100 pejuang kemerdekaan terbaik india 2022

IntipSeleb – Shah Rukh Khan menceritakan tentang keluarganya yang unik karena memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda-beda. Salah satunya adalah soal ayahnya yang dahulu merupakan pejuang kemerdekaan dan berperang melawan Inggris.

Penasaran dengan cerita lengkap Shah Rukh Khan? Simak informasi lengkapnya berikut ini.

Keluarga dengan Latar Belakang Unik

100 pejuang kemerdekaan terbaik india 2022

Foto : Instagram/srk1000faces dan srk.1000.mulings

Publik tentu tak asing dengan nama Shah Rukh Khan. Aktor asal India tersebut memang merupakan salah satu yang terpopuler di India maupun mancanegara. Namun, tak banyak yang tahu tentang latar belakang dari aktor tampan Bollywood yang satu ini.

Shah Rukh Khan sendiri menyebut keluarganya dengan sebutan ‘eksentrik’. Hal itu karena latar belakang tiap-tap anggota keluarganya yang berbeda. Pada sebuah video yang diunggah akun klub penggemarnya, Shah Rukh Khan membeberkan tentang keluarganya mulai dari kakek, ayah, ibu, hingga kakak perempuannya.

“Kakekku bernama Iftikhar Ahmed, ia merupakan seorang kepala insinyur yang membangun pelabuhan Mangalore. Ia menempuh pendidikan di London dan berhasil menjadi salah satu insinyur terbaik negeri ini. Sedangkan ayahku adalah seorang pejuang kemerdekaan termuda yang berperang untuk negeri ini, dan dia berjuang melawan Inggris. Dia bahkan pernah dipenjara saat berumur sekitar 16 atau 19 tahun,” cerita Shah Rukh Khan seperti dikutip dari video yang diunggah akun @srk1000faces dan @srk.1000.musings.

100 pejuang kemerdekaan terbaik india 2022
Jawaharlal Nehru (kiri) dan Mahatma Gandhi (kanan). (Foto: Buddhistdoor.net)

ADA banyak tokoh yang terkenal dan memegang peran penting dalam membawa perubahan dunia. Mereka datang dari berbagai kalangan, seperti kelompok pemimpin politik, pemuka agama, aktor dan aktris dalam dunia seni peran maupun panggung hiburan, tokoh sastra dan kebudayaan, hingga para atlet. Tidak sedikit juga yang merupakan orang asing, tetapi memiliki dedikasi tinggi di Negeri Anak Benua.

Berikut ini Okezone merangkum tokoh yang popularitasnya mencapai skala mancanegara, sekaligus tak lekang dimakan zaman. Inilah lima tokoh India paling berpengaruh di dunia:

1. Siddharta Gautama (563–483 SM)

100 pejuang kemerdekaan terbaik india 2022

Siapa yang tidak kenal tokoh pendiri agama Buddha satu ini. Putra Sri Baginda Raja Suddhodana dari Suku Sakya dan ibu seorang Ratu Mahamaya Dewi ini meninggalkan semua takhta dan kemewahan sejak lahir demi menekuni jalan kebahagiaan sejati.

Ia lahir di Taman Lumbini, Nepal, dengan penuh keajaiban. Siddharta keluar dari kandungan ibunya dalam keadaan bersih tak bercela dan langsung bisa berjalan tegak, sehingga setiap tanah yang dipijak berubah menjadi teratai. Akan tetapi, ajarannya menyebar luas dari India. Shakyamuni (orang bijak dari Kaum Sakya) ini bahkan mengembuskan napas terakhir di Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Ketika Siddharta lahir, ayahnya tahu bahwa putra mahkotanya akan menjadi orang besar. Karena itu, setiap kali keluar ke jalan, Sang Raja mengultimatum kepada seluruh jajaran untuk menutupi kemiskinan dan kesengsaraan rakyatnya, sehingga yang dilihat pangeran muda adalah kebahagiaan saja.

Sampai suatu hari ia pergi tanpa pengawalan, dan melihat betapa sulit kehidupan di luar istana. Ada rakyat yang susah karena sudah lanjut usia, terkena sakit penyakit, dan meninggal. Kemudian, ia melihat seorang petapa yang hidup bahagia tanpa apa-apa.

Sejak saat itu Siddharta hidup mengembara menjadi seorang petapa, hingga mencapai kesempurnaan dan disebut sebagai Buddha. Ada dua ajaran inti yang ia wariskan, yakni empat kebenaran mulia dan delapan jalan mulia.

