to ensure they’re being supported and can work on areas that need improvement. Public speaking? Leadership skills? Tech chops? All that and more, including six professional coaching sessions per year. 79
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Singer Capital Markets Investment Banking 130 Chief Executive Officer Tim Cockroft insists on flexible work hours—and even comfortable work spaces. Apprentice programs and strong education reimbursement plans are designed to accelerate development for all employees at this investment banking firm. 80
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LHi Group Staffing 392 All employees share in the company’s profits and decision-making. The CEO implemented the “Future You” program to encourage everyone to chase their dreams. That includes helping workers get out of their comfort zones, which helps create, the company says, the “future you.” 81
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Flutter Entertainment Sports Gaming 11,000 This place is for you if you value coaching roundtables and online training that inspire group and individual growth. Flutter, a sports gaming firm, keeps employees connected, even within the virtual world. That helps facilitate collaboration—and, of course, innovation. 82
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Threads Styling Retail 220 Get this: If less than 60 percent of employees are sharing feedback, CEO Sophie Hill knows there is work to be done. During the pandemic, she held individual virtual meetings with every member of the company. Hill smashed the ivory tower to bits. Also, employees collaboratively tackle problems. 83
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Abcam Pharmaceuticals 1,100 Some companies claim direct access to the chief executive. Abcam, a pharma company, seems to actually pull it off. For example, employees regularly book lunches with the CEO to provide feedback, file complaints and pitch ideas. We hope they’re kind. 84
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Fresha IT 290 This online booking platform for salons and spas taps into employee feedback through open workshops and communication tools, like Slack, where workers are free to discuss corporate issues and concerns. Job development is nurtured by training employees in their areas of strength. 85
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Instanda Software 158 They’re serious about feedback here. Really serious. There are bimonthly “Instanda Connect” meetings where employees can speak up. And every six months there’s an employee engagement survey followed by a functional action plan. That recently led to enhanced benefits. 86
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Reed in Partnership Individual and Family Services 1,700 There’s a strong culture of employee progression here. Last year, more than 200 people received internal promotions. A formal mentor program helps employees make transitions within the organization. Three manager academies too, for future managers, current managers and future leaders. 87
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British Heart Foundation Health Care 4,180 Values galore: being brave, informed, driven and compassionate. There are internal reviews that measure such things—and values-based awards and recognition. Professional and personal development training is offered through online forums. 88
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Sonovate Financial Services 150 Employees at all levels have a chance to get involved through programs like the “Tech Steering Group,” in which everyone has a chance to test out new technology and provide feedback. Transparency is a thing here as well—everyone knows the company goals. 89
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MVF IT 543 Looking to progress? The IT firm’s “Learning Academy” helps propel growth into management. In addition to courses, the company offers mentor coaching. Personal well-being is important too. Management says the workplace should not be the center of all life. No argument from us. 90
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CodeMonk IT 49 Within a fully remote structure, employees maintain full control of their schedules, allowing them to work when individual creativity is most likely to flourish. Monthly town halls invite all employees to join in the conversation. Bonus perk: open financial books. 91
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IG Group Financial Services 2,800 This financial services firm maintains four distinct networks designed to support the growth and well-being of minority groups within the organization. It seems to work: More than 90 percent of employees report being treated with dignity and respect. 92
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Allan Webb Defense & Military 250 A big supporter of ex-military, more than 40 percent of the company is made up of veterans, including the managing director and HR chief. Its goal: Create a soft landing for vets transitioning to civilian life. Offered: training in behavior, project management and even engineering. 93
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Six Degrees IT 460 Digging deep: The company has a program that allows employees to rate how their week was; it encourages folks to openly voice frustrations. That helps the company address problems. Quarterly employee surveys are also utilized, as well as focus groups. 94
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FITTS IT 40 Freedom with responsibility is a mantra at FITTS, an IT firm. Employees are encouraged to make their voices heard. Execs also have a quarterly appraisal system at their disposal. It is designed to help employees improve and reach objectives. 95
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Disguise Software 95 Employee growth is encouraged through mentoring, coaching and leadership development. The company and its executives utilize breakout sessions during its Zoom meetings to make sure employees are free to discuss work issues. 96
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Canvas8 Advertising & Marketing 120 The company has moved to a two-day office/three-day remote model and found ways to collaborate. For instance, it held “war games” in which employees split into teams to create competitors to Canvas8. Employees also presented ideas and gave the company crucial insights. 97
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HB Leisure Amusement Parks 300 An interesting on-boarding program here: Team members start part time and embark on a cultural skill-building journey that includes sessions with a mentor and on-boarding modules. The result? Hopefully, skills that build relationships and foster integrity, team spirit and collaboration. 98
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MAPD Group Law 408 Fit and culture are key to the company mission. The hiring process begins with a casual chat and a personality assessment to ensure there is a strong fit. Core values include open and honest communication, kindness and continual learning. 99
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THIS Food & Beverage 66 THIS is a young startup that hired a “head of people” as its sixth employee, reflecting the emphasis it places on its workers. The company’s open office plan is intended to encourage creativity and help junior employees share their ideas freely. 100
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Taziker Industrial Construction 460 A growing company that hasn’t lost the family feel. Employees have direct access to all C-Level execs. Plus, all team members are acknowledged, listened to and offered the opportunity to pitch ideas. Employee Services highlights the company’s commitment to making the department more approachable for all team members.

Apa tempat terbaik untuk bekerja uk?

Tempat kerja terbaik Inggris 2022 - super besar (1.000+ karyawan)..
Sektor: Pendidikan & Pelatihan ..
Sektor: Konstruksi, Infrastruktur & Real Estat //.
SIEMENS Healthineers. ....
L & Q. ....
Kelompok Air Northumbrian. ....
Sektor: Perawatan Kesehatan // Layanan ..
Hafod Housing Association Limited. ....
Grup Teater Duta Besar ..

Untuk apa perusahaan Inggris terbaik untuk bekerja?

50 perusahaan terbaik untuk bekerja di Inggris pada tahun 2022:..
Sistem Cisco. ....
Jacobs. ....
GlaxoSmithKline. ....
Awin. ....
Perusahaan Walt Disney. ....
Greggs. Karyawan mengatakan: "Nilai -nilai keluarga yang baik, manfaat yang sangat baik dan suasana yang baik.".
Kerang. Karyawan mengatakan: "Keseimbangan kehidupan kerja, profesionalisme, paparan internasional, budaya.".

Apa tempat terbaik untuk bekerja di tahun 2022?

Glassdoor telah menyusun daftar perusahaan terbaik untuk bekerja pada tahun 2022, mengetuk data survei dari lebih dari 100 juta ulasan karyawan ...
Nvidia.Gambar getty ..
Hubspot.Gambar getty.....
Bain & Company.....
Exp Realty.....
5. Kotak.....
Boston Consulting Group.....
Pinjaman Rumah Bersatu Veteran.....

Apa tempat yang bagus untuk bekerja GPTW?

Great Place to Work® adalah otoritas global dalam budaya tempat kerja.Kami membuatnya mudah untuk mensurvei karyawan Anda, mengungkap wawasan yang dapat ditindaklanjuti dan diakui untuk budaya tempat kerja Anda yang hebat.the global authority on workplace culture. We make it easy to survey your employees, uncover actionable insights and get recognized for your great workplace culture.