Seperti dilansir Buddha Weekly, Selasa (2/2/2016), meski sudah dimulai lebih dari 2.500 tahun lalu, populasi penganutnya di dunia per Oktober 2015 mencapai 1,6 miliar orang atau 22 persen populasi dunia. Dianut paling banyak oleh warga negara Thailand, Kamboja, Myanmar, Bhutan, dan Sri Lanka.

Baca Juga: Lifebuoy x MNC Peduli Ajak Masyarakat Berbagi Kebaikan dengan Donasi Rambut, Catat Tanggalnya!

IHRAM.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Perjuangan kemerdekaan India tak terlepas dari kontribusi para Muslim. Sayangnya, mereka dicap sebagai orang asing. Padahal peran mereka sangat besar dalam pengorbanan untuk kemerdekaan India.

Ini terlihat dari para kaisar Mughal, pangeran, tuan rumah, ulama, dan rakyat biasa. Pada pemberontakan 1857, ribuan ulama dibantai dan seluruh wilayah Delhi dikosongkan dari Muslim. Syed Ubaidur Rahman mengatakan dalam Ensiklopedia Biografi Pejuang Kemerdekaan Muslim India, pejabat Inggris dan sejarawan telah menuduh Muslim sebagai pemberontak paling berbahaya pada tahun 1857. Mereka juga menyebut pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh ulama untuk merebut kembali kekuasaan di India merupakan alur yang jahat.

Jauh sebelum itu, para ulama dan sufi telah memprediksi malapetaka yang akan terjadi dari pemerintahan Inggris. Pada puncaknya, ratusan ribu pejuang Muslim berkumpul di titik-titik pemberontakan, yaitu Delhi, Lucknow, Bareilly, Agra, dan Thana Bhawan. Mereka berjuang sampai titik darah penghabisan.

Meskipun kelaparan selama berhari-hari karena kekurangan pasokan makanan, mereka memberikan perlawanan yang besar. Di banyak tempat, para ulama dan sufi menyerukan perang melawan ketidakadilan jauh sebelum pecahnya Ghadar pada tahun 1857.

Maulvi Sarfaraz Ali adalah salah satu pemimpin yang perannya masih diselimuti misteri. Dia adalah sosok di balik Panglima Tertinggi Bakht Khan yang berjuang melawan tentara Inggris.

Nawab Tafazzul Husain Khan dari Farrukhabad harus membayar mahal atas dukungannya kepada para pemberontak. Harta miliknya disita dan ia dikirim ke Hijaz. Dia meninggal di sana dalam keadaan miskin. Sementara pejuang lain, Abdul Rehman Khan dieksekusi dengan cara digantung di Delhi pada tanggal 23 Desember 1857.

Dilansir The Siasat Daily, Sabtu (1/1), ketika pasukan Inggris kembali menduduki kota pada tahun 1857, mereka diberi kebebasan untuk membunuh Muslim dan menjarah harta benda mereka. Pasukan militer memerintahkan penduduk kota untuk segera mengosongkan rumah dan meninggalkan bisnis untuk membuat Delhi aman bagi pasukan pendudukan.

Sementara seluruh kota dikosongkan dari penduduk, baik Hindu dan Muslim, penduduk Hindu diizinkan untuk kembali pada tahun 1858. Namun, kaum Muslim dikucilkan selama dua tahun lagi.

Tempat ibadah mereka dan simbol spiritualitas direbut dan diduduki sebagai barak oleh pasukan Inggris. Masjid Jama diubah menjadi barak tentara tempat sepoy Sikh ditahan selama beberapa tahun sebelum diserahkan kembali kepada umat Islam setelah melalui proses negosiasi panjang. Masjid Fatehpuri dijual kepada seorang pengusaha Hindu.

Di Kucha Chelan yang merupakan pusat seni dan akademisi, seluruh penduduk yang berjumlah 1.400 orang, termasuk ulama terkenal, Imam Baksh Sahbai dan putra-putranya dibantai. Hal yang terjadi di Delhi terulang di hampir semua kubu pemberontak, baik di Lucknow, Allahabad, Bareilly, Kanpur, Shahjahanpur atau kubu pemberontak lainnya. Pusat-pusat kota diratakan, orang-orang dibantai, dan rumah serta properti mereka disita.

Muslim tidak hanya memimpin dalam pemberontakan tetapi mereka berada di garis depan dalam semua upaya lain untuk menggulingkan rezim kolonial Inggris. Muslim juga merupakan bagian utuh dari perjuangan anti kolonial Kongres. Dari Hakim Tayabji hingga Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, ada sembilan pemimpin Muslim yang menjadi presiden Kongres Nasional India. Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Shaukat Ali, Maulana Azad, Dr Mukhtar Ansari, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Maulana Mahmud Hasan dan banyak pemimpin Muslim papan atas sama-sama dihormati dan sangat populer.

Mereka memberikan setiap pengorbanan untuk gerakan kebebasan. Tanpa pengorbanan mereka, tidak terbayangkan bahwa India meraih kemerdekaan.

The Indian independence movement consisted of efforts by individuals and organizations from a wide spectrum of society to obtain political independence from the British, French and Portuguese rule through the use of a many methods. This is a list of individuals who notably campaigned against or are considered to have campaigned against colonial rule on the Indian sub-continent.

Post-independence, the term "freedom fighter" was officially recognized by the Indian government for those who took part in the movement; people in this category (which can also include dependent family members)[1] receive pensions and other benefits such as Special Railway Counters.[2]

NameActivity Abbas Tyabji Abbas Tyabji was an Indian freedom fighter from Gujarat, and an associate of Mahatma Gandhi. He also served as the Chief Justice of Baroda State. His grandson is historian Irfan Habib. Abdul Bari (professor) Mahatma Gandhi stated that Bari "lived like a fakir in the service of his countrymen." Then Congress President J. B. Kripalani said, "His death has robbed India one of its bravest and most selfless soldiers of freedom.Rajendra Prasad recalled his contribution to the nation through a message dated 22 March 1948 published in Mazdur Avaz. Abadi Bano Begum She was a prominent voice in the Indian independence movement, mother of Mohammad Ali Jauhar and Shaukat Ali (politician). She was also known as Bi Amman. Abdul Qaiyum Ansari He fought for the independence of India. He fought against Jinnah's two nation theory through his All India Momin Conference of which he was the president. Mr. Ansari dedicated his life to help the underprivileged/economically backward people of India. Alimuddin Ahmad Underground Bengali revolutionary who provided shelter for numerous rebels and assisted them with weaponry Alluri Sitarama Raju He led the Rampa Rebellion of 1922 Ahmadullah Shah Famous as Maulavi of Faizabad, famous freedom fighter and was a leader of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Maulavi Ahmadullah Shah was known as the Lighthouse of Rebellion in Awadh region. Ambika Chakrabarty A revolutionary, he took part in the Chittagong armory raid. Amarendranath Chatterjee A revolutionary, he raised funds and took part in the Indo-German Conspiracy. Anant Laxman Kanhere A revolutionary assassin, he was executed by the colonial government for the murder of a British officer A. M. T. Jackson. Ananta Singh A revolutionary, he participated in the Chittagong armoury raid. Aruna Asaf Ali An educator and activist who is widely remembered for hoisting the INC flag during the Quit India Movement, 1942. Ashfaqulla Khan A founding member of the HRA, he was executed for taking part in the Kakori conspiracy. Atulkrishna Ghosh A revolutionary, he took part in the Indo-German Conspiracy. B. R. Ambedkar Politician who campaigned and negotiated for independence, and was pivotal in formation of the Indian Constitution. Badal Gupta A revolutionary, he died in an attack on police at Writers' Building. Bagha Jatin A founding member of Anushilan Samiti, convicted in the Howrah-Sibpur conspiracy case and a participant in the Indo-German Conspiracy. Baikuntha Shukla A revolutionary, he was executed for murdering a government witness. Bal Gangadhar Tilak [The Father of Indian Unrest] A staunch nationalist, he campaigned for complete Swaraj (self-rule). Bankim Chandra Chatterjee A nationalist, he wrote Vande Mataram which inspired many activists and became the national song of India. Barindra Kumar Ghosh A revolutionary organizer, he was convicted in the Alipore bomb case. Basawon Singh An activist, he was convicted in the Lahore Conspiracy Case trial. Batukeshwar Dutt A Indian revolutionary participating in an armed struggle against British rule in India, he threw a bomb in the Central Assembly in 1929. Benoy Basu A revolutionary, he died following an attack on police at Writers' Building. Bhagat Singh A socialist revolutionary who worked with several revolutionary organisations and became prominent in the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA). Bhagwati Charan Vohra A revolutionary ideologue and bomb-maker, he wrote the article "The Philosophy of Bomb". Bhavabhushan Mitra Ghadar Mutiny[citation needed] Bhikaiji Cama Bhikaiji Cama was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) in a large, affluent Parsi Zoroastrian family.[3] While in London recovering from the plague, she met Dadabhai Naoroji, then president of the British Committee of the Indian National Congress, and for whom she came to work as private secretary. Together with Naoroji and Singh Rewabhai Rana, Cama supported the founding of Varma's Indian Home Rule Society in February 1905. She was denied re-entry to India after refusing to sign a statement pledging she would not participate in nationalist activities and, while in exile, Cama wrote, published (in the Netherlands and Switzerland) and distributed revolutionary literature for the movement, including Bande Mataram (founded in response to the Crown ban on the poem Vande Mataram) and later Madan's Talwar (in response to the execution of Madan Lal Dhingra).[4] These weeklies were smuggled into India through the French colony of Pondichéry.[citation needed] On 22 August 1907, Cama attended the second Socialist Congress at Stuttgart, Germany, where she described the devastating effects of a famine that had struck the Indian subcontinent. In her appeal for human rights, equality and for autonomy from Great Britain, she unfurled what she called the "Flag of Indian Independence".[n 1] Babu Bhoop Singh He was prominent leader in Indian Rebellion of 1857. Bhupendranath Datta A revolutionary, he was editor of newspaper Jugantar Patrika. Bhupendra Kumar Datta A revolutionary, editor of the publications of Anushilan Samiti. Bina Das A revolutionary, she attempted to assassinate Bengal Governor Stanley Jackson. Binod Bihari Chowdhury A revolutionary, he took part in the Chittagong armoury raid. Bipin Chandra Pal A staunch nationalist, he was a founding member of the swadeshi movement and campaigned for complete Swaraj Swadeshi movement.Pal is known as the Father of Revolutionary Thoughts in India and was one of the freedom fighters of India.Bipin Chandra Pal made a strong plea for repeal of the Arms Act which was discriminatory in nature. Along with Lala Lajpat Rai and Bal Gangadhar Tilak he belonged to the Lal-Bal-Pal trio that was associated with revolutionary activity. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and Pal were recognised as the chief exponents of a new national movement revolving around the ideals of Purna Swaraj, Swadeshi, boycott and national education. His programme consisted of Swadeshi, boycott and national education. He preached and encouraged the use of Swadeshi and the boycott of foreign goods to eradicate poverty and unemployment. He wanted to remove social evils from the form and arouse the feelings of nationalism through national criticism. Chandra Shekhar Azad Chandrashekhar Azad was one of the greatest minds of Indian Independence Movement. He was the mentor of many freedom fighters including Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar, and Shivaram Rajguru. Chandrashekhar Azad was originally Chandrasekhar Tiwari. He was also known as Chandrasekhar Azad or Chandra Shekhar. He was involved in several incidents including Kakori train robbery, assembly bomb incident, shooting of Saunders at Lahore, and to avenge the killing of Lala Lajpat Rai.He was born on 23 July 1906 in Bhabra, Madhya Pradesh, and was the son of Pandit Sitaram Tiwari and Jagrani Devi. At Bhavra he received his early education and for higher studies, he went to Sanskrit Pathshala, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. He got involved in revolutionary activities at a very young age. Mahatma Gandhi that time launched a Non-Cooperation movement and he joined it. He got his first punishment at an age of 15 years when he was caught by the Britishers and sentenced to 15 whiplashes. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (1919) deeply disappointed Chandrashekhar Azad. Mahatma Gandhi launched the Non-Cooperation movement in 1921 and Chandrashekhar Azad participated actively in it. But due to the Chauri-Chaura incident, Gandhi Ji suspended the Non-Cooperation movement in February 1922 that came as a blow to the Nationalist Sentiments of Azad. He then decided Hindustan Republican Association out of a sense of patriotism and took part in several national interest activities including Kakori train robbery, assembly bomb incident, shooting of Saunders at Lahore, and to avenge the killing of Lala Lajpat Rai.He wanted complete independence for India in any which way. He was betrayed by one of his associates and was besieged by the British police. On 27 February 1931, he arranged a meeting with revolutionaries at Allahabad's Alfred Park He fought with bravery but seeing no other way to escape, he shot himself and fulfilled his pledge of not being caught alive.To commemorate the bravery of Chandrashekhar Azad, after independence, Alfred Park in Allahabad was renamed as Chandrashekhar Azad Park. He lived only for 25 years but his role played in India's independence is not forgettable and inspired several Indians to take part in India's freedom struggle. Chittaranjan Das He founded the Swaraj Party and became the leader of the Non-cooperation Movement in Bengal. Chowdary Satyanarayana He was an Indian freedom fighter, anti-colonial nationalist, politician, legislature in Andhra Pradesh Assembly (1955–62, 1967–72) and a human rights activist. Dadabhai Naoroji Known as the Grand Old Man of India, Dadabhai Naoroji was born in Navsari, Gujarat within a Parsi Zoroastrian family. He was an Indian political leader, merchant, scholar and writer who was a Liberal Party Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom House of Commons between 1892 and 1895 and the first Asian to be a British MP, other than the Anglo-Indian MP David Ochterlony Dyce Sombre, who was disenfranchised for corruption after nine months in office. Naoroji is renowned for his work in the Indian National Congress, of which he was one of the founding members and thrice — in 1886, 1893, and 1906 — elected president. Dadabhai Naoroji is regarded as one of the most important Indians during the birth of the nascent independence movement. In his writings, he came to the conclusion that the exertion of foreign rule over India was not favourable for the nation, and that independence (or at the very least, responsible government) would be the better path for India. Dhan Singh Gurjar He was the police chief of Meerut, who participated in the 1857 rebellion and led initial actions against the British East India Company in Meerut. Dheeran Chinnamalai An indigenous governor, he took part in guerrilla warfare against the British East India Company. Dinesh Gupta A revolutionary, he was executed following an attack on police at Writers' Building. Durgawati Devi A revolutionary, she helped operate a bomb factory. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed He met Jawaharlal Nehru in England in 1925. He joined the Indian National Congress and actively participated in the Indian Freedom Movement. In 1942 he was arrested during the Quit India Movement and sentenced to 3+1⁄2 years imprisonment. He was a member of the Assam Pradesh Congress Committee from 1936 and of AICC from 1947 to 1974, and remained the Minister of Finance, Revenue and labour in 1948 Gopinath Bordoloi Ministry.

He was an Indian lawyer and politician who served as the 5th president of India from 1974 to 1977.

Ganesh Damodar Savarkar Founder of the Abhinav Bharat Society. He led an armed movement against the British colonial government in India, he was sentenced to transportation for life as a result. Was the brother of Veer Savarkar. Ganesh Ghosh A revolutionary, he participated in the Chittagong armoury raid. George Joseph (Kerala) An activist, he led the non-cooperation movement in Madurai. Hafizur Rahman Wasif Dehlavi Activist, author and jurist. Hakim Ajmal Khan He was a physician in Delhi, India, and one of the founders of the Jamia Millia Islamia University. He also founded another institution, He was the only muslim to chair a session of the Hindu Mahasabha. He became the university's first chancellor in 1920 and remained in office until his death in 1927. Habib ur Rahman (Indian National Army officer) He was an army officer in the Indian National Army (INA) who was charged with "waging war against His Majesty the King Emperor". He served as Subhas Chandra Bose's chief of staff in Singapore, and accompanied Bose on his last fatal flight from Taipei to Tokyo, sharing the last moments of his life. Seth Harchandrai Vishandas A Sindhi politician and influential mayor of Karachi, he fought for Muslim-Hindu unity and the independence movement, particularly in opposing the Simon Commission of 1912. He died while travelling (against doctor's advice) to vote for its boycott. Hare Krishna Konar A revolutionary, founder of Communist Consolidation in Andaman Cellular Jail. It is a Nationalist organisation to uproot British Raj from India. Hridyaram Mahashye Activist, A revolutionary, he participated in the Indian independence movement in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Hemchandra Kanungo A nationalist, convicted in the Alipore bomb case. Hemu Kalani A student revolutionary who was executed for attempted rail sabotage. Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi He founded the Khaksar Movement in British India. Jatindra Nath Das An activist and revolutionary, he died during a hunger strike while awaiting trial for the Lahore conspiracy case. Jawahar Lal Nehru An activist, he campaigned for independence and became India's first prime minister. Jayi Rajaguru A prominent figure of the Indian independence movement in the state of Odisha. Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee A revolutionary, he was imprisoned for the Kakori conspiracy. Kali Charan Banerjee A Bengali Christian politician, he regularly addressed the Indian National Congress annual sessions in moulding the policy of national movement.[relevant?] Kalpana Datta Involved in the Indian Independence Movement; also part of the Chittagong armoury raid planning. Kamal Nath Tewari He was a freedom fighter and after independence he was elected as Member of Parliament from Bagaha (Now Valmikinagar) and Bettiah (Now Paschimi Champaran) Constituency respectively he was also in the panel of LokSabha Speaker and was the president of Estimate Committee. Kamarajar He was a freedom fighter and after independence he became as chief minister of Tamil Nadu and his rule for 9 years was the golden rule of Tamil Nadu. Kartar Singh Sarabha A revolutionary, he helped with the Ghadar Party paper and the attempted Ghadar Mutiny. Kazi Nazrul Islam A nationalist, he called for revolution in his poetic works and publications. Khudiram Bose One of the youngest revolutionary martyrs, he was executed following an attempted assassination bombing which accidentally killed two bystanders instead of his intended target, the Viceroy of Bengal . Kittur Chennamma An Indian freedom fighter and rani of the Kittur, a former princely state in Karnataka. She led an armed force against the British East India Company in 1824 in defiance of the doctrine of lapse in an attempt to maintain Indian control over the region, but was defeated in the third war and died in prison. Komaram Bheem A tribal leader, he fought for the liberation of Hyderabad. Krishnaji Gopal Karve A revolutionary, he was executed as an accomplice to the murder of A. M. T. Jackson. Babu Kunwar Singh A Rajput military commander in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Kushal Konwar An organizer of the Quit India movement, he was judged the mastermind of a troop train derailment and hanged. Lala Lajpat Rai A staunch nationalist, he was a founding member of the swadeshi movement and campaigned for complete Swaraj Swadeshi movement. Maulvi Liaquat Ali A leader of the Sepoy Mutiny, he captured Khusro Bagh in Allahabad and declared the independence of India. Lokenath Bal A revolutionary, he participated in the Chittagong armoury raid. Madan Lal Dhingra An activist and revolutionary fighting against British colonial rule in India, Dhingra assassinated British official Curzon Wyllie. Madhusudan Das A leader from the Christian community in Odisha, popularly known as "Utkal Gourab". He was the first graduate and advocate of Odisha.[relevant?] Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi Left studies on call of Mahatma Gandhi and joined the Non-Cooperation Movement in the year 1921. Founded All India Jamhur Muslim League in 1940 to counter the Lahore resolution, passed by the All-India Muslim League, for a separate Pakistan based on Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Two nation theory.[5] Mahmud Hasan Deobandi He and his students launched the Silk Letter Movement and laid the foundation of Jamia Millia Islamia on 29 October 1920.[6] Mangal Pandey He rebelled against his British Indian army commanders and was executed. Manmath Nath Gupta A member of the HRA, he took part in the Kakori conspiracy. Matangini Hazra An activist with the Quit India Movement, she was fatally shot by British Indian police. Maveeran Alagumuthu Kone He is the First Freedom Fighter from Kattalankulam in Thoothukudi District, was an early Chieftain and freedom fighter against the British presence in Tamil Nadu. Born into a yadav community family, he became a military leader in the town of Ettayapuram, and was defeated in battle there against the British and Maruthanayagam's forces. He was executed in 1759

In his memory, the government of Tamil Nadu conducts a Pooja ceremony every year on 11 July. A documentary film based on his life was released in 2012.

Mazhar Nanautawi He was among the founding figures of Mazahir Uloom. He participated in the Battle of Shamli.[7] Mohammad Farooq Chishti Coming from an affluent Zamindar family, a leading Independence Activist from Eastern part of Uttar Pradesh. Mr. Chishti fought for the independence of India, actively participated in Quit India Movement and was jailed many times. He strongly opposed Jinnah's two nation theory and rejected his offer many times for ministerial positions in Pakistani Government brought by Raja of Salempur, he dedicated his life to help the underprivileged and economically backward people of India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi he was the preeminent leader of nonviolent civil disobedience and led the final struggle of India to independence. Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi The founder of Darul Uloom Deoband, he participated in the Battle of Shamli.[7] Maulana Mazharul Haque He was an educator, lawyer, independence activist and freedom fighter of the Indian National Movement. A stamp was issued in his honour by the Indian Postal Service in 1981 and in 1998. Nemalipuri Radhakrishnamma Panthulu (He is a great freedom fighter from Andhra Pradesh) 1891-1910 Mithuben Petit Hailing from the Parsi Zoroastrian community, Mithuben Petit was a female activist in the Indian independence movement,[8][9] who famously participated in Mahatma Gandhi's Dandi March.[10][11] Petit along with Mahatma Gandhi's wife, Kasturba Gandhi, and Sarojini Naidu played a major part in the Salt March,[12] with Kasturba Gandhi beginning the march at Sabarmati, Sarojini Naidu lifting the salt for the first time at Dandi on 6 April 1930 and Petit standing behind Mahatma Gandhi when he repeated the violation at Bhimrad on 9 April 1930. The march was one of the most important event in the Indian independence movement.[8] In a time when women were required to take a back seat (due to the patriarchal culture at that time in India), Petit was one of the three women who played a pivotal role in the march and the civil disobedience against tax on salt.[12] Petit participated in the Bardoli Satyagraha of 1928 which was a no-tax campaign against the British Raj where she worked under the guidance of Sardar Patel.[13] Mufti Abdul Razzaq He participated in the freedom struggle taking part in a fight against the British near Bhopal's Qazi camp.[14] Pazhassi Raja He used guerrilla warfare to fight the British in the Cotiote War (Kottayathu war, 1793–1805) to preserve the independence of his kingdom. He was killed at Mavila Thodu at the present Kerala-Karnataka border.[15] Prabhavati Devi A Gandhian leader, she was the wife of activist Jayaprakash Narayan. Prafulla Chaki A revolutionary, he killed two innocents in a mistargetted assassination bombing. Pritilata Waddedar A Bengali revolutionary, she led the attack on the European Club in Pahartali and committed suicide to avoid capture. Puli Thevar

He is notable for leading a revolt against Company rule at 1757 in India.he was the first Indian to fight against the British.

Radhanath Rath[16] He played a vital role in the freedom struggle by creating public opinion against the British government through his writings in 'samaja' Raja Nahar Singh A Great Jat Ruler of the princely state of Ballabhgarh, he had secured the road from Delhi Gate (Delhi) to Bhadrapur (Bharatpur), who drove the British away from the parganas of Pali (Rajasthan), Palwal and Fatehpur.[17][circular reference] Rajendra Lahiri A revolutionary, he participated in the Kakori conspiracy. Ram Lakhan Singh Yadav A veteran freedom fighter, Shri Yadav participated in India's freedom struggle.[18] Ram Prasad Bismil The founder of the HRA, he led the Kakori conspiracy in an attempt to raise funds for revolutionary operations. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai He was a politician, an Indian independence activist and a socialist. He hailed from Barabanki District of United Provinces, now Uttar Pradesh, in north India. The Parliament of India has a portrait of Kidwai in a Committee Room. Ramesh Chandra Jha A poet and veteran freedom fighter, he actively participated and fought for independence during Quit India movement of 1942. Rani of Jhansi One of the Pivotal Leaders of the First war of Independence of 1857. Rash Behari Bose A revolutionary, he helped form the Indian National Army in Imperial Japan. Rosamma Punnoose An activist, she campaigned for independence. Roshan Singh A revolutionary who was among those executed for the Kakori conspiracy, though he had not taken part in it. S. Satyamurti A politician, he campaigned for independence.[19] Sachindra Bakshi A member of the HRA, he took part in the Kakori conspiracy. Sangolli Rayanna The army chief of Kittur, who fought the British East India Company until his death. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel The Iron man of India, he fought for independence and Unified India into one sovereign Nation . Sarojini Naidu An activist, she called for independence in her writing and was a major figure of the civil disobedience movement. Shambhu Dutt Sharma A former British Indian Army officer, he joined the Quit India Movement in 1942. Shah Nawaz Khan (general) He was profoundly influenced by Subhas Chandra Bose's speeches asking POWs to join the Indian National Army and to fight for a free India, Khan led the army into North-Eastern India, seizing Kohima and Imphal which were held briefly by the INA under the authority of the Japanese. Shaukat Ali An activist and revolutionary, he campaigned for independence and supplied weapons to revolutionaries.[20] Shivaram Rajguru A revolutionary, he was an HSRA member and assassinated a British police officer in the Indian Imperial Police. Shyamji Krishna Varma A nationalist, he founded the Indian Home Rule Society, India House and The Indian Sociologist in London. Subhas Chandra Bose A nationalist, he founded the Indian Legion in Nazi Germany and revamped the Indian National Army in Imperial Japan. Sri Aurobindo A nationalist, he was arrested for leading the Alipore bomb conspiracy. Subodh Roy A revolutionary, he took part in the Chittagong armoury raid and later the Tebhaga movement. Subramania Bharati A writer and activist who created many patriotic and nationalistic songs during the independence movement. Sukhdev Thapar A revolutionary, he was a senior member of HSRA and participated in several actions before his execution. Surendranath Tagore A nationalist, he served as treasurer of the Anushilan Samiti. Surya Sen President of INC Chittagong Branch, he led the Chittagong armoury raid. Sushila Chain Trehan An activist, she was a leading member of Arya Samaj and also fought for women's rights. Sushila Didi A revolutionary, participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement under the pseudonym of 'Indumati' and was arrested. Saifuddin Kitchlew An Indian independence activist, barrister, politician and later a leader of the peace movement. A member of Indian National Congress, he first became Punjab Provincial Congress Committee (Punjab PCC) head and later the General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee in 1924. Swami Shraddhanand An activist, he started a protest in front of a posse of Gurkha soldiers at the Clock Tower in Chandni Chowk.[21] Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu An Indian politician, he became known as "Andhra Kesari" (lion of Andhra) for leading protests against the Simon Commission in Madras. Tara Rani Srivastava An activist, she was part of the Quit India movement. Titumir A freedom fighter who led a campaign against British rule during the 19th century, he eventually built a bamboo fort in Narikelberia village which became the subject of Bengali folk legend. Titumir died of wounds following the storming of the fort by British soldiers. Titusji An activist, he was among the 78 marchers selected by Mahatma Gandhi to take part in the 1930 Salt March. T. V. Thomas One of the first generation trade union leaders in Kerala and was actively involved in the Indian independence movement.[relevant?] Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar A leader of the socialist All India Forward Bloc, he was arrested and jailed by the British. Ubaidullah Sindhi An activist, he sought independence through foreign alliance in the Silk Letter Movement. Udham Singh A revolutionary assassin, he was executed for the Caxton Hall shooting. Ullaskar Dutta A revolutionary bomb-maker, he was convicted in the Alipore bomb case. Ulloor Gopi[22] A freedom fighter from kerala. Born in rich aristocratic family, Ulloor gopi was drawn towards the national struggle by socialist thoughts. He was arrested five times by British, in Quit India Movement his contributions could be called historical. Umaji Naik Khomane First Ramoshi Freedom Fighter who fought against British Council Umaji Naik also known as honorifically vishwa krantiveer narveer Raje Umaji Naik (7 September 1791 – 3 February 1832) was an Indian revolutionary who challenged the British rule in India around 1826 to 1832.He was one of the earliest freedom fighter of India.He fought against East India company and company rule Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy He led an uprising in Andhra Pradesh in 1846 and was executed by the British.[23] Uzair Gul Peshawari An activist, he was imprisoned for the Silk Letter Movement.[24] V. O. Chidambaram Pillai A hardline politician of the Indian National Congress (INC), he launched the Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company in defiance of the British trade monopoly.[25] Vanchinathan A revolutionary assassin, he committed suicide after killing a British colonial administrator and tax collector, Robert Ashe. Vasudev Balwant Phadke A Ramoshi revolutionary, he organized an insurgent group against British rule Variyan Kunnathu Kunjahammed Haji He seized control of a large area from the British rule and set up a parallel government of his Malayalam State in Malabar, named 'Malayala Rajyam' and now part of the Kerala State[26][27][28] Velu Nachiyar

Dia adalah seorang ratu perkebunan Sivaganga dari c. 1780–1790. Dia adalah ratu India pertama yang berperang dengan Perusahaan India Timur di India. Dia dikenal oleh orang Tamil sebagai Veeramangai ("wanita pemberani")

Veerapandiya Kattabomman Dia menolak untuk menerima kedaulatan Perusahaan India Timur Inggris dan berperang melawan Inggris. [29] Zakir Husain (politisi) Dia adalah seorang ekonom dan politisi India yang menjabat sebagai presiden ketiga India, dari 13 Mei 1967 hingga kematiannya pada 3 Mei 1969. Dia dianugerahi Bharat Ratna (kehormatan sipil tertinggi India) pada tahun 1963.

Siapa No 1 Freedom Fighters of India?

Mahatma Gandhi dikenal sebagai bapak bangsa karena ia adalah salah satu pejuang kemerdekaan terbesar dan salah satu kekuatan pendorong utama di belakang kemerdekaan India. is known as the Father of the Nation as he was one of the greatest freedom fighters and one of the key driving forces behind the independence of India.

Siapakah 10 pejuang kemerdekaan teratas?

10 Pejuang Kebebasan India Top..
"" Bapak Bangsa ", Mahatma Gandhi mendapatkan namanya karena perbuatannya yang agung (Mahan) seperti gerakan tanpa kekerasan ..."....
Lal Bahadur Shastri.....
"Dr. ....
Subhas Chandra Bose.....
Mangal Pandey.....
Bhagat Singh ..
Lala Lajpat Rai.....
Nana Sahib ..

Siapakah 2 pejuang kebebasan India?

Pejuang Kebebasan India yang penting dan perjalanan mereka.

Siapakah 3 pejuang kemerdekaan?

Mahatma Gandhi, Dr.Martin Luther King dan Nelson Mandela adalah contoh penting tentang bagaimana kebebasan dan hak-hak demokratis dapat dimenangkan melalui metode tanpa kekerasan.Selama paruh pertama abad ke -20 kerajaan Inggris mulai menurun dan koloni secara bertahap diberikan kemerdekaan mereka. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela are prominent examples of how freedom and democratic rights can be won through non-violent methods. During the first half of the 20th century the British Empire began to decline and the colonies were gradually given their independence.